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India grappling with the China syndrome

Another tension - racheting thread .....invest sufficiently in the Indian Military Machine, and all other chips will fall into place.....we can mutually improve relations with China....or mutually freeze them as long as our interests( Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh) are not secure......

all that is necessary is building up sufficient muscle.....the olive branch would then be automatically accepted......
China is over showing and overreacting.

China has a lots of internal problems,etc.
By being aggressive against US,then not maintaining good ties with Japan,already tensed relations with India,China is just going deep into the hole..

China wants to be the boss,but it certainly can't be,when its surrounded by India and Japan.

China has a long long way to go to reach that stage and till then India and Japan will also progress further.

So,the conclusion is,China should stop overreacting and overshowing than what it has and continue its path to development and betterment of its citizens and itself!

Overreaction or not, it's a matter of perception. You may consider it overreaction, Chinese consider it 'principled stand'.

I have no intention of flaming, but at least our government ministers ain't threatening countries voicing concerns with some sporting event preparation with implications on commercial ties or linking racist remarks by some media personalities to a free trade deal.
Another tension - racheting thread .....invest sufficiently in the Indian Military Machine, and all other chips will fall into place.....we can mutually improve relations with China....or mutually freeze them as long as our interests( Kashmir, Arunachal Pradesh) are not secure......

all that is necessary is building up sufficient muscle.....the olive branch would then be automatically accepted......

Buying hardware is not the same as building military power. Until the IA goes through some painful reforms, all it will be able to do is flex its muscles against sub-continent foes by the virtual of size. I see the some of the same fundamental flaws in the IA now as it had in 1962.
Overreaction or not, it's a matter of perception. You may consider it overreaction, Chinese consider it 'principled stand'.

I have no intention of flaming, but at least our government ministers ain't threatening countries voicing concerns with some sporting event preparation with implications on commercial ties or linking racist remarks by some media personalities to a free trade deal.

Well if its your "principled stand"......to question our territorial integrity then we consider it "overreaction and unnecessary provocation ".....

Your government ministers aren't threatening with words but with actions ....with incursions , visa denials etc.....we all know that the status quo on the ground is not gonna change by these .....so why commit such excesses ? ...clearly intended to strategically and diplomatically corner and keep the Indian government on its toes .......

regarding the rest.... we have our own ways of diplomacy....end of the day if it provides results ...we are content....
Do remember that the countries involved in these incidents are democracies .....and very likely a racist comment by a media commentator is an indication of the mentality and thinking of populace in general .....the government and the people are not segregated from each other......if a popular media commentator thinks that way and is praised for it ......very likely people in the establishment think so too......

For . eg check the thread on the Victorian police in Aus laughing about an Indian electrocution video....

The GOI 's responsibility is to ensure the welfare of the Indian community abroad in whatever way they can .....and we are quite proud that they are able to raise a voice for our countrymen in this way.....no regret about it......
Buying hardware is not the same as building military power. Until the IA goes through some painful reforms, all it will be able to do is flex its muscles against sub-continent foes by the virtual of size. I see the some of the same fundamental flaws in the IA now as it had in 1962.

Well if tomorrow there is a major military misadventure by the PLA across the LAC /Nathu La / GB/Akshai Chin sectors .....or say By the PLAN in the IOR .....

if our purchased military hardware and available manpower assets are able to successful repel an invasion.....then that is all that counts .....as far as giving statements about Arunachal Pradesh , Stapled Visa s ......blocking development loans etc ....such diplomatic offensives are launched ...it is of no consequence .....dont expect the GOI to care or knuckle down at all....the cornerstone of our diplomacy has always been to be able to withstand enormous international pressure ...from the U.S or China doesn't make a difference......

the confusion is that the dividing line between the CCP "principled and moral stand" and its assertion in a national newspaper that " India needs to be taught a military lesson again " ....is quite blurred ....

and as regards the bit about The IA ....you are quite mistaken.....

the flaws in the IA as existent in 1962 .....were rectified long ago...the day the Hederson -Brooks -Bhagat report was analysed by the IA top brass.....

could you elucidate a little more on your views of the IA weakness ?......

both countries need to do SWOT analysis and then play their cards right. Both have internal and external problems. The problem with china's position is that isolation has started slowly. Only small states are with china that too due to its economy, of-course with the exception of Russia. With regard to india, India needs strong support from the rest of the world to make up for the gap that exists between both countries. Only time will tell what will happen.

By the way, its a shame that both countries are fighting over nothing. Our ancestors will be so ashamed of all of us.
Well if tomorrow there is a major military misadventure by the PLA across the LAC /Nathu La / GB/Akshai Chin sectors .....or say By the PLAN in the IOR .....

if our purchased military hardware and available manpower assets are able to successful repel an invasion.....then that is all that counts .....as far as giving statements about Arunachal Pradesh , Stapled Visa s ......blocking development loans etc ....such diplomatic offensives are launched ...it is of no consequence .....dont expect the GOI to care or knuckle down at all....the cornerstone of our diplomacy has always been to be able to withstand enormous international pressure ...from the U.S or China doesn't make a difference......

the confusion is that the dividing line between the CCP "principled and moral stand" and its assertion in a national newspaper that " India needs to be taught a military lesson again " ....is quite blurred ....

and as regards the bit about The IA ....you are quite mistaken.....

the flaws in the IA as existent in 1962 .....were rectified long ago...the day the Hederson -Brooks -Bhagat report was analysed by the IA top brass.....

could you elucidate a little more on your views of the IA weakness ?......


That's your problem, you can say we will repel this and we will ... the PLA but really the IA's problem is not gear or man power.

Read the the posts on 'drag on the Indian military' and the intro I scanned from the Bgd's book 'when general fail' in the thread PLA audacity thread.
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