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India Eyes Spike, Javelin Buys

You are right but after destroying almost all south lebanon israel cannot stop hezbollah from firing their rocket so israel with all its might was not able to achieve their goal.
Hezbollah did not fire a single bullet in past 8 years, so goal was achieved. Despite huge number of modern ATGMs used against tanks loses were minimal. And after the introduction of Trophy APS they will be even smaller.

I dont think at all.maybe not in 5 years but in 10 years I think Iran airforce power is after US china and Russia.Beacuase we have american teclonogy Russian tec and day by day we are growing and moving forward.in addition iranians are very intelligent.in 30 years later we couldnt throw up a missle but now we are third power in missle and can throw even missle into space.I think in ten years later discounting ruusia and usa there is no country equal to us in missle and airforce tec.F35 maybe is good but it will destroid only with a simple missle.Anyway 10 years later no coutry is equal to us discountin russia china an USA.All of your military power is in airforce and soon will be drawn.Your airforce power is just usa airforce power.
IriAF has only some 30 F-14 (without original missiles and in poor condition) + 25 MiG-29 in most early export configuration. IsrAF has 80 F-15 + 330 F-16. All upgraded with latest avionics, EW and missiles. Also IriAF lacks AWACS and tankers which is totally unacceptable for modern AF. So there IriAF is not even close to IsrAF.
IriAF has only some 30 F-14 (without original missiles and in poor condition) + 25 MiG-29 in most early export configuration. IsrAF has 80 F-15 + 330 F-16. All upgraded with latest avionics, EW and missiles. Also IriAF lacks AWACS and tankers which is totally unacceptable for modern AF. So there IriAF is not even close to IsrAF.
This is joke:omghaha:
your statement maybe is correct in 30 years later:omghaha:
Only because BD did not make the ATGMs for India as promised saying that it was too low-tech for them too. Happy now?
While on this subject; check out which countries (in South Asia) have designed and made their own ATGMs so far; of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generations respectively? And which Generation the Spike and Javelin missiles belong to?
All the info is available here on PDF in numerous discussions. You are likely to become better informed than you are now.

Don't try to be smart kid.

Anti-tank missile requires a much lower level of technology when compared to systems like SAMS.

My point is that the Indian defence industries and or government policies must be so wrong that it has come to this.

It should be a very easy technology for India to produce.
Why is India buying such a low-tech weapon like anti-tank missiles?

R&D is taking place.



They want to eventually make a man portable version, but India shouldn't hold their breath on it. Getting the Javelins is the way to go.
They don't need to fire when just Nasrullah words bring tremor in Israhell :lol: :sniper:
The huge number is just exaggerated and they will find to over come what ever you have in the future war.

Hezbollah did not fire a single bullet in past 8 years, so goal was achieved. Despite huge number of modern ATGMs used against tanks loses were minimal. And after the introduction of Trophy APS they will be even smaller.
They don't need to fire when just Nasrullah words bring tremor in Israhell :lol: :sniper:
The huge number is just exaggerated and they will find to over come what ever you have in the future war.
bravo bravo friend:lol:.israhel will be down soon if GOD wants ... :angel::enjoy::enjoy:
They are defeated even against HAMAS:haha::haha:
If hezbollah ... :mamba:
indian friend hezbollah is irans sword dont underestimate hezbollah.in 33days war for the first time israeal army was defeated.later none of arb countries could defeat israeal but hezbollah could becuase it is irans sword.Now hezbollah is 5 times stronger More readily and I am sure if a war happen israeal will be faild bad.There are some tecnoligys in hezbollah that no arab country even can think about it.And they have very high level fighting skills wich even best soldier of israeal doesnt have it.Dont forget first army wich could defeayt israeal was hezbollah in 2005 and its first war against israeal.

My friend Its quite regretful that Iran uses non-state actors. I did not expect this from Iran that It support activities of a non state actors that considered criminal activities by international laws. If Iran has any problem or Lebanon has any problem with Israel, then sort it out with Israel directly by fighting or negotiations. But non state actors can not considered more than terrorist.
  • The Javeline has a range of 2.5 km. While the Spike has a range of 4 km with a larger version being able to reach 8 km.
  • They are both fire and forget, so once you lock on and fire you don't have to worry, it will hit the target. However, with the Spike you have the option of guiding the missile in flight. So if you want to abort you can fly it into a empty hillside; or if you see a better target you can move the crosshairs to it and BOOM! Also once the spike is fired you will see what the missile sees.
  • Plus the Spike is cheaper..!!
  • The penetration values of both warheads are same i.e. 700-800 mm RHA. So why go for a costly one..?!
  • Javeline is 0.3 kg heavier..!!
  • Spike can kill targets that are concealed behind barriers like houses, berms, hills, etc. whereas the javeline cannot.!!
When Spike appears to be clearly superior to the Javeline, why is the GoI keen on Javeline ?

can there be some areas where the Javeline is superior to the Spike ?
Iran has no chance against Israel
Tech gap is to large & despite bieng so small or as some say 'Ituu sa' Israel produces a lot of advanced weaponry
Don't try to be smart kid.

Anti-tank missile requires a much lower level of technology when compared to systems like SAMS.

My point is that the Indian defence industries and or government policies must be so wrong that it has come to this.

It should be a very easy technology for India to produce.

:lol:Well, have yo heard of MMW that is used in latest anti tank weapons and do you know how many country have it?? and how do you compare clean atmosphere tech with jungle warefare tech?, do you know the difference between target an clutter?
Don't try to be smart kid.

Anti-tank missile requires a much lower level of technology when compared to systems like SAMS.

My point is that the Indian defence industries and or government policies must be so wrong that it has come to this.

It should be a very easy technology for India to produce.

You ain't 'effing smart' either, Abbu Miah! And your inane reply shows that amply.
Read my earlier post carefully and then try to comprehend what I was saying.
That will help you to understand the difference between Manure and Molasses.
And even understand why BD has not embarked on such a "low-tech" project yet.

When Spike appears to be clearly superior to the Javeline, why is the GoI keen on Javeline ?

can there be some areas where the Javeline is superior to the Spike ?

One area is the 'kill-probability ratio'. The Javelin stands up better than Spike in that respect. The trials that the IA did with the Javelin (two Exercises in India and one in USA) the Javelin got its target every time. Multiple Javelin firings took place each of those times. Maybe that is what is being given weightage.
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One area is the 'kill-probability ratio'. The Javelin stands up better than Spike in that respect. The trials that the IA did with the Javelin (two Exercises in India and one in USA) the Javelin got its target every time. Multiple Javelin firings took place each of those times. Maybe that is what is being given weightage.

Well if the missile does what its suppose to do then no wonder its a clincher. Kill probability is certainly far more important that all the other advantages of spike mentioned earlier.

Now I understand why IA wants both Spike and Javeline and also why IA is keen on getting their hands on Javeline targeting software.
Well if the missile does what its suppose to do then no wonder its a clincher. Kill probability is certainly far more important that all the other advantages of spike mentioned earlier.

Now I understand why IA wants both Spike and Javeline and also why IA is keen on getting their hands on Javeline targeting software.

The report is not clear whether both of them will be up for acquisition. One big factorial difference between the two is cost. The Javelin and its launcher cost as much as a Porsche! Now that is hardly a point to encourage mass deployment.
So will it be the Spike for mass deployment and the Javelin for limited deployment with selected strike formations? Something akin to a "Missile-e-Aam" and a "Missile-e-Khaas" arrangement!

One scenario that I can see emanating out of the talks with Ashton Carter; is manufacture of Spike in larger numbers; and purchase of a few Javelins off the shelf. While tying up with USA for co-development of the 4th Gen Javelins that USA has offered to India for the future.
Maybe that could be an option.
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