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India dosen't copy and protects Intellectual Property Rights : BOEING


Jul 22, 2013
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India doesn't copy and protects Intellectual Property Rights : BOEING


Even as a section of the US' corporate sector lobbies against India over protection of intellectual property rights, American aircraft major Boeing today said the country has a strong legal framework to protect such rights.
Even as a section of the US' corporate sector lobbies against India over protection of intellectual property rights, American aircraft major Boeing today said the country has a strong legal framework to protect such rights.

"In Boeing's experience, India has a legal framework that is adequate to protect IP with no known cases of IP violation involving Boeing's activities in the defense and aerospace sector," the American multinational said in its remarks submitted to US Trade Commission (USITC).

The USITC this week conducted a hearing in connection with its investigation "Trade, Investment, and Industrial Policies in India: Effects on the US Economy".

The statement from Boeing, which has major investment and research and development centres in India and has received orders worth billions of dollars in the aviation and defense sector, assumes significance in view of the fact that a section of influential American corporate sector has been lobbying at the Capitol Hill and the Obama Administration against India's intellectual property regime.

"A detailed review of Boeing's enterprise-wide activities in India, including the export of Boeing products, as well as sourcing activities, indicates an adequate IPR legal framework is in place for Boeing's aerospace and defense products in India," the statement said.

"Boeing has had a positive experience with Indian customers, partners, and suppliers on IPR protection. Boeing continues to monitor efforts by India's Ministry of Defense to indigenise defense production in India to reach strategic self-reliance," the company said in its four page submission.

According to the statement Boeing is the single largest producer, by dollar value, of US exports to India.

"Since late 2005, Boeing has secured contracts from Indian buyers worth tens of billions of US dollars, which is creating and will sustain at least an estimated 180 thousand US jobs in a high skill, high value industry over the delivery period of these contracts," the company said.

"India has emerged as one of the largest export markets for Boeing (5th largest for Boeing Commercial Airplanes and 2nd largest for Boeing Defense, in terms of market potential) and is a key market that Boeing will continue to develop in the future," it said.

Coming in strong defense of India's IP regime, Boeing said Indian laws applicable to the range of the company's business activities in India are comparable to IPR regulations in other developed countries, as India is a signatory to all major conventions and treaties on this subject.

Source:- Defence News - India dosen't copy and protects IP rights : BOEING
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India doesn't copy and protects Intellectual Property Rights : BOEING


Even as a section of the US' corporate sector lobbies against India over protection of intellectual property rights, American aircraft major Boeing today said the country has a strong legal framework to protect such rights.
Even as a section of the US' corporate sector lobbies against India over protection of intellectual property rights, American aircraft major Boeing today said the country has a strong legal framework to protect such rights.

"In Boeing's experience, India has a legal framework that is adequate to protect IP with no known cases of IP violation involving Boeing's activities in the defense and aerospace sector," the American multinational said in its remarks submitted to US Trade Commission (USITC).

The USITC this week conducted a hearing in connection with its investigation "Trade, Investment, and Industrial Policies in India: Effects on the US Economy".

The statement from Boeing, which has major investment and research and development centres in India and has received orders worth billions of dollars in the aviation and defense sector, assumes significance in view of the fact that a section of influential American corporate sector has been lobbying at the Capitol Hill and the Obama Administration against India's intellectual property regime.

"A detailed review of Boeing's enterprise-wide activities in India, including the export of Boeing products, as well as sourcing activities, indicates an adequate IPR legal framework is in place for Boeing's aerospace and defense products in India," the statement said.

"Boeing has had a positive experience with Indian customers, partners, and suppliers on IPR protection. Boeing continues to monitor efforts by India's Ministry of Defense to indigenise defense production in India to reach strategic self-reliance," the company said in its four page submission.

According to the statement Boeing is the single largest producer, by dollar value, of US exports to India.

"Since late 2005, Boeing has secured contracts from Indian buyers worth tens of billions of US dollars, which is creating and will sustain at least an estimated 180 thousand US jobs in a high skill, high value industry over the delivery period of these contracts," the company said.

"India has emerged as one of the largest export markets for Boeing (5th largest for Boeing Commercial Airplanes and 2nd largest for Boeing Defense, in terms of market potential) and is a key market that Boeing will continue to develop in the future," it said.

Coming in strong defense of India's IP regime, Boeing said Indian laws applicable to the range of the company's business activities in India are comparable to IPR regulations in other developed countries, as India is a signatory to all major conventions and treaties on this subject.

Source:- Defence News - India dosen't copy and protects IP rights : BOEING

Money always talks .
Boeing got a lot of deal and so they are in favour for India.
Boeing has immense influence in US administration.
Money always talks .
Boeing got a lot of deal and so they are in favour for India.
Boeing has immense influence in US administration.

Frankly speaking I am still to come across ant severe IP violation by India in the defence sector! The only one I saw was in the INSAS - AK-47 case!
Frankly speaking I am still to come across ant severe IP violation by India in the defence sector! The only one I saw was in the INSAS - AK-47 case!
Was there an IP issue with INSAS?
I remember there was an issue when Mikhail Kalanishkov himself complained about "A-7",OFB version of AK-47 being made in India.
Was there an IP issue with INSAS?
I remember there was an issue when Mikhail Kalanishkov himself complained about "A-7",OFB version of AK-47 being made in India.

There was an issue in the early version of INSAS where the gun has some similarities with the AK-47, but later it was changed because of the complains by Mikhail Kalanishkov.
Frankly speaking I am still to come across ant severe IP violation by India in the defence sector! The only one I saw was in the INSAS - AK-47 case!

Sorry! I don't know much about it! :no:

There was an issue in the early version of INSAS where the gun has some similarities with the AK-47, but later it was changed because of the complains by Mikhail Kalanishkov.

What Kalanishkov complained was about A-7,an OFB made AK-47 and not about INSAS.



there was no IP issues about INSAS so far!
India dosen't copy and protects Intellectual Property Rights : BOEING

Honesty pays in the long run. :-)
Dear Boeing, India is NOT China. "Naqal kay liaye bhi aqal chahiyae hotee hai". Reverse engineering is not Halwa!!
:china: whatever China is better........................ I don't want too costly respect from USA.
Dear Boeing, India is NOT China. "Naqal kay liaye bhi aqal chahiyae hotee hai". Reverse engineering is not Halwa!!

To reverse engineer you need to have a well established manufacturing sector - China is #1 in this concern - India does not fair well relatively in this sector - But still India is the top 10 manufacturers globally occupying the #9 position currently and this assures us some satisfactory prospects in reverse engineering. Hold On! Give me a break man - So now the Pakistanis who have literally nothing in this concern will judge us whether we can do something or not! Go get yourself a break looser! :lol: :lol: :lol:

India among world's top 10 manufacturing nations | Business Standard
To reverse engineer you need to have a well established manufacturing sector - China is #1 in this concern - India does not fair well relatively in this sector - But still India is the top 10 manufacturers globally occupying the #9 position currently and this assures us some satisfactory prospects in reverse engineering. Hold On! Give me a break man - So now the Pakistanis who have literally nothing in this concern will judge us whether we can do something or not! Go get yourself a break looser! :lol: :lol: :lol:

India among world's top 10 manufacturing nations | Business Standard
Just The fact that you are on this forum tells us who's the looser!! :yahoo:
They are well paid agents man. You'll see them on Every post related to Chinese.:coffee:
To reverse engineer you need to have a well established manufacturing sector - China is #1 in this concern - India does not fair well relatively in this sector - But still India is the top 10 manufacturers globally occupying the #9 position currently and this assures us some satisfactory prospects in reverse engineering. Hold On! Give me a break man - So now the Pakistanis who have literally nothing in this concern will judge us whether we can do something or not! Go get yourself a break looser! :lol: :lol: :lol:

India among world's top 10 manufacturing nations | Business Standard
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