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India following Pakistan’s example in reducing birth rate



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Sunday, December 24, 2006

India following Pakistan’s example in reducing birth rate

NEW DELHI: The Hindu nationalist government in the Central Indian province of Madhya Pradesh (MP) has said that it is following the example of Pakistan’s population planning minister Chaudhry Shahbaz Hussain’s efforts in bringing down the birth rate in his country.

Health Minister in the BJP-led MP government, Ajay Vishnoi, hailed Chaudhry’s reported statement that contraceptives, medicines and family planning literature would be made available in mosques. Triggering a controversy here, the minister said he would like to emulate the example of Pakistan.

Nice, very nice,we knew the indians copy us but now they admiting it too. Goody.

contraceptives, medicines and family planning literature would be made available in mosques.
FINALLY, we learn something. I dont know why this is striing up so much controversy, we are finally doing something good. In islam it is said that child birth can be delyed as long as both mand and wife agrees. So i don't see anything wrong with it. Though the setback is that it is family planning literature that would be available. Those of us who can actully read and write already know about family planning. It's those living in rural areas that need help. Agreed, Allah says that we should'nt kill our child because of poverty, because Allah gives food to every one. But this does'nt mean that we create a army of kids.

PS: Like i suggeste before, we should have scholars goingaround pakistan teaching people about the real islam, not the taliben kind of islam, and not the american kind of islam. They should teach the real islam :)

One more thing to think on. It says that pakistan is putting them in misjids, which can mean one thing, misjids are full, and that is a very good sign
Nice, very nice,we knew the indians copy us but now they admiting it too. Goody.

FINALLY, we learn something. I dont know why this is striing up so much controversy, we are finally doing something good. In islam it is said that child birth can be delyed as long as both mand and wife agrees. So i don't see anything wrong with it. Though the setback is that it is family planning literature that would be available. Those of us who can actully read and write already know about family planning. It's those living in rural areas that need help. Agreed, Allah says that we should'nt kill our child because of poverty, because Allah gives food to every one. But this does'nt mean that we create a army of kids.

PS: Like i suggeste before, we should have scholars goingaround pakistan teaching people about the real islam, not the taliben kind of islam, and not the american kind of islam. They should teach the real islam :)

One more thing to think on. It says that pakistan is putting them in misjids, which can mean one thing, misjids are full, and that is a very good sign
I've never heard of contraceptives in Pak masjids. Wese I don't mind it as long as it's being dispensed outside of the praying area of the mosque. Sounds kinda weird to be giving wrapping instructions inside the praying area.
Nice, very nice,we knew the indians copy us but now they admiting it too. Goody.
The Indians don't know about it though. This is an exception. India's population growth rate is much lower than that of Pakistan. The growth rate among muslims is still pretty high due to a rejection of birth control measures. To counter this models from everywhere including Indonesia and Pakistan are being considered.
MP gets FP lessons from Pak

Bhopal, Dec 28: Madhya Pradesh government has been inspired from the most unlikely of places - Pakistan - to devise a family planning programme for the Muslim community based on a 'Pakistani model' that advocates use of religious texts and clerics for awareness campaign as well as the mosque to distribute contraceptives.

"What comes in the way of family planning is ignorance and not religion. The community should come out of darkness. The state government would follow the example of Pakistan, which has reportedly decided to distribute contraceptives at mosques and involve clerics in spreading family planning awareness", state Health Minister Ajay Vishnoi said.

A recent news report had quoted Pakistan's Population Planning Minister Chaudhary Shahbaz Hussain as saying that the birth rate in his country was 1.86 per cent, which the ministry wanted to bring down to 1.3 per cent by 2020.

"I have received inspiration from Pakistan and what BJP's national executive member and columnist Muzaffar Hussain has written in his book 'Census Islam and Family Planning'", the minister said.

The book, which claims that Islam advocates family planning and population control, will help correct misconceptions about the family planning programme among the Muslim community", Vishnoi said.

Expressing concern over the increasing population in the country and why the Muslim community's increasing population is 'dangerous', the book highlights the support family planning finds in Hadis and Quran and the references to family planning in Islamic literatures.

Besides containing a list of fatwas issued in countries like Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia and Iran in support of family planning, the book sheds light on the practice of family planning in Islamic countries including Pakistan and even pats the neighbouring country for promoting the practice.

Accordingly, the state government will distribute free of cost 10,000 copies of the book, published by Vishwa Hindu Parishad-run Vishwa Samvad Kendra, so that "the message of family planning reaches the people", Vishnoi said.

Some Muslim clerics and scholars, however, have flayed Hussain's interpretation regarding family planning and Islam.

"He is neither an authority on Islam nor on family planning. I feel some of the Quranic verses he quotes do not convey the meaning he has derived from them", they say.

"Shariat does not say anything either in favour or against family planning. It rather indicates towards 'keeping the women young and that there should be no burden on women', that is possible only when she has fewer children. These days every country is doing it and it is a major success in Egypt and Bangladesh", says social activist and ex-professor Zameeruddin.

"As such there is no harm in creating awareness on family planning. If one goes by the socio-economic parameters, both Hindus and Muslims stand on the same platform. Then why single out Muslims alone. The intention of the BJP government does not appear to be clean", Zameeruddin said.

The Indians don't know about it though. This is an exception. India's population growth rate is much lower than that of Pakistan. The growth rate among muslims is still pretty high due to a rejection of birth control measures. To counter this models from everywhere including Indonesia and Pakistan are being considered.

Thats sterotyping right there. Birth control measures are also used in Pakistan. By the way, vnomad, if you have a link about Pakistan population increasing faster than that of Indias, please do share.

High population growth rate among the Indian muslims isn't fully due rejection of birth control measures but due to fact that vast majority is living in rural area's where modernisation is much needed.

Webby, its true that our growth rate is little higher than India's, 2.0% vs 1.8%.
I'll try to get a link asap.
The Indians don't know about it though. This is an exception. India's population growth rate is much lower than that of Pakistan. The growth rate among muslims is still pretty high due to a rejection of birth control measures. To counter this models from everywhere including Indonesia and Pakistan are being considered.

Muslim??? Islam does'nt reject birht control, it is said that if both husband and wife agrees then can it happen. Any who the southern part of india has a birth rate of that of european countries. While the top part is'nt
Man., forget birth control i'm going to pop babies like a rabbit.!! Birth control my ***! Plus., have some of you noticed even with these tools in western nations muslims still tend to have high birth rates., last week I say 6 desi kids with their mother in the library when I went to get some books for my business major research!

On other hand my friend is telling me he will have enough kids to lead a jumma prayer :lol:
By the way, vnomad, if you have a link about Pakistan population increasing faster than that of Indias, please do share.
Pakistan's population growth rate: 2.09%(2006 est.)


India's population growth rate: 1.38%(2006 est.)


Thats sterotyping right there. Birth control measures are also used in Pakistan.
No need to get confrontational here guys. I didn't say a thing against Islam or Pakistan. One should get confrontational only when faced with random comments like this -
Nice, very nice,we knew the indians copy us but now they admiting it too. Goody.

High population growth rate among the Indian muslims isn't fully due rejection of birth control measures but due to fact that vast majority is living in rural area's where modernisation is much needed.
Exactly. A large proportion lives in rural areas where there is plenty of ignorance.
Sunday, December 24, 2006

India following Pakistan’s example in reducing birth rate???

Why should India follow pakistani example when indians have their own examples of development from various regions of that country,like kerala,tripura,tamilnadu etc. Among those states Kerala have all the standards of europe in all fields. Kerala is a good example for democracy,health,education and human resource development. So i dont think that Indians should look into pakistan when they have their own "examples":coffee: .
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