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India did not target Balakot Madrassa - Ind Def Minister

@The Eagle bhai I was thinking about what @MastanKhan had said about pulling the trigger about the Israeli general who even after the threat of court marshal was pushing into Egyptian lines and ended up completely destroying the entire Egyptian army thats what we need to do pull the trigger and get a decisive victory and send a message to the world we should have bombed there soldiers and shot down at east five of there planes

We Pakistani have a history of pulling defeat from the jaws of victory in Kargil our army and air force proper wasn't involved because of whatever reason

Because of that no matter how many hills we captured India won through propaganda there were so many instances were Pakistani jets locked on to Indian jets but didn't bring it down a perfect opportunity presented itself with the submarine we should've waited until it got into Pakistani waters and sunk it

We Have to realize that the world doesn't like us Muslims in general Pakistanis in particular there are so many instances were foreigners come to Pakistan and witness our hospitality and end up hating us we have to stop seeking there approval thats why i admire about the Israelis they shoot first and answer questions later thats what we need to do history belongs to those who are not afraid and take initiative

Maybe we need to do the same

your thoughts

A country's response to an enemy state depends upon their relative strength of military, economic and diplomatic resources. In my view, what Pakistan has demonstrated, in the current conflict, is already more than the substantial. Under the circumstances, we could not go beyond that. We have a lot of compulsions and constraints.

As for the Kargil conflict, it was a misadventure, to start with. Still, we managed to get out of its repercussions, which could have been disastrous.
Ah yes, the cryptic, ‘we know something that’s been fed to us by our off the record sources that you don’t know’ post.

Seen more and more of these posts as more and more information has come out debunking Indian claims about the Balakot strikes. Hellfire is a decent guy, but even he only knows as much as the guys feeding him the information are told, and going by the mountain of evidence against Indian claims, cryptic claims is all you’re ever going to have.

Suffice to say what was shown in the video wasn't the target.
Suffice to say what was shown in the video wasn't the target.
Perhaps, but per Planet Labs and ASPI, none of the other structures were damaged or showed any holes in the roof either.
Perhaps, but per Planet Labs and ASPI, none of the other structures were damaged or showed any holes in the roof either.

I already said it, you need high res SAR images right after the strike. Maybe a few hours after at best. Beyond that, you won't get anything else from optical images.
@The Eagle bhai I was thinking about what @MastanKhan had said about pulling the trigger about the Israeli general who even after the threat of court marshal was pushing into Egyptian lines and ended up completely destroying the entire Egyptian army thats what we need to do pull the trigger and get a decisive victory and send a message to the world we should have bombed there soldiers and shot down at east five of there planes

We Pakistani have a history of pulling defeat from the jaws of victory in Kargil our army and air force proper wasn't involved because of whatever reason

Because of that no matter how many hills we captured India won through propaganda there were so many instances were Pakistani jets locked on to Indian jets but didn't bring it down a perfect opportunity presented itself with the submarine we should've waited until it got into Pakistani waters and sunk it

We Have to realize that the world doesn't like us Muslims in general Pakistanis in particular there are so many instances were foreigners come to Pakistan and witness our hospitality and end up hating us we have to stop seeking there approval thats why i admire about the Israelis they shoot first and answer questions later thats what we need to do history belongs to those who are not afraid and take initiative

Maybe we need to do the same

your thoughts
AirForce wasn't even envolved in 2001-2 Operation Parakaram when IAF Mirage 2000s were bombing our Army posts
I already said it, you need high res SAR images right after the strike. Maybe a few hours after at best. Beyond that, you won't get anything else from optical images.
I disagree - that's just an excuse. The size of the holes would make them obvious on even the Planet Labs and ASPI images. They simply don't exist.

And given that these claims of 'high resolution SAR images possessed by India' have been floating around for weeks now, why haven't they been released publicly? It's not like Pakistani intel doesn't already know about Indian satellite capabilities.
Suffice to say what was shown in the video wasn't the target.
Suffice to say that you are full of shit.

Are you sure?
Coward enough to tail your "entire airborne air force" in a Bison?

Say what you want about our political establishment, but the IAF did exceptionally well by deterring "the entirely airborne PAF" with a few fighters and keeping almost the entire action in enemy territory.
I would say "stupid enough"
A country's response to an enemy state depends upon their relative strength of military, economic and diplomatic resources. In my view, what Pakistan has demonstrated, in the current conflict, is already more than the substantial. Under the circumstances, we could not go beyond that. We have a lot of compulsions and constraints.

As for the Kargil conflict, it was a misadventure, to start with. Still, we managed to get out of its repercussions, which could have been disastrous.


Kargil was a masterstroke---. There was no pedning disaster---. Indian military had no ammo for heavy guns to fight a war with pakistan---.
Suffice to say what was shown in the video wasn't the target.

In-fact on that night when IAF was able to count 300+ bodies; proven out to be there was no target except to run while dropping in hast. Give it a rest & take an off. Beside foreign sources, nobody is buying here what you are trying to sell. Copy paste posts to raise count and nothing else.

There was no target to prove but, the real target was to create never ending confusion, claim with lies without any proof, repeat the same rants & keep insisting that everyone gets tired to debunk those lies.

It started with stolen pictures when Planet Earth has to intervene & expose,
then went on to share an under construction building which too was exposed,
then came the whole set of claim that IAF never cross LoC but used SOW,
then it was made before public that IAF couldn't reach the point due to heavy wind in opposite direction,
then came Indian DM openly/on the record relying on social media & random pictures,
then came the claim that India did not intend to cause casualties rather delivered the message,
then again there are casualties,
then Spice is a bomb which in fact not the case,
then claimed that Spice is a whole set of AI which goes inside building and eliminates targets without causing any damage to the structure/burns,
then came that this is not the place India hit,
then came that there were clouds on the that day and missing imagery,
then came that we did not attack infrastructure to minimize any possible civilian casualty and above all,
when all the foreign observers are brought to the claimed impact point, area & shown the infrastructure; they all are biased & sided with Pakistan or doesn't have the intellect capacity like India.

I have been saying this before and I will repeat that such kind of destruction & casualties in area as such which is not a Military Zone/Cantt, its not possible to hide anything especially in this day & age of Mobile Phones everywhere.

If any Indian wants to vote Modi, no iat-least spare us from all this in good faith and for the sake of humanity.
Suffice to say that you are full of shit.

The responsive use of "Suffice to say" is excellent linguistics.
@The Eagle bhai I was thinking about what @MastanKhan had said about pulling the trigger about the Israeli general who even after the threat of court marshal was pushing into Egyptian lines and ended up completely destroying the entire Egyptian army thats what we need to do pull the trigger and get a decisive victory and send a message to the world we should have bombed there soldiers and shot down at east five of there planes

We Pakistani have a history of pulling defeat from the jaws of victory in Kargil our army and air force proper wasn't involved because of whatever reason

Because of that no matter how many hills we captured India won through propaganda there were so many instances were Pakistani jets locked on to Indian jets but didn't bring it down a perfect opportunity presented itself with the submarine we should've waited until it got into Pakistani waters and sunk it

We Have to realize that the world doesn't like us Muslims in general Pakistanis in particular there are so many instances were foreigners come to Pakistan and witness our hospitality and end up hating us we have to stop seeking there approval thats why i admire about the Israelis they shoot first and answer questions later thats what we need to do history belongs to those who are not afraid and take initiative

Maybe we need to do the same

your thoughts

We retaliated and played the same game that India tried to start and claim. However, while Pakistan retaliated; there are Indian losses and world has already seen them. Speaking of all out attack, is not the case nor feasible. To understand strategy as such; you can see that there are few or almost none of parties buying Indian fallacy at all. Concern parties have seen what we can do and without much damages to India, the message is delivered with a shocker that for next time, enemy will think more than twice before any misadventure.

Nobody can claim that there will be no losses in case of war or at-least a longer clash but, Pakistan has made sure that we will give an unsustainable blow.

You can't risk & wait for the enemy to come in and then you will sink that Sub. Anything could have happen hence, preemptive measures & pulling her out like a helpless fish. It will be too childish to say that we should have attacked xyz military installations, damaged this & that or should have sunk few IN ships/sub. The world would have been blaming us being aggressors & in view of Indian propaganda machine; Pakistan couldn't come out of this as we have more enemies than friends in the West/US.

Pakistan did the right thing and nobody is blaming us. What we did; was the message that never cross the line again. Strategic thinkers & men with responsibilities, have more foreseeable reasons to act in calculated & well measured manners as such.
I am enjoying all this indian Drilling even more....:pop:

I am enjoying all this indian Drilling even more....:pop:
And given that these claims of 'high resolution SAR images possessed by India' have been floating around for weeks now, why haven't they been released publicly? It's not like Pakistani intel doesn't already know about Indian satellite capabilities.

The high res SAR images taken from Indian military satellites are not available in open source obviously. Why would we show off their resolution?

And no, Pak intel doesn't have a clue about Indian satellite capabilities. You can make a guesstimate, but it will have to be accidentally accurate. And we will like to keep it that way for obvious reasons.

Indian military had no ammo for heavy guns to fight a war with pakistan---.

No truth to that. In fact, we had excess ammo at the time. Even tank ammo. We also had excess fighter jets, forget ammo.

In-fact on that night when IAF was able to count 300+ bodies; proven out to be there was no target except to run while dropping in hast.

Spice is a fire and forget weapon. So this "dropping in haste" situation doesn't arise.
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