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India fanatical hindu warmongerers demand war with Pakistan!


Jul 30, 2007
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RSS chief says India should be ready for nuclear war

By Jawed Naqvi

NEW DELHI, Dec 12: The head of India’s rightwing Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS, National Volunteers Corps) has warned that a nuclear war with Pakistan could become inevitable if peaceful means fail to rein in terrorism and voiced the chilling prospect of a Third World War breaking out, which he feels may cleanse the world of evil.

Mr K.S. Sudarshan, the powerful supreme leader of the RSS who may wield even greater clout in the next government, said in an interview widely distributed on the email on Thursday, and verified as authentic by senior RSS officials on Friday, that the Mumbai terror attacks were only part of a bigger plan to destroy India. “They want India to be broken into pieces but Indian people have always won.

“We are tolerant, but a very brave society. We were defeated and enslaved only when we were disunited.”

However, in remarks that could leave global diplomacy grappling with chilling possibilities, Mr Sudarshan added that while he wanted India to probe all other means to resolve the terror issue with Pakistan it should be prepared for war, which could easily turn into a nuclear war.

Freelance journalist Chetan Upadhyaya asked Mr Sudarshan if India should go for a full-fledged war with Pakistan. He replied: “If there is no other way left. Whenever the demons (Aasuri powers) start dominating this planet, there is no way other than the war. Tell me if there is any other way out. But war should be the last resort. Before that Bharat should consider other options.”

He was asked if such a war would not escalate into a nuclear conflict. “Yes, I know it will not stop there. It will be nuclear war and a large number of people will perish.

“In fact, not me alone but many people around the world have expressed their apprehension that this terrorism may ultimately result in a Third World War. And this will be a nuclear war in which many of us are going to be finished. But according to me, as of now, it is very necessary to defeat the demons and there is no other way.

“And let me say with confidence that after this destruction, a new world will emerge, which will be very good, free from evil and terrorism.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s government has said it was opposed to war as a solution to deal with the current standoff with Pakistan. Mr Sudarshan said: “The government should do what the public says.

“The people are highly agitated. The people came in open protest against the attacks and this was a never-before phenomenon. And in this moment of crisis, whatever the people and the government decide, we are with them.”

He clarified, however, that there was no question of opposing the government over its handling of terrorism. India had asked Pakistan to hand over 20 most wanted criminals and “they are making excuses and refusing to hand over the culprits… this way, they are jeopardising the whole path of reconciliation.”

Mr Sudarshan criticised the BJP, the political arm of the RSS, for infighting among its leaders. “Like any other party, BJP is also the victim of this to a certain extent. But it is the result of the political system that we have adopted. Some people think that system is not to blame; it is the men who are running the system who are at fault. But this is only a partial truth.”

There was news, during the last Lok Sabha elections, that in view of the bad performance by BJP, the RSS was open to the idea of supporting some new party. Was the idea still alive?

“I would not like to comment on it. We are a social and cultural organisation and BJP is a political organisation. Swayamsevaks (volunteers), who are eligible for voting, would vote according to their own conscience. RSS does not direct them.”
Woah! What is this?

RSS chief wants nuclear war with Pakistan... Evil will be cleansed from the world...

Now thats what i call cheif of terrorists. Plan and launch an attack in Mumbai blame Pakistan and then use it as a pre text for nuclear war.

Hindu fanatics in India must be hunted down. :agree:
Woah! What is this?

RSS chief wants nuclear war with Pakistan... Evil will be cleansed from the world...

Now thats what i call cheif of terrorists. Plan and launch an attack in Mumbai blame Pakistan and then use it as a pre text for nuclear war.

Hindu fanatics in India must be hunted down. :agree:

but first muslim fanatics from Pakistan who are migraine to the whole world must be hunt down .Look hear their active in Philippines to

Wednesday, 03 Dec, 2008 | 01:49 PM PST |

COTABATO: Authorities in the southern Philippines have arrested a Pakistani with alleged links to a Southeast Asian extremist group for making bombs, it was announced Wednesday.

Muhammand Alpariz was arrested at his apartment in Shariff Kabunsuan town on the island of Mindanao by joint police and military operatives on Tuesday, local Army spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Julieto Ando said.

Found in his possession were 'two 60 millimetre mortar shells rigged to improvised explosives devices,' and two howitzer shells ready to be attached to similar bombs, said regional police head Chief Superintendent Pedro Tango.

'These bombs, if exploded, would cause extensive damage,' he added. 'He did not resist arrest. He is said to be a member of Jemaah Islamiyah,' Ando said without elaborating, referring to a Southeast Asian extremist network with ties to Al-Qaeda.

Local police official Senior Superintendent Joel Limson said the suspect had been under surveillance for months before he was arrested.

'Although there was no passport recovered from him, he is a known Pakistani national,' Limson said. It was not clear how the suspect could be linked with the JI, which itself has been linked to the 2001 Bali bombings which killed over 200 people, the police statement added.

Indonesian JI bomb experts Dulmatin and Umar Patek have been hiding in the southern Philippines for months, sheltered by local Muslim extremists. It is not clear if they are related to the arrested suspect.

DAWN.COM | World | Pakistani linked to militants arrested in Philippines RS
RSS does not hold any grip over other political parties and the statements politicians make during terror attacks or any other important events is considered as trash talk by the people of India.RSS is nothing more than a joke.
I doubt whether there would be anymore war between India and Pakistan.But we can't deny the fact that the recent terrorist attacks was a big blow to the ongoing peace process between India and Pakistan.
dimension117! Sorry I would like to correct you on this...
Not only Hindu Fanatics but most of the Indians want to strike on terrorist bases.. So its obvious if we are thinking to strike on Terror safe heavens then we need to be fully prepare for nuclear war... so whats wrong if RSS chief says India need to prepare for Nuc War.. We should always be ready for that..
Its not only the Hindus who want a surgical strike against terrorists in Pakistan but Muslim, Jews, Christians everybody. They tried to devide us by killing hundreds of innocents but we are united against terror and those who harbour it.

Has it occured to you that maybe USA would like India to share the tab of WOT because USA is running bone dry cuz of this war?

Think logically....

Pakistan will use every option it has as a last resort because its survival depends on it, but what will become of India and its progress? If Pakistan goes down, it will make sure to take others down with it.
You seem confident. First make sure your military's missiles are working, because half your air force is grounded because it is falling apart. Second, your nation might want to brush up on it's anti terror capability, because now the whole world knows just how useless India is at protecting it's own citizens. Then you are allowed to make threats.
May be down but not out. Pakistan will become a shame for Islam if it strikes India with nukes(and pakistan will be on papers and no where to be seen after that).It is the responsibility of Pakistanis to destroye the terrorist infrastructure, which everybody knows and is not a secret, they may be attacking India today but u will face the consequences of harbouring them sooner or later.

Oh yeh man this typical Indian mentality is always at work. In the past too Indians have been boasting about their imagination that in case of nuclear war India will not be affected while Pakistan will be wiped out.
Come out of your fairyland. Everyone knows very well war is not good for anyone and in case of war both countries will suffer.
Rather the world will suffer for too long in case of Pak-India war this time.
Its not 65.
India is not US and Pakistan is not Afghanistan.

Indians are funding terrorists for attacking Balochistan and for terror activities in FATA.
It is the responsibility of Indians to destroy the terrorist infrastructure, the likes of Col Pruhit may be attacking and killing Pakistanis today but you will face the consequences of harbouring them sooner or later..
This is just useless emotional talk. I'm sure Indian leaders are smart enough not to jeopardise their fragile progress of the past decade. India will be the biggest loser at the end of the day. Pakistan on the other hand wouldn't mind taking on India. A lot of issues including Kashmir, water etc. need to be resolved. Pakistan is already involved in another illegitimate war which is unpopular. At least the people will be unified in the fight against one common enemy. Besides, the Indians know that Pakistan has the capability to destroy or at least cause substantial damage to India. Pakistan isn't some helpless banana republic like Afghanistan or Iraq. Pakistan is a strong nuclear power.
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dimension117! Sorry I would like to correct you on this...
Not only Hindu Fanatics but most of the Indians want to strike on terrorist bases..
Very true .

Times of India poll also suggest that .
So what are you bloodthirsty Indians waiting for? Talk is cheap. Just empty and emotional threats...

They are waiting for their turn.. Don't you know US and Zardari(My Fav) is doing exactly what India is thinking so they are waiting...
BTW Indians are not against Pakistan.. They just want to stop the crop of terrorism that India is facing..
So chill out dude :cheers:
They are waiting for their turn.. Don't you know US and Zardari(My Fav) is doing exactly what India is thinking so they are waiting...
BTW Indians are not against Pakistan.. They just want to stop the crop of terrorism that India is facing..
So chill out dude :cheers:

India is the cause of terrorism today. The people that carried out these and many other previous attacks are mainly local. India is fuelling its own demise, but laying the blame on others. You have created an unjust society in which hundreds of millions are deprived from basic necessities. Only the rich elite have prospered and the poor have become poorer. There is no justice to be found and people are segregated on the basis of their beliefs and caste. People are frustrated in your country and they are taking out their anger. Expect more such reprisals. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Pakistan is the cause of terrorism today. The people that carried out these and many other previous attacks are mainly Pakistani. India is fuelling its own demise, but laying the blame on others. You have created an unjust society in which hundreds of millions are deprived from basic necessities. Only the rich elite have prospered and the poor have become poorer. There is no justice to be found and people are segregated on the basis of their beliefs and caste. People are frustrated in your country and they are taking out their anger. Expect more such reprisals. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Thanks for concerns about ur neighbour.. I really appreciate ur eye-opener post..
Now chill out dude :wave:

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