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India funneling weapons, money to terrorists in Balochistan: report

Ah but that was open war no?
A little more dignity...

The cowardly acts started in the 70's.

lol a little more history is what you need....

both in '48 and '65 it was the irregulars (akin to the mukti bahinis) which initiated the conflict covertly...the formal declaration of war happened much later after the initial skirmishes...

look the truth is you failed in your attempts at inciting insurgencies and covert warfare while we suceeded...thats the only difference...
independent baluchistan will have both chabar and gwader port.

Wet dreams.

I suggest you go and check the ground reality.
Before looking towards your ''''fair, un-biased and righteous'''' media to provide an insight.
It doesn't need the Indian rupee in millions to fund such activities. It's actually fairly cheap to fund small groups to cause havoc in a city like Mumbai. Blowing up a cycle would be enough to scare away investors and the average Mumbai India.

It's not the amount of destruction which does the most damage but the fact there is a continued threat but you won't get it.

Mumbai was and is the favorite target of Islamic fundus..but guess what Mumbai remains strong as ever. Its Karachi you should worry about...stop the Pathans , Mohajirs, Baloch & Sindhis from burning the city down.
What I see a pathetic attempt to derail the thread by focusing on a non-issue like a name. You should get some award from GoP for finding the 'truth' behind the name.

I'm trying to rid your ignorance of why the name was chosen and why the west refused to take the name on. India must feel stupid now.

So what..atleast they don't go to Pakistan shouting 'Jai Sreeram' to kill Pakistanis.

lol Jai who? Please stick to English.
That's just retarded.
Why would you spend more in an area that creates less output, has a lower population and is mainly rural.

Balcoh protest against the poverty and lack of opportunities just as other Pakistanis do.
Majority of Baloch see BLA and bast@rds like Bugti as terrorists.

They deserve to be killed for killing innocent civilians, there is no injustice on our part...

All there is... is a terrorist organisation with foreign support.

You don't know much about iranian baluchistan do you ? if Jundallah succeeds it will come after pakistani one.
lol a little more history is what you need....

both in '48 and '65 it was the irregulars (akin to the mukti bahinis) which initiated the conflict covertly...the formal declaration of war happened much later after the initial skirmishes...

look the truth is you failed in your attempts at inciting insurgencies and covert warfare while we suceeded...thats the only difference...

Irregulars, yes there were.

Tell me... did these irregulars kill civilians, carry out attacks and bombings on civilians and military alike?
Did they ever fight the way that extremists of today fight...

There is a difference between militia and terrorists.
Wet dreams.

I suggest you go and check the ground reality.
Before looking towards your ''''fair, un-biased and righteous'''' media to provide an insight.

I'm not advocating it this is just the goal of the BLA and Jundallah.
You don't know much about iranian baluchistan do you ? if Jundallah succeeds it will come after pakistani one.

Thank you for stating the obvious... please don't challenge my knowledge on a subject that is semi-relevant after displaying your own lack of knowledge before hand.
sure- we can always reply in kind-
Mumbai was and is the favorite target of Islamic fundus..but guess what Mumbai remains strong as ever. Its Karachi you should worry about...stop the Pathans , Mohajirs, Baloch & Sindhis from burning the city down.

Mumbai is very strong that's why any little explosion sends people into panic? You are missing the point here. By using exporting terrorism into Pakistan India will face a backlash with cities like Mumbai hit hard which is not in the interests of India no matter how strong you think Mumbai will remain. lol
Thank you for stating the obvious... please don't challenge my knowledge on a subject that is semi-relevant after displaying your own lack of knowledge before hand.

You don't have worry much their leader Rigi was killed however due to western covert support the group is trying to regroup, you should develop Pakistan baluchistan rather then just pujabistan before it's to late.
I'm trying to rid your ignorance of why the name was chosen and why the west refused to take the name on. India must feel stupid now.

Yeah the brilliant theory invented by you.

lol Jai who? Please stick to English.

Google it.

---------- Post added at 02:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:44 AM ----------

Mumbai is very strong that's why any little explosion sends people into panic? You are missing the point here. By using exporting terrorism into Pakistan India will face a backlash with cities like Mumbai hit hard which is not in the interests of India no matter how strong you think Mumbai will remain. lol

What backlash...you had more than 100 26/11s from 2008 with more than a brigade of your soldiers killed in action. If any one who should be careful about backlash it should be you.
you should develop Pakistan baluchistan rather then just pujabistan before it's to late.

Development is needed everywhere.
Not just Balochistan, Southern Punjab, FATA areas, and some parts of Kashmir and Sindh are under developed.

While I agree that a lack of opportunities and educations brought on from a lack of development only aid uprisings such as the BLA's. The situations would be completely different had there not have been foreign support for the BLA.
Development is needed everywhere.
Not just Balochistan, Southern Punjab, FATA areas, and some parts of Kashmir and Sindh are under developed.

While I agree that a lack of opportunities and educations brought on from a lack of development only aid uprisings such as the BLA's. The situations would be completely different had there not have been foreign support for the BLA.

Pakistan has itself only to blame for this however you should develop it faster. however it's nice for pakistan to lease Gilgit-Baltistan to china who knows it might become another hong kong. Pakistan considering proposal to lease Gilgit-Baltistan to China: US think tank - The Economic Times
Yeah the brilliant theory invented by you.

It's very obvious the western media rejected this date, no theory.

Google it.

No thanks, Hindi is not a subject I have interest in.

What backlash...you had more than 100 26/11s from 2008 with more than a brigade of your soldiers killed in action. If any one who should be careful about backlash it should be you.

As I said we don't give pathetic dates. We are used to it now but India never will be. Blow up a bicycle in Mumbai and watch the reaction.
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