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India Excludes Pakistan From 65-Nation Military Show Guest List

This is but an annual firepower demo.

How does it matter and what has it got to do with comparisons, cowrdice or whatever?

Is someone getting worried?

If so, why so?

Any claims to being superpower or in an adversarial equation with Pakistan made?
Or for that matter with the US or USSR?

So, why such a hue and cry out here for just another annaul firepower demo with some manoeuvres to exhibit?
So, why such a hue and cry out here for just another annaul firepower demo with some manoeuvres to exhibit?

I agree. Lets move on. I think this topic on another thread has been discussed before too with the exact same conclusions...Pakistani bhaiyo,chill out, Indian friends, its your call as to whom you extend the invite..;)

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