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India frowns at China news on Hindu hand in Mumbai


Apr 8, 2007
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NEW DELHI: The Indian government has taken “serious note” of a “mischievous and misleading” report on the Mumbai terror strike by a Chinese journalist in the People’s Daily which speculated that “Hindu youth” could be behind these attacks.

"We have taken serious note of this misleading and mischievous report and taken it up with appropriate authorities," official sources told IANS.

“Although a group called Deccan Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for the attack, it can be seen from the red thread worn by the attackers around their waist that they could be Hindu youth,” a report published in People’s Daily, the official organ of the Chinese Communist party, two days after the Mumbai terror attacks said. The report has been written by Ren Yan, Mumbai-based correspondent of Rebmin Ribao (People’s Daily).

“Analysts are quoted as saying that radical elements from Hinduism could also carry out this attack, because they have long opposed the US’ hegemonistic policies,” the report said. The report, however, did not name analysts the Chinese correspondent was quoting in his report in support of his claim.

The report, published Nov 28, said that the Mumbai terror attacks could be the handiwork of “radical elements within the Hindu community” who are “unhappy with domestic and foreign policies of the Congress-led government” and speculates that these attacks could have been engineered to influence the outcome of the general elections.

“Although the terrorists are not yet identified, such analysis is offering a new angle to the motives and counter-measures for such terrorist strikes,” the report claimed.

The People’s Daily report echoed speculative stories in sections of the Pakistani media that sought to blame Hindu extremists for the Mumbai attacks.

“It was a highly speculative story and came at a time when all evidence was pointing towards Pakistan,” said Sujit Dutta, a China expert at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA).

“It was an attempt to shift the blame from Pakistan and Pakistan-based elements to India-based elements,” Dutta said, echoing that they indicated a “design” as the report echoed stories published in Pakistani dailies like the Dawn.

China, which calls itself an "all-weather friend of Pakistan", has called for more dialogue and cooperation between New Delhi and Islamabad in the wake of the Mumbai terror attacks.

With India and the world putting pressure on Pakistan to take action against militants responsible for the Mumbai carnage, Beijing has lauded Islamabad’s role and offered it full cooperation.

India frowns at China news on Hindu hand in Mumbai,India frowns at China news on Hindu hand in Mumbai
NEW DELHI: The Indian government has taken “serious note” of a “mischievous and misleading” report on the Mumbai terror strike by a Chinese journalist in the People’s Daily which speculated that “Hindu youth” could be behind these attacks.

"We have taken serious note of this misleading and mischievous report and taken it up with appropriate authorities," official sources told IANS.

“Although a group called Deccan Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for the attack, it can be seen from the red thread worn by the attackers around their waist that they could be Hindu youth,” a report published in People’s Daily, the official organ of the Chinese Communist party, two days after the Mumbai terror attacks said. The report has been written by Ren Yan, Mumbai-based correspondent of Rebmin Ribao (People’s Daily).

“Analysts are quoted as saying that radical elements from Hinduism could also carry out this attack, because they have long opposed the US’ hegemonistic policies,” the report said. The report, however, did not name analysts the Chinese correspondent was quoting in his report in support of his claim.

The report, published Nov 28, said that the Mumbai terror attacks could be the handiwork of “radical elements within the Hindu community” who are “unhappy with domestic and foreign policies of the Congress-led government” and speculates that these attacks could have been engineered to influence the outcome of the general elections.

“Although the terrorists are not yet identified, such analysis is offering a new angle to the motives and counter-measures for such terrorist strikes,” the report claimed.

The People’s Daily report echoed speculative stories in sections of the Pakistani media that sought to blame Hindu extremists for the Mumbai attacks.

“It was a highly speculative story and came at a time when all evidence was pointing towards Pakistan,” said Sujit Dutta, a China expert at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA).

“It was an attempt to shift the blame from Pakistan and Pakistan-based elements to India-based elements,” Dutta said, echoing that they indicated a “design” as the report echoed stories published in Pakistani dailies like the Dawn.

China, which calls itself an "all-weather friend of Pakistan", has called for more dialogue and cooperation between New Delhi and Islamabad in the wake of the Mumbai terror attacks.

With India and the world putting pressure on Pakistan to take action against militants responsible for the Mumbai carnage, Beijing has lauded Islamabad’s role and offered it full cooperation.

India frowns at China news on Hindu hand in Mumbai,India frowns at China news on Hindu hand in Mumbai

The Chinese journalist should have mentioned the killing of the man who had exposed Hindu terrorism and its motives.
Although a group called Deccan Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for the attack, it can be seen from the red thread worn by the attackers around their waist that they could be Hindu youth,” a report published in People’s Daily, the official organ of the Chinese Communist party, two days after the Mumbai terror attacks said. The report has been written by Ren Yan, Mumbai-based correspondent of Rebmin Ribao (People’s Daily

Surely it raises doubts and Indians haven't came up with any good answers for that. Two locals have been arrested in connection with these blasts so 100 % Foreign hand was not involved, soon more reports will come and i hope truth will be revealed soon.
The Chinese journalist should have mentioned the killing of the man who had exposed Hindu terrorism and its motives.

And he was killed in the Initial phase of the attacks as the Top three Cops of India were their Supreme Targets and they went straight for them first and then for hotels isn't it ? for sure its raises doubts,
who cares what india thinks?
the india media blatters out so much bu11shit which is mostly never true then why do they have a problem with china?
hypocrites :tsk:
who cares what india thinks?
the india media blatters out so much bu11shit which is mostly never true then why do they have a problem with china?
hypocrites :tsk:

surely not so much Bulsh1t as Zaid Sahib right! :undecided:
surely not so much Bulsh1t as Zaid Sahib right! :undecided:

No sir ! He is just a one Person but India media has a Very big Brigade of People like him and these people are Armed with really big mouths.:blah::blah::blah::argh::argh::argh:
thats one person
but the whole indian media just goes on blaming people with no evidence what so ever

The Indian media is an extention of CNN and BBC, they are given assignments and they carry them out. There's no question of ethics, it's all about implementing Hitler's New World order. Hitler may be dead but his philosophy and techniques are very popular with the western and of course our Indian counterparts. Hence, we see a country being accused of sponsoring terrorism without any evidence; their words are to be taken as evidence. The Indians say they have evidence but unfortunately they do not have the courage to share it with even Russia which happens to be a close ally of India. They show that evidence to the venerable masters of CIA, the high priests of all the evils of this world.
thats one person
but the whole indian media just goes on blaming people with no evidence what so ever
Indian media is free and independent. If there were those 'taayats'(as the sacred threads are called) were indeed present or are relevant, some enthusiastic journalist would have reported it widely. Also most reports on the attacks are real time. They are reported live and the coverage was done as the events unfolded.

It is interesting to note how some journalist sitting in China, God knows whether he ever contacted a credible source, deduced so much based on such kahanis.:disagree:
Indian media is free and independent. If there were those 'taayats'(as the sacred threads are called) were indeed present or are relevant, some enthusiastic journalist would have reported it widely. Also most reports on the attacks are real time. They are reported live and the coverage was done as the events unfolded.

It is interesting to note how some journalist sitting in China, God knows whether he ever contacted a credible source, deduced so much based on such kahanis.:disagree:

u can say whatever u want but that chinese journalist did the same thing the indian media has been doing for as long as i can remember
taste ur own ingredient now
Indian media is free and independent. If there were those 'taayats'(as the sacred threads are called) were indeed present or are relevant, some enthusiastic journalist would have reported it widely. Also most reports on the attacks are real time. They are reported live and the coverage was done as the events unfolded.

It is interesting to note how some journalist sitting in China, God knows whether he ever contacted a credible source, deduced so much based on such kahanis.:disagree:

And the credible source is Indian media right !

It is laughable Indians were boasting about one news stating China quizzez Pakistan over Mumbai attacks. But when the same was said about India by China now you are on fire.
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NEW DELHI: The Indian government has taken “serious note” of a “mischievous and misleading” report on the Mumbai terror strike by a Chinese journalist in the People’s Daily which speculated that “Hindu youth” could be behind these attacks.

"We have taken serious note of this misleading and mischievous report and taken it up with appropriate authorities," official sources told IANS.

“Although a group called Deccan Mujahideen has claimed responsibility for the attack, it can be seen from the red thread worn by the attackers around their waist that they could be Hindu youth,” a report published in People’s Daily, the official organ of the Chinese Communist party, two days after the Mumbai terror attacks said. The report has been written by Ren Yan, Mumbai-based correspondent of Rebmin Ribao (People’s Daily).

“Analysts are quoted as saying that radical elements from Hinduism could also carry out this attack, because they have long opposed the US’ hegemonistic policies,” the report said. The report, however, did not name analysts the Chinese correspondent was quoting in his report in support of his claim.

The report, published Nov 28, said that the Mumbai terror attacks could be the handiwork of “radical elements within the Hindu community” who are “unhappy with domestic and foreign policies of the Congress-led government” and speculates that these attacks could have been engineered to influence the outcome of the general elections.

“Although the terrorists are not yet identified, such analysis is offering a new angle to the motives and counter-measures for such terrorist strikes,” the report claimed.

The People’s Daily report echoed speculative stories in sections of the Pakistani media that sought to blame Hindu extremists for the Mumbai attacks.

“It was a highly speculative story and came at a time when all evidence was pointing towards Pakistan,” said Sujit Dutta, a China expert at Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA).

“It was an attempt to shift the blame from Pakistan and Pakistan-based elements to India-based elements,” Dutta said, echoing that they indicated a “design” as the report echoed stories published in Pakistani dailies like the Dawn.

China, which calls itself an "all-weather friend of Pakistan", has called for more dialogue and cooperation between New Delhi and Islamabad in the wake of the Mumbai terror attacks.

With India and the world putting pressure on Pakistan to take action against militants responsible for the Mumbai carnage, Beijing has lauded Islamabad’s role and offered it full cooperation.

India frowns at China news on Hindu hand in Mumbai,India frowns at China news on Hindu hand in Mumbai

This is crazy from Chinese perpective, why would they play a blame game without asking the Indian authorities for proofs. This clearly shows the anomasity of the chinese towards India, and how they want to build a future relationship.

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