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India Encouraged Terrorist Strikes in Sri Lanka

Here's one of main hero of ending the terrorism in Sri Lanka.

Gotabaya Rajapaksha (Secretary of Defence, Sri Lanka)
Almost the whole world does. :whistle:

Once again with the "whole world"
Who is this "whole world" ?

I know you guys think you are a galactic super power but now you think the world is only made up of India, America and western Europe. :rofl:

Besides, the "whole world" has a very low opinion of India as well according to a survey posted a few days ago.
thats what indians doing these days too and have been doing in its neighbours..
And Indians accuse Pakistanis of terrorism. :rolleyes:

It was India who first pioneered the use of terrorism as a state weapon in this region of the world. When Indira Gandhi started training LTTE terrorists to kill Sri Lankan civilians.

Hey,you are not giving us the credit we deserve.We started it in late 60s in East Pakistan some guy was saying in another thread.

Besides, the "whole world" has a very low opinion of India as well according to a survey posted a few days ago.

Damn Indians,cant make curry less spicy.I told many of my chef friends abroad to make it less spicy...see now the whole world hates us the next morning.
Once again with the "whole world"
Who is this "whole world" ?

I know you guys think you are a galactic super power but now you think the world is only made up of India, America and western Europe. :rofl:

Besides, the "whole world" has a very low opinion of India as well according to a survey posted a few days ago.

Hahahaha dude they call you guys terrorists man. And yeah excluding our "friendly neighbors" who else do you think accuse us of terrorism??
My humble advice to fellow Tamilians who is below 25 age group plz don't give comments about SL tamil issue. Becoz most of the people have known less details better you people stay calm.

Ashok , Gounder , Kaluzhu , RYU , Medulla those people known that details well in PDF.

I dint know there were judges here on PDF, well anyways I have an openion and it matters to me whether you like it or not.

State Sponsered Terrorism's Hub = INDIA

Terrorism In Pak
Terrorism In BD
Terrorism In SL
Terrorism In Nepal
Terrorism In Indian Occupied Kashmir
Terrorism On Indian Minorities
Suppot Of Terrorism In China

Don't you think that list is too small compared to the international presence you have, well anyways that not the point here.
I think its hypocritical for anyone to criticize the Indian govt for encouraging terrorists every government has their own agendas and nearly all of them support some sort of terrorism to meet their needs. Every gov't has blood on their hands
This Lalit weeera whatever seems to be a brain dead zombie/opportunist.

One time he claims India pressures Lanka to stop the Eezham war in 2009 bu another time he says India's stance towards Lanka chnaged in October 2008 and it supported Lanka decisively.

India stance towards the Eelam War IV changed from ‘negotiations’ and ‘peace talks’ between the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tigers to ‘terrorism should be countered with resolve’ in late 2008, a book written with considerable establishment support, ‘Gota’s War,’ launched here on Monday has said.

The Hindu : News / International :

Now that the Tigers have been defeated [through mass genocide and ethnic cleansing] every ground rat who was getting his can whooped can now squeek loudly and claim we would have defeated them then itself if not for others. Cowards.

Anyway this is another thread where Lankan Ranger has shown his marvellous editing, thread manipulating skills. The original article is India abetted terror in mid-80s. Now is 2012. Wake up lankan.
And Indians accuse Pakistanis of terrorism. :rolleyes:

It was India who first pioneered the use of terrorism as a state weapon in this region of the world. When Indira Gandhi started training LTTE terrorists to kill Sri Lankan civilians.

India has done its share of mistakes in the past and has paid for it. Just like China supporting rogue states like North Korea and organizations like JuD. But that wouldn't justify blowing up Chinese cities right?
p.s.: people who know precious little about the issue and are here essentially because they think the world needs their opinion and are afflicted with an obsessive reply syndrone should just shut the ____ up.
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