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India demands that US drop case against diplomat

The court had enough evidence to arrest her, and everything that followed was standard procedure for anyone who gets arrested by the US Marshall service. If she had FULL diplomatic immunity it would have been a violation of international law, but she did not have it so she had to face the US law.. whether we accept such procedures or not is not relevant because its their land and they expect people in their country to follow their rules as much as we expect foreigners in our nation to follow our rules no matter what their views, traditions or values think of our laws.

Read my post..... the standard procedures were not followed...she has limited diplomatic immunity which prevents her from being arrested , she can only be arrested for a Grave crime...Visa fraud is not a grave crime....get it through your thick head
The court had enough evidence to arrest her, and everything that followed was standard procedure for anyone who gets arrested by the US Marshall service. If she had FULL diplomatic immunity it would have been a violation of international law, but she did not have it so she had to face the US law.. whether we accept such procedures or not is not relevant because its their land and they expect people in their country to follow their rules as much as we expect foreigners in our nation to follow our rules no matter what their views, traditions or values think of our laws.

Dude, you still did not get the point.. She is not an ordinary Indian citizen, she is an IFS officer working in Indian embassy.. She is representing India.. Next what US marshals can arrest anyone from Indian embassy in US because they did not have diplomatic immunity?? As I said, they could have asked her to report to police staton or DA's office considering her post.. And you did not reply me about Bharara's comment
Dude, you still did not get the point.. She is not an ordinary Indian citizen, she is an IFS officer working in Indian embassy.. She is representing India.. Next what US marshals can arrest anyone from Indian embassy in US because they did not have diplomatic immunity?? As I said, they could have asked her to report to police staton or DA's office considering her post.. And you did not reply me about Bharara's comment

Forget it , there are too many people who wants to show their moral superiority without even figuring out what happened .

AM going to post the same thing another member posted here

Only claims of disparity in Pay which is contentious considering the Nanny's Free House rent, Free food, Free access to chauffeur driven car, Free clothes, Free Medical Insurance, Free dental insurance, Free death Insurance, Diplomatic passport and its privileges and her salary. Her CTC would easily be 5,000 $ per month or more. There is NOT even a prima facie case against the Indian diplomat.

OH the poor underpaid maid, what a pity

Can the American apologists answer the questions below

1. In fact considering your history with illegal immigrants, Why was it that even though the nanny absconded from her work place in July and had her Indian passport revoked she was not arrested by the NYPD ?

2. Why was it that when the Delhi High court passed an injunction against the nanny that she was not declared an illegal fugitive in the eyes of the law ?

3. Why did the govt. of US provide such special treatment to an illegal Indian fugitive from law ?

4. Why did the US further provide a visa for her husband and child by 10th December and facilitate their escape into the US and THEN arrest the Indian diplomat on 12th December ?

5. It was the nanny who claimed a salary of more than 4,500$ when she filled the DS 160 form for A3 visa. Why is she not arrested for Visa fraud when she already had a contract with the diplomat for a far lesser salary ?

6. It can be clearly seen that the nanny was the one perpetuating the fraud, worst that can be claimed is that the Indian diplomat aided and abetted in this fraud (alleged).

Relevant clause is Article 41 which states,

1. Consular officers shall not be liable to arrest or detention pending trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial authority. (Grave crime is usually defined as Murder, Rape, Robbery etc. )

2. Except in the case specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, consular officers shall not be committed to prison or liable to any other form of restriction in their personal freedom save in execution of a judicial decision of final effect.

3. If criminal proceedings are instituted against a consular officer, he must appear before the competent authorities. Nevertheless, the proceedings shall be conducted with the respect due to him by reason of his official position and, except in the case specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, in a manner which will hamper the exercise of consular functions as little as possible.

Article 72 does discuss customarily favored treatment beyond the limits of the Convention. This could be what infuriates Indian officials so much.

privilege that consider exists under Article 72.

It is crystal clear America is at fault , your diplomats can murder, manslaughter and also provide immunity to American citizen responsible for Genocide but oh boy Visa fraud is a big ..no ...no...
You did not really boast with your infinite wisdom either.

If traitors like you is in India ,there is no need of an enemy to attack India.Betraying motherland for white americans is honour for you,but average middle class educated Indian like me not digest when our sisters strip in other nations.Who is the victim here?If that maid has any complaint then return to Indian ,that is standard procedure.We Indians like pakistanis and chinese more than traitors like you.
That maid need 10000$ and her normal passport .That diplomat already agreed to pay that money.But passport issue is not in their hands.and what she doing is to,run away from diplomats house and complained in US.She is also a traitor like you.six months she hide in US.Our government and diplomat already initiated standard procedures ,give complaint to NYPD.Your so called world class american policecant find a maid hiding in the US for six.But Delhi high court already initiated injunction against her.
She is senior IFS officer that work for India in US.If they have any complaint, there is some standard procedures to arrest her.She is not tourist or refugees in USA.US law is not above the Geneva convention and Vienna convention.
The maid aim is a green passport to stay permanent in US.For that she need normal passport.When that passport is not in the hands of diplomat she trap that diplomat and you are her to justify tha action of US.That a*** US attorney statement "Victims family may subjected to the human right violations in India ,so we need to 'evacuate' her family from India."Who F*** is this US attorney to interfere in the matters between Indian court and Indian citizens ?Give me a reason .Who are give him right to evacuate Indian citizens from India?,And you as an Indian justify US action in a pakistan forum.Great so much patriotism.Even pakistan and Chinese are better than this and they all love their country.If you can reply ,then reply to all my question.
And Indians here need to learn from you and respect the law of country that a diplomat is posted. Its sad that many Indians believe that their diplomat is above the law.

She should face the heat if found guilty, but lets not make this a media trial...

There is a lot that's yet to be uncovered, the Americans still have to prove the crime, just as Ms.k here has to prove her innocence, so lets not pass judgement here on her guilt or call anyone names based on the media bits and pieces...

One thing is certain though, there was definite mistreatment and unnecessary roughness in the way this entir thing was handled
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