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India gets short end in NATO bargain

Wow MD nalappatt is a distant uncle of mine..I think this is the first time one of his articles are posted in defence.pk..
I don't have the time to get the book from my library and find the page number for you. I will just quote from the text that I have from my computer and will paste it here.

I honestly don't want any disrespect to anyone by posting this fact, as written in the book. I am posting it only because the gentleman insists. Please forgive me if I unintentionally tend to aggrieve any one - this is not the intent. It is quoted as an intellectual dispensation.


He halted here for four months, holding the Raya a prisoner in his own capital, while bodies of troops harassed and wasted the country south of Vijayanagar, and attacked the fortress of Bankapur. The "convenient plain" was probably in the open and rich valley near the town of Hospett, south of the city; for the Sultan could not have ravaged the country to the south unless he had been master of the whole of this valley for many miles. Bankapur was taken, and the detached forces returned bringing with them 60,000 Hindu prisoners; on which the Sultan left Khan-e-khanan to hold Vijayanagar, while he himself attempted to reduce the fortress of Adoni, "the strongest in possession of the enemy."

Deva Raya then began to treat for peace, and was compelled to submit to conditions to the last degree humiliating. He agreed to give the Sultan his daughter in marriage, to indemnify him with an immense treasure, and to cede for ever the fort of Bankapur.[96]

...and in the part that you quoted from, where did it say that the sultan was from dilli?
ha ha ha ..............

You claim to talk history yet you seem unable to figure out whether you are talking about the Bijapur sultanate or "dilli". You create a fantastic story of how taxes were not paid yet that is undermined by your own source. Ha ha yourself. Gibberish still stands.
Doesnt matter if sultan was from deccan sultanate he was muslim aterall.:azn:

Yes and so was Nadir Shah, yet didn't see Shah Waliullah & followers happy about a Shia handing a Sunni Mughal his backside on a platter.
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