I wonder which is more expensive? Reclaiming land (more dangerous anyway) or bridges? I am not sure for how long they can continue reclaiming land...
While I agree with the respect thing, mind the fashion show. Why do all kinds of people in India insist on some reverse type of fashion to stand out and apart rather then the standard shirt and pant. Why?
On reclamation! I say keep reclaiming all the way to Dubai and then to Zanzibar, even Durban and Mauritius. Market it as the new Pangea. Pangea was always the historical connection in those parts
If Indian majority and nominal Global expertise and petrodollars in tinny Dubai can scoop real-estate out of the sea and sell it back to Indians, then who's stopping India ?
Sorry, one thing I find ridiculous is how even the educated, literate and net savvy Indians overdo 'environmentalism. Landlords, the real powers-that-be have brainwashed everyone top-down. Plain truth: The majority of Indians in British and Mughal Colonial cities live in ghetto like conditions; while the high-and-mighty 'Colonial' type merchant prices and their professional Dr., CA, MBA, LL.B. retinue live like the Sultans of yore with their bs land grabs.
Wake-up, 10's of millions in each city living like roaches need re-development, reclamation, sky-high towers, over-the-top infrastructure not forests, mangroves, beaches, river-fronts, salt pans, explosive ordnance warehouses and defence cantonments, bird sanctuaries, milk dairies, mega factories, radar zones, spectrum skies, etc. etc.
Inversely, go grab some prime real-estate for a 'chaiwaala' sq. ft. After Batliwaala, Bootpolishwaala and Dabbawaalla's, hey Bombaywaala, you related to 'Chaiwaala' bro ?
Today's ghetto like Indian is the highest value environmental cause. Don't miss the wood for the trees.