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India fanatical hindu warmongerers demand war with Pakistan!

I don't know anything about the RSS, but Mr. Sudarshan sounds awfully dangerous in his thinking. He sounds like a Twelver Shia, like Ahmedinejad, who actually thinks that the end of days, i.e. a nuclear exchange, would be cleansing and would be a good thing. What percentage of Indians follow the RSS, either formally or informally?

Ahmedinejad is pretty smart guy and much more secular than the other mullahs on Iranian society but hes quite demonized through US media. He was the one who proposed for football events in Iran to be open to women as well and just be organized in a better way. Frankly i dont think Ahmedinejad compares to these dangerous hindu fanatics. You are concerned about his irresponsible comments about Israeli attrocities then you should know that generally the muslim world is very angry at the current state of affairs and the havoc being perpetuated by the Israeli forces there. If you try living in a muslim country and reading their newspapers then you'll see the major difference of opinion that exists between the west and muslim states. You might also realize the issues that actually exist and see the other side rather than your own ignorant version of events.

Dont believe everything ur media spawns. Its been a constant pain in the *** for us and u shud start realizing its going to be a big one in yours as well one day. Also by siding with the Indians over the mumbai attacks you are destroying every single strand of hope that is left for any cooperation on the war on terror. We are getting tired of it.

As far as RSS is concerned it has a large following and has over 80000 members. This however is also disputed as the All minorities front against Indian genocide claims that over 200000 hindus are members of the RSS and pose a firect threat to all of humanity. The current anti-christian genocide being perpetuated also has elements of RSS involved. Shiv Sena Bajrang dal and all r the same. I have lived in Hyderabad india for an year or so. Our members of family still continue to shift from india because they haven't had the best of treatment there.

However RSS is not the only hindu terrorist organization there.
Fist of all Indians have to realize their role in spreading terrorism.

According to Wikipedia:
‘Tamil Tigers, now a banned organization, have been receiving many donations and support from India in the past’.

There are several freedom movements in India due to social injustice by so called sophisticated Indian society.

‘In Manipur, militants formed an organization known as the People's Liberation Army. Their main goal was to unite the Meitei tribes of Burma and establish an independent state of Manipur’.

‘There are several organizations which advocate the independence of Assam. The most prominent of which is the ULFA (United Liberation Front of Assam). Formed in 1971, the ULFA has two main goals, the independence of Assam and the establishment of a socialist government’.

Exactly Indians have to realize what is going on in their country. They must stop blaming foreign nations and seek justice from their corrupt anti pakistani leaders who know that the only solution and way to unite indians is to blame things on Pakistan and try to bully the state into submission. It cannot be possible that every attack launched in India has Pakistan involved. The mumbai attacks were the work of hindu fanatics as all proof points that way. Even an Indian minister said that there were hidden political reasons to the attack which the government may be trying to hide.

Indians deserve justice and deserve to be told the truth. The Malegaon and Samjhauta express investigations have been thrown into the kachra bin because of these attacks. Only hindu fanatics have benefitted from them. It does not make sense for Pakistan to take action against a charity in Pakistan while India does not do anything about fanatical hindu groupings. We appeal to the Indian people to understand the truth and seek justice. Deccan mujahideen 1st took responsibility LET denied responsibilty. If India is hiding nothing then why blame Pakistan. Something is definately wrong and Indians need to know the truth behind these horrible attacks.
The current anti-christian genocide being perpetuated also has elements of RSS involved. Shiv Sena Bajrang dal and all r the same. I have lived in Hyderabad india for an year or so. Our members of family still continue to shift from india because they haven't had the best of treatment there.

However RSS is not the only hindu terrorist organization there.

As an Indian Christian let me tell u not a single Christian here in India used the word-"genocide".
Get your ideas clear.
What happened horrified all Christians but u obviously have very little idea of the divisions within the Christian community,the Christian organizations responsible for large scale conversions taking place by economic inducements etc.,socio-economic situations prevailing there(Dalit vs Tribals) etc.
Merely quoting newspaper reports and quite lazily using the word-"genocide".

If there had been a genocide i wouldn't have been alive now and posting here in the comfort of my house celebrating Christmas!

RSS and other organisations like it have said this earlier and have been saying this for some time.
The result-Do you see any nuclear war or war with Pakistan at the moment?

BJP,the main Opposition party in India,the so-called political affiliation of RSS was in power when the Indian Parliament was attacked in 2001.
It almost lead to a war but most importantly not a single bullet was fired.

So think for your self what influence RSS finally has.Though that is not too say Indians dont war,they want it but most Indians have thought about without thinking about its implications.

Also if people here in the forums followed the recent elections held in 5 states in India,they would surprisingly find that the right-wing BJP didn't win in all of them as was expected.
The BJP got a shock as they expected after Mumbai people would vote for them,a nationalistic right wing party supposedly tougher on terror and tougher on Pakistan.

No war for now...
There are two issues being duscussed here:

1. interview of RSS chief
2. comparison of India vs Pakistan in terms of growth, GDP, infrastructure etc.

To the first point: If RSS were that powerful BJP would have been in power, but they are in opposition and ging by last assembly election they dont seem to be coming back to power, it could be congress and Co again, may be again headed by Man mohan SIngh. Fair enough, India is a fair and strong democracy and we have to accept people's verdict. PM of Pakistan himself accepts that the attackers are non state actors from Pakistan, probably hinting towards militant outfits. But because they are on Pak soil the responsibility lies with the civilian govt to weed them out. But if civilian govt is unable to do this eventually India will have to act probably in sync with other powers to destroy terrorist camps , I hope this never happens and Pakistan's civilian govt gets stronger every day. If a war breaks out in such a case nuke weapons are likely to come in picture.

2, To the second point, here I forward a research article (8 years old), though this doesn't mention about massive growth of entertainment, IT, communication etc industry in India, nor it speaks about outsourcing of educated personnel to all over the world. But we can't deny still a large number of people go to bed empty stomach, there is unemployment, these are the real problems we need to sort out but how can we till we learn to exist in peace

INDIA Vs PAKISTAN - Contrasts In Social Development
Hindu terrorism is a threat to the entire world just as the muslim terrorists are and they must be dealt with in every way possible. We must stand together and eliminate these terrorists utterly.

@t neo: what was the user porkistan's ip adress. Can anyone tell? This may be same person i got death threats from.

Facist elements are threat to any civilized society.In that sense right wing hindu fanatics are aganist secular,democratic ethos of India.And they must be dealt harshly.But it doesnt find bigger space in world terrorist radar,because unlike there Jehadi counter part, so far no hardline hindu element is accused of engaging in terrorist activites outside out India,not even in pakistan who Hindus in India consider biggest exporter jehadi terrorists to India for many years.
Wow! what a great idea/menality from both Pakistan and Indian frens!!!! Angry and temered youth!

Guys this morning I spoke to concerned higher authorities and here is wat we decided for you folks.

We have two websites...www DOT indopakgoingtohelltogeather DOT com and www DOT usreadytokickindopak DOT com supports your fights. You can nuke each other in those websites...ofcourse lower level bombers tankers..guns all there.....
Please dont fight here...ur welcome to these sites...

(PJ only folks...take it easy...:) )....cool down....breath in .............breath out............
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