The book
talks little about India & Pak.
It clearly states India is no pushover and will be the definitive regional power, Super-power - neh?
Iran, Af-Pak., will continue back-&-forth as is with stricter US oversight, and China will continue to be insular and self-centered.
The book's a surprising quick and good read. The return of Russia, rise of China and India is there; Japan, Turkey and Poland are the real surprises.
Triumph 25 cc for India
I noticed that Bangalre metro is mroe Indian than other Indian metro systems.
Indigenisation! So like scooters, motorcyles, tractors small cars and then as the economy openend up India built up it's construction machinery, truck and bus industries; it's building an entire metro system industry.
So in older times one had Tata and Leyland buses and trucks fan out to every nook and corner of India over multiple generations, in 10 yrs. time they will bring metro systmes to smaller towns. Policy says Million strong 'towns' will also get metro systems. As localisation increases, so does roll-out and speed of project mgmt. I mena they tackled the hardest metro systems first - Cal., Del., Bom. etc.
Aerospace, ship-building and outer-space industries are a natural follow-on.
I noticed the top 10 groups like the Tata's, Reliance and Mahindra have actually established solid aerospace presence.
Mumbai Shanghai-ing

I was thinking with Mumbai's upcoming multi-mega-modal transport system, a dozen 100 storey super-talls under construction, and another 2 dozen planned compared to all the empty, misused space in Mumbai re: above pic.'s; Mumbai MMR is turning into something beyond what the world has ever seen. Beyond Shanghai!
Except I read they are turning Shanghai into a China-mega-agglomeration with 100's of million ppl.
Major difference is Shanghai's primary Pudong super-tall CBDis done, by govt. order. Aamchi Mumbai is sprouting super-talls organically by market driven forces. In 10 yrs. Mumbai will be the super-tall capital of the world.
Expect a lot more supers after the election. If they can do below in 1 shot, fully pvt. for-profit:
they can do a hell of a lot more going by opportunity re: empty ill-used land and Indian demand.