Whatever it is you are smoking , it's really good stuff. I freakin live there. No place in Canada , except some isolated towns in Nunavut and Northwest Territories, have roads like Old Delhi. And the only reason they have roads like these is because like 50-100 people live in those towns. Don't even bother to compare Canada's roads with Indian roads, there is no comparison. They started building freeways like the 400 series back in the 1960s when we were building mudroads for bullock carts
Yes , did you even bother to read what I said ? Exactly , Canada's population is 34 million , still they build each freeway having 5-6 lanes on each side , so a total of 10-12 lanes. We have a population of more than 1 billion and we build freeways with 2 lanes on each side. Which is why Eastern Freeway is a perfect example of bad future planning and the 401 is an excellent model freeway that was built 40 years ago and still functions perfectly.