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India expels American diplomat

Devyani Khobragade not subjected to cavity search, claim US Marshals - World - DNA

"In reference to your question about the cavity search, the answer is no," Nikki Credic-Barrett, spokesperson of the US Marshals Service, told PTI in response to a question on the allegations by the family of the senior Indian diplomat that she was subject to cavity search.

Bharara's office didn't deny it, they termed it as "Standard procedure", and we have no reason to believe US marshals over our own diplomat and MEA.
Crackdown on embassy cars in Delhi

NEW DELHI: The traffic police have booked 10 US embassy cars since Thursday after MEA directed them not to be lenient with American mission officials violating rules.

Registration numbers of US embassy cars have been brought to the notice of traffic police personnel to ensure they don't escape breaking rules. Officers said of the 10 embassy vehicles, four were booked for tinted glasses and fined Rs 100, one was booked for non-compliance.

On Friday, five cars were fined for parking against rules and challanned, officers said. They added if embassy cars are driven by Indian drivers they are prosecuted under normal rules. For foreigners, the standard protocol is followed. No special consideration is to be shown if the driver claims diplomatic immunity.

Earlier US embassy officials got away claiming immunity even if they were caught for drunken driving. Now, if embassy staffers are caught driving drunk, they will be given a breathalyzer test. If they are found over the permissible limit the law will kick in.

The ministry of home affairs too has issued directives to Delhi Police asking them to treat traffic violations by US embassy officials strictly. Registration certificates of their cars will be checked. These cars will not be impounded but dealt with seriously.
are you feeling butt hurt that india got what it wanted .. no trial .. but raymod davis threw a few notes at your faces and went home after killing 2 'brownie lifes' ?

Looks like your coming straight after getting cavity search....... Take your time and get settled before pointing gun.
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Crackdown on embassy cars in Delhi

NEW DELHI: The traffic police have booked 10 US embassy cars since Thursday after MEA directed them not to be lenient with American mission officials violating rules.

Registration numbers of US embassy cars have been brought to the notice of traffic police personnel to ensure they don't escape breaking rules. Officers said of the 10 embassy vehicles, four were booked for tinted glasses and fined Rs 100, one was booked for non-compliance.

On Friday, five cars were fined for parking against rules and challanned, officers said. They added if embassy cars are driven by Indian drivers they are prosecuted under normal rules. For foreigners, the standard protocol is followed. No special consideration is to be shown if the driver claims diplomatic immunity.

Earlier US embassy officials got away claiming immunity even if they were caught for drunken driving. Now, if embassy staffers are caught driving drunk, they will be given a breathalyzer test. If they are found over the permissible limit the law will kick in.

The ministry of home affairs too has issued directives to Delhi Police asking them to treat traffic violations by US embassy officials strictly. Registration certificates of their cars will be checked. These cars will not be impounded but dealt with seriously.

India is going over board going after American embassy. Soon, the ambassador's house will be strip searched. Its time for America to evacuate none essential staff from all over India. India is definitely not a friend of America.
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India not worth the trouble to have country to country relationship with. Better to treat India as a customer and clientele relationship.
India not worth the trouble to have country to country relationship with. Better to treat India as a customer and clientele relationship.

That is what they want. They is all they get. US should not work with India in any international deal. First step is to cancel the US/India nuclear deal and declare that India need to get rid of its nukes. Otherwise, it would be a rogue state.
India government all butt hurt, India know full well they need US support and won't jeopardize US relationship with India.
India government all butt hurt, India know full well they need US support and won't jeopardize US relationship with India.

I think US should pull back diplomats from India. No need to deal with them.
Talking about the Indian claim Khobragrade had U.N. immunity all along? The U.S. wouldn't know if the Indians submitted the request to the U.N. if the U.N. never passed it on to the U.S.

I saw a purported copy of the Indian request on firstpost's website. It was illegible. Perhaps it was a provisional request, to take effect only when Khobragade actually started working for a U.N. agency or India's Permanent Mission? Then the U.N. would not have forwarded the request to the U.S. until the appropriate time.

The U.S. says it received the request from the U.N. on December 20th. The U.S. doesn't say when India actually submitted the request to the U.N. And as far as I know, the U.N. itself isn't talking.

Just because US has not explicitly said whether request for Diplomatic immunity was received or not does not rule out it.

If indeed it was the case Mahruf would have been announcing it from rooftop of White house .....

She has penchant to do everything to look smart .....

In any case US did grant her full diplomatic immunity despite case pending against her ....

Shows US commitment to justice ,law and blah blah

To give lip service to ideals like protector of justice and defender of law and so on and to bite those very ideals and swallow when it suits oneself is mark of hypocrisy ....

US deemed that its interests in preserving relationship with India were at stake and therefore backed off from this 'stupidity' which they themselves have acknowledged and admitted ...

US doesn't not give damn about values and principles ....but only about narrow self interests !

whole world has watched despite the grandstanding by US justice department , US state department colluded with India to let walk away our diplomat free ...and in return took expulsion of American diplomat rather meekly ....so much for the Super policing Super state with Super ego ....!!!

I think US should pull back diplomats from India. No need to deal with them.

Go on ....who has stopped US from doing that ?

apparently US is taken expulsion of its diplomat rather lightly ...US is now requesting India to move on ...and it hops it will bring closure to the episode ....

seems US state department does not share your anger ...

Go and tell US state department to have some shame....

we expelled American diplomat in retaliation and US can't do anything about it besides cringe and crib !!!

India government all butt hurt, India know full well they need US support and won't jeopardize US relationship with India.

Is that the reason despite securing release of our diplomat we expelled American diplomat ???

US has rather submitted to our decision meekly ....besides expressing regrets and fretting over it in private US can't do anything better !!!
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Both countries could have conducted the whole affair discreetly and diplomatically, especially India. India acted very childish in the whole episode.

A huge setback to Indo US relations.

India did what was due pending long time ....we should have shown our displeasure in explicit way right when our beloved Ex president was frisked ....

I think India did right thing although timing was not correct ....

I am quite surprised by reaction like senior member like you ....

after the humiliating arrest of our diplomat it was not possible to conduct business as usual behind the curtains ..whole world was watching and it would have had sent wrong signals across the capitals ...

US is at fault by taking unilateral actions ...it was nothing short of betrayal ....

Imagine our top most delegation is meeting US counterparts in white house ....and simultaneously orders to authorize arrest of diplomat is being released ....US had no courtesy to even apprise our delegation of what was happening ....

and you are saying that India acted childish ???

You should be careful while voicing your opinion on international forum like this ...

Has any American member here ever voiced over here that US acted Childish ...despite that being the case ?

why is that Indians have to speak in so many voices ...to contradict fellow people ...and worse to contradict the truth ???

since you have made the comment at least support it with explanation or take back your statement !

I am not saying that as Indian you should side with India ....rather everybody should side with what is correct and right !

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion ....but once you have expressed it you have onus to either defend it or desert it !

You should either take back your statement that India acted childish or defend it ...

If you are going to tell me that stopping US embassy from screening movies and stopping import of duty free liquor was childish ....then better don't respond . because these are the tactics which have paid off ....

It kept media debate awake ..and maintained steady pressure .

The very fact that India had last say in this case ....proves the fact all that India did paid off and ultimately that's what matters ...
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India did what was due pending long time ....we should have shown our displeasure in explicit way right when our beloved Ex president was frisked ....

I think India did right thing although timing was not correct ....

I am quite surprised by reaction like senior member like you ....

after the humiliating arrest of our diplomat it was not possible to conduct business as usual behind the curtains ..whole world was watching and it would have had sent wrong signals across the capitals ...

US is at fault by taking unilateral actions ...it was nothing short of betrayal ....

Imagine our top most delegation is meeting US counterparts in white house ....and simultaneously orders to authorize arrest of diplomat is being released ....US had no courtesy to even apprise our delegation of what was happening ....

and you are saying that India acted childish ???

You should be careful while voicing your opinion on international forum like this ...

Has any American member here ever voiced over here that US acted Childish ...despite that being the case ?

why is that Indians have to speak in so many voices ...to contradict fellow people ...and worse to contradict the truth ???

since you have made the comment at least support it with explanation or take back your statement !

I am not saying that as Indian you should side with India ....rather everybody should side with what is correct and right !

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion ....but once you have expressed it you have onus to either defend it or desert it !

You should either take back your statement that India acted childish or defend it ...

If you are going to tell me that stopping US embassy from screening movies and stopping import of duty free liquor was childish ....then better don't respond . because these are the tactics which have paid off ....

It kept media debate awake ..and maintained steady pressure .

The very fact that India had last say in this case ....proves the fact all that India did paid off and ultimately that's what matters ...

I always thought you to be a good analyst, but I guess you failed this time in the whole episode. ( I read some of your previous comments )

I agree that US should have conducted the arrest and other things more civilly given her statute, but that doesn't absolve her of the alleged crime.

First, the maid was employed in US under A3 visa that is subjected to US laws, and this is a clear case of US laws being violated. So naturally US has the right to take action.

Second, she was not fully immune, if that would have been the case India would not have transferred her to UN mission to get her the full immunity.

Third, why not a thought for the maid. Is it because she is less privileged? You are forgetting she too was an Indian too and was the victim in the whole episode and not Kobragade.

Fourth, if she would have been charged for alleged spying or something of those kind of charges, then I am would have supported all of India's actions.

Last, this whole affair is not of India's national interest as portrayed by media. Here we are taking side of a alleged criminal. India spent huge amount of political capital to shield an alleged criminal.

If this reaction would have been for Kalam, I would have supported India and would have even suggested to go beyond these actions, but not in this case.
it;s not in judaism but it;s in all religion.i certainly did not take credit of good deeds committed by my ancestors for myself,i can never think in their unselfish league and nor iam angry at jews and they are good people(that's why i separated jews from zionists,hope u get the the point)
So Zionists aren't "good people", simply because they are Zionists? You know, of course, that the Israeli Jew unborn in the womb of its mother is considered "fair game" to be murdered by terrorists? When such things happen, you won't condemn them, or view the terrorist as a criminal, because the baby, or at least the mother, are "Zionists"?

why i should be angry at jews even if i feel i don't measure up to my ancestors,what's the connection?.israel is a friend and always remain so.
Based on the Khobragade episode, such friendship may be merely skin-deep, not based on shared values. Like the sort of "friendship" the Europeans are known for - friendly to Israel only so far as such relations are self-serving, hostlile otherwise.

...US should have talked to India first before foolishly arresting the diplomat. Moreover foreign sec meeting was being held just couple of days before. How difficult was it to let India know?
The U.S. contacted the Indian Embassy about the Khobragade matter in September: link.

US has to show off it's full spectrum of arrogance.
I didn't see any American arrogance in this episode, only respect for the law.

...your DA doesn't have b@lls to arrest Russia's diplomats -
Russian diplomats a year or so ago were apparently engaged in financial fraud. Khobragade was engaged in human trafficking - classed as a "grave crime" under international law and thus, under the Consular Convention, she was subject to different treatment than the Russians.

...it is matter of time that his b@lls will be up for sale there..
As I've tried to explain before, the prosecuting attorney of the Southern District of New York outranks the State Dept. The only person whose "b@lls will be up for sale" will be the State Dept. employee who failed to request "special treatment" for Khobragade not to be strip-searched.
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