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India develops Fortified supercrop,will drastically drop Hunger rate.

You seriously are on a high.The point was overtaking China in growth rate,it just failed to mention growth rate here,but even when it was mentioned earlier you used to troll.
Italy and Brazil are already behind India in terms of growth rate and you very well know it.

And overtaking China,was meant in terms of percentage growth rate and not actual size.You didn't know it,but will now.

Hey leave him alone..He's taken mantle upon himself to defend China on this forum. Wouldn't care even if its not the subject matter of discussion. There's no wrong place to show Chinese superiority.
Indians do not know that GM foods will harm People's health?
That food can only extract cooking oil or as feed!

Indians should be more access to some "GM foods" information.

Why dont you share some knowledge and try to convince few of us if u think your idea is worthy enough to be given due consideration.....:)
Indians do not know that GM foods will harm People's health?
That food can only extract cooking oil or as feed!

Indians should be more access to some "GM foods" information.

We wont mind to consult Chinese scientists in this matter, and if you don't have anything to contribute in this topic u can prefer to stay silent.:no:
Not necessarily!
refer to this site
Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?

GMC has the potential to solve (or atleast reduce) the problem of malnutrition, as u can artificially modify the protein, carbohydrate etc contents. And u can make the crop resistant to pests thus reducing the dependency on pesticides.

Not necessarily?
Experiment with the human body?
That is genocide! It will destroy the health of the entire nation!
Indians do not know that GM foods will harm People's health?
That food can only extract cooking oil or as feed!

Indians should be more access to some "GM foods" information.

Ok dude,we are idiots and those working in hi-tech labs are also idiots.

You are the one whom we should learn from..

Maybe you should get a better access to technology cuz you can't stop stealing it from be it US,Russia or Germany!!
Not necessarily?
Experiment with the human body?
That is genocide! It will destroy the health of the entire nation!

Oh this is crap.....

There is difference between complete GMC and selectively fortified crops (in this case)....though in layman terms both can be terms as potentially harmful but as in this case such possibility is much lesser....

In standard protocol there are four levels in clinical trails after SUCESSFUL production of the desired drug or in case fortified crop....

First phase start with various phases of animal testing and mind you third phase is most difficult to get though......if u need some details u may PM me.....
World against genetically modified foods:



@ cross1993

Why do you think we are not aware of the dangers of GMC.....:)
Do you understand the meaning of fortification?
It means strengthening and whats wrong in strengthening is nothing wrong.

Aloow me to add that we need to be very very cautious with this also....

Instead of changing the complete genome we are just inserting few useful genes in this case....which is in fact a risk but given the widespread hunger we face and tremendous amout of reasearch world over alongwith the potential promise to give a longterm solution......I think this risk is worth it....
Super crop or no super crop, when the officials who are expected to implement the govt plan against malnourishment program are ready to do scam in the funds alloted to it, what those supercrop will do when needy people dont get them at all.

IAS couple's greed their undoing?

BHOPAL: Of the several questions surrounding Bhopal's billionaire bureaucrats Arvind Joshi and his wife Tinu Joshi, the ones most intriguing are what was their modus operandi for minting money, and who blew the whistle on them and why. The questions gain salience because, as a Madhya Pradesh cabinet minister said, "The IAS lobby is in Joshis' support and trying hard to scuttle the probe."

In a peculiar way, the answer to the two questions may be linked. Repeated questioning of some senior bureaucrats revealed that despite a strong backing of the Joshis by the IAS lobby, it's quite likely that it was a woman IAS officer who blew the whistle on the couple's multi-crore deals while Tinu Joshi was principal secretary, women and child welfare.

"Women and child welfare department gets huge grants," said a senior Bhopal bureaucrat. "The empowerment of women and girl child development is one of chief minister's thrust areas. Apart from big budget allocation, this department is also funded by the Centre and the United Nations. Supplies of nutritional supplements is part of the plan," he said.

Not in support of the Joshis, this top civil servant said, "The state allocates crores of rupees for free distribution of 'panjiri' (a sweet made of high protein mixture of powdered lentils, atta, dry fruit and ghee). This is meant for malnourished children and mothers. But this expenditure was shown only on paper."

It's learnt that Tinu Joshi fought with another senior woman bureaucrat because she was withholding funds for 'panjiri. "The contract was given to suppliers of Tinu's choice, who would then also provide her with the necessary paperwork," the bureaucrat said.

Read more: IAS couple's greed their undoing? - The Times of India IAS couple's greed their undoing? - The Times of India
Super crop or no super crop, when the officials who are expected to implement the govt plan against malnourishment program are ready to do scam in the funds alloted to it, what those supercrop will do when needy people dont get them at all.

Though relevant why dont u understand if successful this will bring a big revolution MUCH MUCH bigger than green revolution......and the corruption is here to stay(unfortunately)......but should never be a barrier in scientific pursuits of Ignited minds........:taz:
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