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India fifth most powerful nation: National Security Index

Here's my view of the power (in everything) rankings:

3.Russia/ Japan - tie
4.India/ Germany - tie
5.France/U.K. - tie
7.South Korea
9.South Africa

just one word-rubbish

You two are :devil: . you could have asked why?

This is my explanation , key reasons.

China : Largest army. Largest resources. Futuristic weapons.
US : Modern large army navy and air force. Large resources.
UK : Good navy and air force. Large resources.
Russia : Large air force and large country with resources. largest nuclear state.
Germany : Modern army navy and air force.
Turkey : Modern navy and air force. large army.
France : modern navy.
India : large army and navy.
Pakistan : nuclear state. most powerful Islamic army. modern air force.
Japan : modern navy. resources.
South korea : resources.
Iran : large army.
Indonesia : large army.
^^^ There is no way that China ranks above America, it is not possible.

I also think that the ranking by the NSI overestimates Japan. Japan is indeed an economic and technological giant, however they are constrained by their "pacifist constitution" which prevents them from acquiring nuclear weapons, and prevents them from even making the "threat of force" against another country.

What is the point of power... if you are not allowed to use it?
Here's my view of the power (in everything) rankings:

3.Russia/ Japan - tie
4.India/ Germany - tie
5.France/U.K. - tie
7.South Korea
9.South Africa

I'd rank Canada and Australia low due to them being US client states dependent on the US for technology, and being resource exporters.

Indonesia should not be on the list, nor south africa. Why is Iran not on the list? It is far more qualified than Indonesia and South Africa.
I'd rank Canada and Australia low due to them being US client states dependent on the US for technology, and being resource exporters.

Indonesia should not be on the list, nor south africa. Why is Iran not on the list? It is far more qualified than Indonesia and South Africa.

Good question, Iran is under UN sanctions and US embargoes therefore can't grow as fast as it want. I put Indonesia and South Africa because it has strong economic growth and many young people to work with and their education system are pretty good too.:angel:
if u ask me the list will likely be like this


Just 7 members

I put Israel on the list due to its over aggressive policy.
I deleted japan out of list because it is not at all a major military power due to its pessimist constitution and over dependence on US.
India should not be in the list due to its low profile foreign policies,being less assertive,a criteria to be considered to be in a global power list.
You two are :devil: . you could have asked why?

This is my explanation , key reasons.

China : Largest army. Largest resources. Futuristic weapons.
US : Modern large army navy and air force. Large resources.
UK : Good navy and air force. Large resources.
Russia : Large air force and large country with resources. largest nuclear state.
Germany : Modern army navy and air force.
Turkey : Modern navy and air force. large army.
France : modern navy.
India : large army and navy.
Pakistan : nuclear state. most powerful Islamic army. modern air force.
Japan : modern navy. resources.
South korea : resources.
Iran : large army.
Indonesia : large army.

Thanks for your input, don't forget China controls 97% of the worlds rare earth metals needed to make many of today's high tech gadgets and equipments, so that puts them in the high ranking for quite awhile. America and Australia can mined them, but they have to wait for the building of the mines to be complete first(not sure of exact date, but soon).
Thanks for your input, don't forget China controls 97% of the worlds rare earth metals needed to make many of today's high tech gadgets and equipments, so that puts them in the high ranking for quite awhile. America and Australia can mined them, but they have to wait for the building of the mines to be complete first(not sure of exact date, but soon).

thank you for the input. chinese control of rare earth materials is one of the reason i put china on top.
All these ranks are arbitrary.

For me, the first step is to surpass US in nominal GDP.
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