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India eyes 100,000 Saudis a year

I should have been clearer. I am fine with Arabs from countries like Jordan, it is the Saudis who are an issue with their hate-filled agenda. In fact, Jordan itself keeps marketing itself in the Indian market for tourism. Of course, there is a lot of poverty in India but that doesn't mean we let the riff raff in - it's the Pakistanis who do that - tourism there is a joke - so it is American troops who come in there, bajao your citizens and go back without Pakistan doing anything.

I think India is a democratic country right? Go and write your congressmen and tell them not to do business with us :cheesy:

I saw one Arab couple women in Delhi recently.

The male was wearing the white robe with the headrest and the female was in a black burqa.

..In a posh South Delhi mall - jarring sight to be honest.

Well, it does seem interesting ,but what can you do? It's their faith, their choice. After all, India is a democratic country!
I saw one Arab couple women in Delhi recently.

The male was wearing the white robe with the headrest and the female was in a black burqa.

..In a posh South Delhi mall - jarring sight to be honest.

Interesting, Backward people went to a more backward people !
What is more jarring is brides burning, widows burning, gang raping.
The people in KSA are of African (somalia, ethiopia) and Semite (bedouin/arab) stock.
Pakisanis are a branch of the Indo-Iranian peoples.

Boohoo and us Iranians are of "white Caucasian" origin. Keep dreaming white wannabe, no body cares of colors and origin but idiot, backward Failed Nations. Now go cry and yell, " I am white" as typical Persian would do !
It just amuses me to see some Indians here afraid of Saudi tourists changing their mentality yet their people are here by the millions and their government is begging us to employ even more of their people!

you don't have to worry about saudi's coming to your Country, You need to worry of your 100 million Indians abroad !
That's a big proof that they lucky that some people are actually considering to go there.
It just amuses me to see some Indians here afraid of Saudi tourists changing their mentality yet their people are here by the millions and their government is begging us to employ even more of their people!

you don't have to worry about saudi's coming to your Country, You need to worry of your 100 million Indians abroad !
That's a big proof that they lucky that some people are actually considering to go there.
Saudi tourists are always welcome. I think they confused tourists with terrorists... :usflag:
Interesting, Backward people went to a more backward people !
What is more jarring is brides burning, widows burning, gang raping.

Right - as opposed to having a ministry for vice and virtue, not allowing women to drive, not giving them the right to vote, not allowing people the freedom of religion - LOL - a Saudi preaching to Indians about how to treat women is like Osama preaching to the Dalai Lama about non-violence.

I think India is a democratic country right? Go and write your congressmen and tell them not to do business with us :cheesy:

Well, it does seem interesting ,but what can you do? It's their faith, their choice. After all, India is a democratic country!

Write to my congressman? You assume he can read?
Right - as opposed to having a ministry for vice and virtue, not allowing women to drive, not giving them the right to vote, not allowing people the freedom of religion - LOL - a Saudi preaching to Indians about how to treat women is like Osama preaching to the Dalai Lama about non-violence.

Write to my congressman? You assume he can read?

Snap the douche @Naifov :coffee: the Indians don't understand our anthropological structure.
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Funny here in this thread.............

Both Indians and Pakistanis want arab tourists and investments but are hell scared about certain bad elements in saudis who might support terrorist activities............

My opinion, any investment from anywhere in world be it arab or China is welcome in India. We need loads of cash to develop infrastructure in our country...

Hence welcome to India to Saudis.............
The people in KSA are of African (somalia, ethiopia) and Semite (bedouin/arab) stock.
Pakisanis are a branch of the Indo-Iranian people. :D

Yzd Khalifa did not mean it in a litteral way. That should be obvious for every single person since us Arabs and Semitic people are not from South Asia. If you cared to read his posts in this thread then you would understand that he referred to the great friendship between KSA, Pakistan, Saudis and Pakistanis. Nothing else.

Apart from that what a bunch of nonsense. Bedouins are Arabs who just happen to live a nomadic lifestyle. There are Bedouins or people of a Bedouin background in every single Arab country.

LOL, approximately 10 percent of Saudi Arabia's population is of African origin. So what? Do you have a problem with that? They are descendants of slaves or migrants who went to Arab lands in search for a better life. The only Ethiopians and Somalians (who are great people btw from ancient civilizations, especially the Ethiopian one who are a fellow Semitic people and the oldest African civilization) are recent immigrants who often do not have citizenship. Semitic civilizations are the oldest in the world and you seem to talk about it as it was a bad thing.

The population of KSA is diverse and since 1400 years ago the country has attracted Muslims from across the world. 90 percent are proud Arabs though. The Arabian Peninsula is moreover situated between Africa, Europa and Asia. In other words on the crossroads of the world.

Pakistan is a mixture of many different ethnic groups, hence Pakistani is not a name of a ethnic group but only a nationality. You have millions of Dravidian people, Indian Muslims (the Urdu speaking Muhajir people) who emigrated to Pakistan after it was created in 1947, apart from the Sindhis, Punjabis, Hazaras (Mongolian/Turkic people), Pashtuns, Baluch, etc. Very different people from Persians and Iranians.

Urdu is by the way the official language of Pakistan, heavily influenced by Arabic and it uses an Arabic inspired alphabet much like Persian.


Regarding the topic then I have absolutely nothing against India or Indians. There are about 2 million Indian workers, Muslims as well as Hindus in KSA, not to mention the probably significant illegal number. I have encountered many Indians and I liked them.

Moreover India has a Muslim population of 200 million people. We should treat Pakistani and Indian Muslims alike and non-Muslims as long as they behave and contribute positively then they are very much welcome be it as workers, tourists or whatever.

Some of the comments of Indian members here regarding Arabs (I see that some of them have been deleted and one member is banned too) are primitive and an example of why generalizations are useless. I will refrain from commenting on those posts to avoid starting a senseless flamewar but I am obviously aware of the fact that those individuals are a minority among Indians, be they Muslim or Hindu.

LOL, approximately 10 percent of Saudi Arabia's population is of African origin. So what? Do you have a problem with that? They are descendants of slaves or migrants who went to Arab lands in search for a better life. The only Ethiopians and Somalians (who are great people btw from ancient civilizations, especially the Ethiopian one who are a fellow Semitic people and the oldest African civilization) are recent immigrants who often do not have citizenship. Semitic civilizations are the oldest in the world and you seem to talk about it as it was a bad thing.

When did I say that I had a problem with the Africans? I just said that is the demographics (in broad terms) of Saudi Arabia, I never implied anything bad about them. lol
When did I say that I had a problem with the Africans? I just said that is the demographics (in broad terms) of Saudi Arabia, I never implied anything bad about them. lol

Sorry. But I am sure that you have noticed that being African here on this forum is seen as a bad thing. Or "brown" if you notice all the flamewars between members from across the world.

Quite sad since Africans are wonderful people.

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