Another moronic reply. Do you hunt in pairs?
How on earth will this impact infant mortality in Hindustan?
Firstly, births outside of marriage have a higher infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate than births within marriage. India has no chance whatsoever of policing all those villages and ensuring folks don't just shag as they please and make kids anyway, regardless of the legal marriage age. This ordinance will simply stigmatise those children.
Secondly, Cultural misogyny against females in India is the underlying factor that is unique to Hindustan. This ordinance will have zero impact on this cultural misogyny. Females in India will still be brutalised from the point they're conceived onwards.
All you have to do to fix your problems is educate your people on contraception, provide adequate opportunity for education and jobs and positively reinforce staying in school longer. As well as this, the cultural discrimination against females throughout their childhood needs to be eliminated. These are hard-fought gains that western nations strived towards for generations. Raising the marriage age in a third world country will not have the effect you seek, unless and until poverty is eliminated. This is clearly a vote-grabbing muslim-stigmatising load of rubbish.
It will however possibly lower the population growth rate (again assuming people don't just have kids out of wedlock...or do you intend on banning that also?) but for India, it is too soon to transform into an aging population setup like in Europe. Economically you aren't ready for this shift.