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India fears LeT strike at CWG

theres nothing in control of pak govt.....every thing is under control of army and isi...which is playing a great game of war on terror so that u can get goodies frm the west and kill ur own people by the help of drones...oh at the same time going to bed with the good taliban dreaming how to attack India using ur b*****d & retarded child (l-e-t)...and playing innocent dramas saying that they are not my children they are non state actors:sniper:

Indan troll going off topic. Reported. Go worry about your naxalite and maoists who have taken God knows many states and keep killing your police/ civilians.
Why are you trolling? The US is bombing it because they have permission from the Pakistan govt. Don't talk about things in which you have no clue of.

Actually they do not ..their was resolution passed against it in Pak parliament, chaired by your PM...it still stands today..but is not abided by.
right, so that makes it more necessary that you start taking responsibilities..you are suffering this only because you have failed to take steps against them in the past.
The CIA also helped fund them, and continued to do so until 1997. Why not also blame US? As well, as our neighbor, you could have tried to do something knowing this could affect you as well. Instead, you did nothing, not even trying to pressure Pakistan to take action back then.

lol..who is asking you to be responsible for the social issues in India ?? take responsible for the bomb blasts b the pakistanis (wether state or non state actors).
If the Maoists from India detonate a car bomb in Lahore, should your government pay the pensions to the victims, the medical bill and reparation to our government? No, because you can't control them or what they do. Same goes for us. We are trying at the moment, and have stepped up our game in the last few years but you also need to take extra steps to ensure your safety. If we can't control our side of the border because we're at war at the other border, then you can control your side of the border.
The homes that US targets are only targeted because there is CREDIBLE intelligence .... US is not idiotic nation to randomly shoot civilians. These are armed malitia - openly kidnaping and killing. And also responsible for bombing of civilian structures in Pakistan.

All intelligence is shared and actions are taken up with US

A cellphone , and random sentences intercepted on open airways are not credible intelligence ....as done by indians , I mean you cant intercept random words , and then say that was the call by just estimating thing. And then randomly blaming Pakistan for it.

Thats what I am saying. Its you who have to take a lead in dismantling all terror groups on your land. Whether you do it yourself or outsource it. You cant say "we are not responsible for individual rouge elements "
The homes that US targets are only targeted because there is CREDIBLE intelligence .... US is not idiotic nation to randomly shoot civilians. These are armed malitia - openly kidnaping and killing. And also responsible for bombing of civilian structures in Pakistan.

All intelligence is shared and actions are taken up with US

A cellphone , and random sentences intercepted on open airways are not credible intelligence ....as done by indians , I mean you cant intercept random words , and then say that was the call by just estimating thing. And then randomly blaming Pakistan for it.

check this out

60 drone hits kill 14 al-Qaeda men, 687 civilians

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Over 700 killed in 44 drone strikes in 2009
giving licensen to kill ur own people:hitwall:

great intelligence:sniper:
Actually they do not ..their was resolution passed against it in Pak parliament, chaired by your PM...it still stands today..but is not abided by.

This has nothing to do with the topic, and what happens in FATA in none of your concern. I dont know why drones and all this being brought up.
Indan troll going off topic. Reported. Go worry about your naxalite and maoists who have taken God knows many states and keep killing your police/ civilians.

we kno how to take care of them we dont need USto do it for us
thnx for ur concerns
This has nothing to do with the topic, and what happens in FATA in none of your concern. I dont know why drones and all this being brought up.

Because its turning out to be a Selective WOT.
There is no doubt that the LeT will try its best to strike the games.They have been trying hard to project India as an unsafe destination.
now..now don't get all defensive.:angel:
surely it is not..but i was just pointing out the generalization made.

not by me ...:)

You weren't the one to bring it up, but theres no reason to talk about it. Since it has nothing to do with the thread
The CIA also helped fund them, and continued to do so until 1997. Why not also blame US? As well, as our neighbor, you could have tried to do something knowing this could affect you as well. Instead, you did nothing, not even trying to pressure Pakistan to take action back then.

It was a Pakistani matter...so its their decision whom they allow and whom the dont..if CIA was responsible ,you should blame them because it was your matter..we are blaming you because again, it was your people and we are getting affected.

and about India..lol..we have been in a war ever since we seperated, do yiu think India will interfere in your matter just like if there is anything in India, pakistan will not interfere.so please.

If the Maoists from India detonate a car bomb in Lahore, should your government pay the pensions to the victims, the medical bill and reparation to our government? No, because you can't control them or what they do. Same goes for us. We are trying at the moment, and have stepped up our game in the last few years but you also need to take extra steps to ensure your safety. If we can't control our side of the border because we're at war at the other border, then you can control your side of the border.

is that what you have to say ?? dude..if there is any such thing happened in Pakistan from maoists ( :woot: not possible in next thousand years) and Pakistan proves it, then we will atleast take the responsibility and acept that its our people who did that. but in your case this is repeated almost everytime that your people are out of your hands and attack India and amazingly your govt initially denies that it was Pakistani people and later itself acepts they were pakistani peopel and still does not do anything.
and about India..lol..we have been in a war ever since we seperated, do yiu think India will interfere in your matter just like if there is anything in India, pakistan will not interfere.so please.
Yes, but you didn't even voice your objection back then.

It was a Pakistani matter...so its their decision whom they allow and whom the dont..if CIA was responsible ,you should blame them because it was your matter..we are blaming you because again, it was your people and we are getting affected.
If you are getting affected, why not upgrade your security? We'll do what we have to do to ensure our safety. Please do the same for your country.

is that what you have to say ?? dude..if there is any such thing happened in Pakistan from maoists ( :woot: not possible in next thousand years) and Pakistan proves it, then we will atleast take the responsibility and acept that its our people who did that. but in your case this is repeated almost everytime that your people are out of your hands and attack India.
You said so yourself. They are out of hand. What more do you want us to do? As well, India is not suffering nearly as much as Pakistan. You fear a single attack might happen, we just wonder where the weekly bombing will happen. India is not facing half the sh*t that Pakistan is facing. You can't expect us to control every single militant out there. If they come onto your soil, then by all means blow them back to hell.
It was a Pakistani matter...so its their decision whom they allow and whom the dont..if CIA was responsible ,you should blame them because it was your matter..we are blaming you because again, it was your people and we are getting affected.

and about India..lol..we have been in a war ever since we seperated, do yiu think India will interfere in your matter just like if there is anything in India, pakistan will not interfere.so please.

is that what you have to say ?? dude..if there is any such thing happened in Pakistan from maoists ( :woot: not possible in next thousand years) and Pakistan proves it, then we will atleast take the responsibility and acept that its our people who did that. but in your case this is repeated almost everytime that your people are out of your hands and attack India.

I will go a step ahead and say sorry publicly compensate as much we can if one of groups on our land is involved and bring them to justice on priority.
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