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India deprives Pakistan of featuring in Asian Squash

What Is your take on, depriving Pakistani players to compete in India !!!

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You guys are proud of drug cheats. Good for u.
India has banned your players from a international squash meet. Deal with it .

And where those legends were proven drug cheats?

In your dreams may be because Jahangir Khan is even today respected all over the world and is considered the best ever in Squash. Same is the case with others. Get out of hate for once and learn to respect legends even if they are from Pakistan.

And our players would participate in other tournaments not a big deal.
I think they made an assertion long ago that we don't want any relation with Pakistan. The isolation attempts and subsequent nefarious tactics are what part of their strategy. I am not shocked at the new developments, they were coming in any way.
I think they made an assertion long ago that we don't want any relation with Pakistan. The isolation attempts and subsequent nefarious tactics are what part of their strategy. I am not shocked at the new developments, they were coming in any way.
Not surprising with the new govt.
With congress all pakistani nefarious activities from punjab to kashmir to mumbai were tolerated and business as usual was on.
BJP has said pakistan will feel the pain for its support to terrorists.
Ball tampering and chucking has become difficult with availibility of better technology now.

Corelation with your performance last decade plus. Had ICC nipped chucker ajmal in time, it would have been waaaayyyy worse.

Not one fast bowler from 1.2 billion not one bwahahahaha weak *** nation ever in the history of sport
India seventy years of producing limp wrist bowlers
Hahahaha talking about sports hahaga to the dominant Pakistanis lol
I do not think that India was thinking about gaining advantage and brightening her chances of a win while denying visa to Pakistani team.

It is a policy decision to go slow on issuing visa to each and every Pakistani, which has been taken after the announcement of death sentence to Kulbhushan.

Since Pakistan has world class Squash players therefore this kind of action by Indian authorities is definitely a below the belt kind of hit and frankly quite humiliating.
This the kind of player that pakistan has

Indians are such small hearted people. That is why they will amount to nothing more than they currently are.

Why else would you entangle sports into geopolitics .... Small hearts that's why.
pakistanis are such small hearted people. That is why they will amount to nothing more than they currently are.

Why else would you entangle movies / trade / road connectivity into geopolitics .... Small hearts that's why.

Well said.
:lol: Indian ki misaal iss idiom jesi hay "Ghar main to Kutta bhi sher hota ha"

Indian kutta ghar main hee sher hay.

BTW inki beghairti ki koi had nahi hay. Trade is ok with Pakistan, diplomatic ties are ok with Pakistan but when it comes to peaceful things like sports then these bharotis suddenly remembers their ego.
:lol: Indian ki misaal iss idiom jesi hay "Ghar main to Kutta bhi sher hota ha"

But in case of Indians. Kutta ghar main bhi kutta hi hai. :)
Indian Gov is seeking and applying Media Attention tactics. A time will come they will cut their own Arm by saying it is also a fault of ISI & Pak.
A list goes like that (what i remember right now)
a) Ban Pakistan Airline to use of air space....then retreat
b) Ban Pak Trucks enter our territory...instead of granting MFN
c) Ban Pak Singers....Actors......Raising slogans of kicking them out
d) Ban Hockey team to play with them
e) Ban Cricket....(Biggest Trump Card for BJP fool worshppers)
f) Ban Squash
g) Capture Pakistani Pigeons ...spotted flying in our territory?? such a bullshit idea
h) Attack and Plunder Pakistani Goods....(2 days ago by RSS goons)
= I have no idea Where it will end....but one day surely they break their own Arm ....when there is nothing left for them to seek more attention
Most suitable Proverb apply here for Indians
(Naam Baray....Darshan Chootay)
May be because anti Pakistan sentiment are running high in India. Security of those players will become a big problem if they are allowed into India.
When aren't they high?
What i want to know is why is Pakistan even wasting time applying for visas to India? I support any kind of diplomatic exchange with India all together.

Oh i forgot coz our PM has business obligations with India.
The indians who are in favor of this decision are the same indians who cry when they get banned or when they receive a Negative rating:lol:
india is the world capital of hypocrisy and petty behavior

if india was given the same treatment, i would see plenty of indians making rape and death threats on this forum and other online platforms...
So as per the TTA's logic. If you have a different opinion from him, you might as well be graced with a negative rating.
We don't want to play with you people. Why do you try shamelessly? Why not try to host in your country and do the same for evil Indians?
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