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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Thanks, still only 1 hr. by 120/ km hr.
by new Siemens local, no?

Ok, I checked it out, it's far.

View attachment 91650


BBC's coverage of Modi's US visit.
Amazing that Indo-Americans raised $ 1.5 Million for Modi's trip.
Fool it takes atleast 2.5 hours to reach Boisar if you catch a direct train from Andheri and even more if you have to catch a MEMU from Virar (as you have to wait to catch a connecting train) and EMU's don't run at 100 km /hr at full stretch...
Gangtok, SK

d88e3721e772f592e00ef3c8371904e5.jpgcc: plynoi

cf97de816efa221ae7df1f47528275e2.jpgcc: ddutta1956

Museum Road, Trivandrum, KL


cc: Sajith Vijayan on skyscrapercity.com
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Fool it takes atleast 2.5 hours to reach Boisar if you catch a direct train from Andheri and even more if you have to catch a MEMU from Virar (as you have to wait to catch a connecting train) and EMU's don't run at 100 km /hr at full stretch...
Fool? Your Abu/pitajee (father) is the fool.

Listen we are not abusive in this thread, pls. go to some abusive thread where you can find your own ppl. Get!

Otherwise my comment was based on the future, Indian is rolling out the worlds' largest infra. play.

:offtopic: Kitna Deti ? Ad.

Af.-Pak. in Space
Joke, like above, take it easy all

(c) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_DHCsxBZ3ojY/Swft4xvB0lI/AAAAAAAAA-Y/Yp8z7ib45sk/s640/Pakistan space flight.jpg

Bombay thanks for posting Gangtok, I had family in Shimla and Nainital and when we went as kids, your pic reminded me of those places back then. Things are a bit kitschy in Nainital now, I was there last year, Shimla is no better. Future's bright though.
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Fool? Your pitajee (father) is the fool.

Listen we are not abusive in this thread, pls. go to some abusive thread where you can find your own ppl. Get!

Otherwise my comment was based on the future, Indian is rolling out the worlds' largest infra. play.

:offtopic: Kitna Deti ? Ad.

Af.-Pak. in Space
Joke, like above, take it easy all
View attachment 94074
(c) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_DHCsxBZ3ojY/Swft4xvB0lI/AAAAAAAAA-Y/Yp8z7ib45sk/s640/Pakistan space flight.jpg

Bombay thanks for posting Gangtok, I had family in Shimla and Nainital and when we went as kids, your pic reminded me of those places back then. Things are a bit kitschy in Nainital now, I was there last year, Shimla is no better. Future's bright though.
You are the one who keeps on fooling and embrassing yourself with your foot in mouth syndrome....
. .
IndoCarib, that's an unimaginable pic, simply awesome. Another few:

Guess What?


(c) http://specials.rediff.com/news/2004/jul/28vt5.jpg
-Above Mumbai Railway HQ, Victoria Terminus aka CST




Done, almost

Topped Out

(c) Mumbai - SkyscraperCity

Delhi NCR
I find this incredible, F-1 Tower, Gr. Noida (F-1 = Formula 1, as seen in b/gd)
2csiafp.jpg  F1 Tower, Greater Noida: 37 floors | 107m


M3M, Gurgoan
I've been to this one, I notice the tower base design change for the better.

(c) http://oi60.tinypic.com/16aryfa.jpg

Below Caterham style kit cars, with a flex engine mount for Tata Nano engine or Maruti or even bigger Indian diesel engines can be wrapped up under $ 10,000. Typically, such work is done on kerb side or other 'free' public land with commissions to the local beat cops. Assembly line production can bring costs down to $ 5000.

@ $ 5-7000 you have a smasher on your hands, who wants to be a millionaire? Once in production, get a local design team to tit, tease, tattle and tweak to cater to wider, export audiences and keep squeezing price. Quash price down to $ 3-4000 and you got a Global blockbuster.

If they can do below for under $ 10,000 Made-In-Bangalore; then above is do-able.


(c) http://www.xair.com.au/X-Air-Hanuman-2.jpg
  • :woot: @mirage 2k, you stand reported.
Watch your manners boy, basic stuff. If yes, keep on coming.

:offtopic: Modi's rocked Madison Sq.Gardens (Modison Sq. Gardens?)
  • Next stop off to rock with Obama in DC. Indo-US trade to be upped to $ 500 Billion :yahoo:!
Baap-re, what a Vid.


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. . . .
India's NextGen Middle Upper-to-Middle Class
- about 100 + 50 Million families, 750-800 Million ppl.; sure it's aspirational for the majority but do-able re: India's $ Trillion roll-out. And that's a hell of a lot of Rs. Trillions, a $ still goes a long way.

(c) https :// farm4 . staticflickr . com/ 3795/ 13253559193_5f0634e8ed_b. jpg

View attachment 98232
(c) http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1280x1024q90/571/2mnn.jpg

View attachment 98210

(c) https :// fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net / hphotos-ak-ash2/v/t1.0-9/1375235_251938054930743_478332191_n.jpg?oh = f5ea85e0b04b1d6e7c4fcfb5fd5f3454&oe=5486DE6A&__gda__=1422842061_4d5cccee924d9cb49ad10e87d17a1e7c

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(c) Click : https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1404878_10202577076818467_623071201_o.jpg


(c) http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/562/9qqx.jpg


(c) https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t31/856756_251940184930530_1402405401_o.jpg

(c) http://www.indianrealestateforum.co...ahani-pictures-ki-jubaani-20130804_163306.jpg

(c) https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-VJ4kIU_bitc/Tf2L0NQCHMI/AAAAAAAAAIM/Gb9DYidVve0/w958-h430-no/SJ+Park+net.jpg


India's 'lite Mumbai (Parsi?) Class
- Cuffe Parade


(c) http://www.knowindia.net/pics/mumbai/mumbai10l.jpg
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Sigh, so many images of the same thing , Noida, Mumbai ,Delhi etc. Is there any development happening elsewhere?
self del.


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. . . .

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