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India-England Final

Im aware of rain in Britain. People always says it is the worst. Lol. Hoping for match to start. :drag:
Well I don't mind it, we don't get extreme weather, it may rain a lot here, but the rain is not very intense.
Unlike you guys who have had those awful floods recently.

No wonder cricket is not popular in England. It's the weather.

Yeh probably, but cricket like tennis is perceived as an upper class sport for public school boys.
Working class lads will play football instead.
That's why I watch football...

It's really fun to play it in rain...can't say the same for cricket!
Well I don't mind it, we don't get extreme weather, it may rain a lot here, but the rain is not very intense.
Unlike you guys who have had those awful floods recently.

Yeh probably, but cricket like tennis is perceived as an upper class sport for public school boys.
Working class lads will play football instead.

Mate, what I meant it is that it can rain anytime in Britain. Ex: you have clear sky but after few minutes, rain pours.
What's happening in utrakhand is unfortunate.
When we made in to CT finals under Dads captaincy, due to rain we had share trophy with lankans.
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