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India downplays Chinese incursion

@asad71 @Lone It might have something to do with the 200+ violations from our side..unless we want China to dig them up and wave it in our face. Also CBMs, their premier proposed them and we both signed on them..and we've both followed them. CBMs entail a strict no shadowing of patrol parties and no engagement with weapons at all unless an exigent situation arises.

India's concerns arise from the lack of infrastructure and jump points in Arunachal. Which we're busy now covering. This is not the LOC where we are defacto in a hostile situation otherwise the Chinese would have opened fire on every Indian patrol that sauntered into their demarcated zone.
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@Loki why are you such a good Mod??? :angry:

BD Section mess is spilling over since you do not let them troll there.

They come here & Cheer for there Masters & that too for free.
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India dar gya! May be Indian post there already bhag gya like in 1962.

Under 1962 treaty, Indian soldiers are bound to drop weapons as soon as they encounter any Chinese petrol. :omghaha:

I will visit Chinese border only to see that sight..
Had it been Bangladesh or Sri Lanka, they would have made hue and cry, but when China does that indian memebrs claim Chinese came to enjoy indian curry dish

In our case military of China is doing this, in your case military of Afgan and Taliban are ruling the western province of Pakistan. Your deaf and fearful military fails to identify Osama living in a house close to their military headquarter.

Sala itna naa-kamyaab intelligence toh Srilanka ka bhi na ho.
@arp2041 I think we need to build more dams, China's building three on Bhramaputra, we're building 5-6, we need to build more. The combined effort will help our brothers in BD heave a sigh of relief as at least the flooding will stop. This is one sector India and China should work in together as a CBM. :angel:
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@iajdani Hey, will you invest in our dams, since China's contributing on their end- we're thinking we'll make our NE hydro projects a bilateral venture between India and BD- avoid all that nasty flooding and all. We'll even extend a reverse soft loan. That way instead of just two countries (namely India and China) it will be three countries (adding BD to the mix) that will get to reap the combined benefit. A good trust building measure between India and China which you guys can join- unlike the last time with Farakka Barrage and all. :)
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@asad71 @Lone It might have something to do with the 200+ violations from our side..unless we want China to dig them up and wave it in our face. Also CBMs, their premier proposed them and we both signed on them..and we've both followed them. CBMs entail a strict no shadowing of patrol parties and no engagement with weapons at all unless an exigent situation arises.

India's concerns arise from the lack of infrastructure and jump points in Arunachal. Which we're busy now covering. This is not the LOC where we are defacto in a hostile situation otherwise the Chinese would have opened fire on every Indian patrol that sauntered into their demarcated zone.

1. The ground reality in Ladakh situation is unknown to us, but would be known to IA higher command. But taking a leaf from past Sino-India confrontation, it appears Indian troops on the spot have run away. That may be the reason why Indian authorities are not bellicose in this matter, but is acting passive.

2. S Tibet (which you call Arunachal) is different. Any Chinese incursion here will arouse the NE freedom-fighters further into action. And eventually, we as a Chinese ally, will be drawn in.
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It is about threats, countries react to threats. The fact is China is a threat to India, irrespective of the trade and the public surface level good-will gestures made between the two countries. Had country A (other than China) "strayed" off 10 km inside India and camped there, I'm sure the Indian reaction would be different, but the fact Chinese soldiers were involved India's reaction is much more cautious and frightened and downplays the event as "accidental", "misunderstandings", "strayed", and all this other rubbish. Why do this? Because the "threat" from China is far greater than the country of "Italy" as you're comparing. China is right next door and they are multiple times your power in nearly every field and criteria.

So reality is it is very much about fear and "threats".

When such incidents happen on the other side done by the Indian patrols the Chinese to downplay the incident it only shows maturity and our seriousness to maintain peace along the border.
1. The ground reality in Ladakh situation is unknown to us, but would be known to IA higher command. But taking a leaf from past Sino-India confrontation, it appears Indian troops on the spot have run away. That may be the reason why Indian authorities are not bellicose in this matter, but is acting passive.

2. S Tibet (which you call Arunachal) is different. Any Chinese incursion here will arouse the NE freedom-fighters further into action. And eventually, we as a Chinese ally, will be drawn in.

You will be drawn in! :omghaha: A pip squeak of a country we could bomb into oblivion in a few minutes.:omghaha: You don't like us but at least don't insult China. Listen boy, our ICGS can sink your navy and blockade you. Soldiers aren't present at every point of the LAC at all moments. Would you like to see how many times the Chinese have complained of intrusions by us? Its in the same number. Little knowledge of topography and ORBAT goes a long way in making you trolls. You should be more worried about drying up since only last week the construction on two dams in NE started. :omghaha:
@arp2041 Bhai does @asad71 even know that we've bought Khaleda Bibi too? @Chinese-Dragon, man I'm having to pester you again and again..now we have a Bangladeshi who wants to fight a combined BD-China war with us. Have you people been naughty and feeding the poor BDians these notions? :omghaha:
@wanglaokan Will you be attacking us with a combined China-Bangladesh force? You wouldn't do that now would you?:)
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@arp2041 Bhai does @asad71 even know that we've bought Khaleda Bibi too? @Chinese-Dragon, man I'm having to pester you again and again..now we have a Bangladeshi who wants to fight a combined BD-China war with us. Have you people been naughty and feeding the poor BDians these notions? :omghaha:

I think people can believe what they want to believe.

My perception is that the Himalayas is exactly the kind of barrier that prevents full-scale wars from occurring, due to how difficult it is to maintain supply lines, that too when under enemy fire. The worst that can happen is a minor border clash, and even in those cases it is unlikely that any territory will change hands.
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