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India finds no mention in Chinese foreign minister's annual press meet

@Wright may be 2 trillion dollars not but Agni missiles are.... Go search china's reaction to Agni missile....
@on topic.... The reason china didnt mention india is that they worried about rising power of india.... They trying to show they dont care but inside they shiver like tree leafs.... Btw why its even a news? What is china? Cheap nation who in search of technology.... No one sells it so they steal by cyber attack but in return they get mugged by yankees cyber hackers.... Btw its a shame that a nation which claims their 5th generation jetfighter (a tin box empty inside) is superior to that of F-22.... Yet begs Su-35 from russia.... What else can i say. While india getting far ahead in military technology that it refused Su-35 by saying it aint worth it.... Dassault rafale, Apache, Agni-5 and agni-6, FGFA, P-8i, Chinook etc etc list is long.... india truly getting far ahead in military technology by the help of america, france, israel, uk, germany etc etc.... No wonder why china is worried.
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@Wright may be 2 trillion dollars not but Agni missiles are.... Go search china's reaction to Agni missile....
@on topic.... The reason china didnt mention india is that they worried about rising power of india.... They trying to show they dont care but inside they shiver like tree leafs.... Btw why its even a news? What is china? Cheap nation who in search of technology.... No one sells it so they steal by cyber attack but in return they get mugged by yankees cyber hackers.... Btw its a shame that a nation which claims their 5th generation jetfighter (a tin box empty inside) is superior to that of F-22.... Yet begs Su-35 from russia.... What else can i say. While india getting far ahead in military technology that it refused Su-35 by saying it aint worth it.... Dassault rafale, Apache, Agni-5 and agni-6, FGFA, P-8i, Chinook etc etc list is long.... india truly getting far ahead in military technology by the help of america, france, israel, uk, germany etc etc.... No wonder why china is worried.

By your reaction and the reaction of your fellow Indians, it seems that India not being mentioned has hit a nerve. You guys desperately want to be taken seriously by China, but no one even wastes their breath on India.
We are constantly mentioned on your media while India get a mention once a blue moon in our media. That right there shows where each country is in the global pecking order and how each views the other. India always uses China as a benchmark to compare while we always use the US to compare ourselves. Pretty much all Chinese don't really care about India, only the US and Japan get our attention because of US being our main challenge in most areas and Japan due to history.

India barely gets mentioned in western media. The only time India gets mentioned in western media is when China gets mentioned and some ignorant fool mentions the word India because of our similar population size. India gets a mention due to China's success and India gets lumped in together for some ridiculous reason. India is nearly always a passing reference.

There is a reason for this, despite India's commendable development, you remain literally decades behind China. As the economist magazine wrote an article saying on many social measurements India is now at the same level where we were in the 1970's. Thats a 40 year gap. Another reason is India is always considered a western puppet so neither China nor the West takes India as an Independent country worth taking seriously. The only time the west cares about India is when India is a useful tool for the west to use to counter China and to sell weapons.

India never does anything that goes against the west so you are not taken seriously. Despite the ultra nationalist Indians on this forum thinking India is all important, the world leaders don't share your view. India is not really considered a challenge to the west.

Some Chinese look down on Indians due to things like poor sanitation, high illiteracy rates, rape culture, poor infrastructure, high poverty, no gold medals at Olympics, no man sent to space, poor hosting of commonwealth games, not many brands in Fortune 500 list, weak military with only imports, 1962 war loss, etc.
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@Wright may be 2 trillion dollars not but Agni missiles are.... Go search china's reaction to Agni missile....
@on topic.... The reason china didnt mention india is that they worried about rising power of india.... They trying to show they dont care but inside they shiver like tree leafs.... Btw why its even a news? What is china? Cheap nation who in search of technology.... No one sells it so they steal by cyber attack but in return they get mugged by yankees cyber hackers.... Btw its a shame that a nation which claims their 5th generation jetfighter (a tin box empty inside) is superior to that of F-22.... Yet begs Su-35 from russia.... What else can i say. While india getting far ahead in military technology that it refused Su-35 by saying it aint worth it.... Dassault rafale, Apache, Agni-5 and agni-6, FGFA, P-8i, Chinook etc etc list is long.... india truly getting far ahead in military technology by the help of america, france, israel, uk, germany etc etc.... No wonder why china is worried.

Do all other enlightened space aliens think like you do too?


To everyone else,

Lets not make this into a China vs India thread like the billion other threads out there. Hopefully, we can keep this somewhat civil.
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India not mentioned is not news,however,news of India not mentioned is big news
Why is it even a news ???

India don't give a damn for an out going foreign minister.

It is the incoming one that matters

May be he didn't want to mention India intentionally . Good sign I say.

India is insignificant for China thats why.

On part of Indians its a reality when you dont bother about them they will cry when you bother about them then will cry.

the bottom line is Indians are always rondus


BEIJING: China's outgoing foreign minister Yang Jeichi on Saturday spent two hours in his annual press conference discussing China's relations with different countries but there was no mention of the country's biggest neighbour India.

Yang was speaking at his yearly press briefing, which is used to send out foreign policy signals. Not mentioning an important neighbor like India, which is China's partner in espousing third world causes in environment debates, at the World Trade Organization and in BRICS is a deliberate policy signal, region observers said.

Yang used a Chinese proverb to indirectly blame China's neighbors for the instability in the region without mentioning any country. "The tree prefers calm but the wind refuses to subside," he said. But there was an improvement in the situation and China's neighbourhood was becoming increasingly stable, he said while asserting, "A good neighbour is an invaluable treasure."

Communist Party leader Xi Jinping, who will soon become the country's president, is due to attend the BRICS meeting in Durban and meet Indian leaders later this month. Yang discussed the rising importance of BRICS without discussing India in particular.

Yang, who spent six years as foreign minister, discussed "neighbouring countries" and dealt on Beijing's relationship with four of its neighbours—Russia, Japan, South Korea and North Korea besides Indonesia.

He also disclosed an interesting figure saying China's trade with its neighbours including Russia reached 1.2 trillion yuan ($193 billion), which is higher than the country's combined trade with the US and Europe in 2012. This was unimaginable even a few years back, he said.

India finds no mention in Chinese foreign minister's annual press meet - The Times of India

I would like to see the positive of this statement...Of course China is a big player with Global ambition...And in this process India does not really provide any value added attribute nor India prevents anything or creates any sort of obstacles for China in this process...So it is better to be ignored than being treated as an enemey...
May be because people are thinking India isn't matter of concern for China. :D

These newspaper sells on these Spicy news, if not there, they create one.

The ToI even puts the Apple Daily to shame, and that is saying something. :no:

Though in the global scheme of things, no one can beat Fox News and The Sun.
India is insignificant for China thats why.

On part of Indians its a reality when you dont bother about them they will cry when you bother about them then will cry.

the bottom line is Indians are always rondus

Wrong assessement.China already had a conference with India over the future of Afghanistan.

Its a good sign, China don't want hostility with India, so they didn't mention India.

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