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India decides to fight back aggressive China

Tibetans don't think you have "got them".

Neither do the uyghurs.

Anyway, the discussion here is about the erstwhile china and the current PRC (not focused on the surrounding territories, which mildly put, are disputed and will be resolved in the future .. either peacefully, the USSR way or unpeacefully the nazi germany way).

Uyghurs..that is another interesting one, Thank to Manchurian that we annexed Xinjiang, Do we care how you think of what they think of us?? As long as we make Tibet and Xinijans a modern society such as this attached link, out perferm Indians in every aspect of live that count.

Lhasa 拉萨, Tibet - Page 6 - SkyscraperCity

Urumqi Cityscapes, Xinjiang 乌鲁木齐 都市风景 - Page 5 - SkyscraperCity

as for the rest of your post...make no sense.
Stop trolling. We are talking about how India was created by the British. I had proven it in my previous posts. Stop changing the topic and trolling about the future of another country. Unless of course, you now agree that India was created by the British. We'll end it here.

Stating something and proving something are very different. You are not the PRC Propaganda division and we are not Chinese, so stating does not equal proving.

The concept of India as a nation, as a geographic entity and as a people has existed since before 3rd century BC. The word "Indika" to refer to India was in fact used by Herodotus in 5th century BC. So when you say British created India, it's not logic or fact but the 50 cents talking.

And also, why are we debating Indian/Chinese national origins in a thread about Chinese aggression and India's response to it?
Stating something and proving something are very different. You are not the PRC Propaganda division and we are not Chinese, so stating does not equal proving.

The concept of India as a nation, as a geographic entity and as a people has existed since before 3rd century BC. The word "Indika" to refer to India was in fact used by Herodotus in 5th century BC. So when you say British created India, it's not logic or fact but the 50 cents talking.

And also, why are we debating Indian/Chinese national origins in a thread about Chinese aggression and India's response to it?

Because probably, he has nothing to do with Taiwan or USA ... but is a faker, basically running to earn his 50 cents from CPC. :laugh:
No, dear.

China would have been a part of Imperial Japan, if USA / UK and USSR had brought the WW2 to end just with a victory of Nazi Germany.

Japanese romped over China with their own strength ... on the contrary, even British India was basically run by Indians - the British Indian army consisted mostly of Indians, not british.

Now do you understand, why British could never do a "rape of Nanking" in India?

Now do you understand, why Indians never were on the run driven by the British (like the chinese were on the run, under "long march") - because the police forces were Indian, army was Indians. So, who to run from.. ourselves??

On the other hand, japanese simply overwhelmed china overwhelmingly.. with numbers and with technological prowess.

Save the USA pressure on the japanese to withdraw .... especially after the use of nuclear weapons by USA ... Japanese were having china by it's throat. It was completely in their hands - how much to choke, how much to squeeze.

Now, back to you point .. where was USSR? - it was fighting it's own (albeit successfully against Hitler). Soviets were the first to raise their flag on Reichstag in Berlin.

Ditto for the Americans in Tokyo.

The chinese were at american feet, when japanese surrendered. The americans chose not to exercise any rights over china. Otherise, instead PRC you've had an overseas American empire in the territories held by PRC today.

China never was conquered by Japan. the nationalist Chinese extended Japan's supply line by retreated to the interior while still fighting the Japanese.

British India was created by British. And the Indians gratefully served the British for creating their country. It tool a while for the Indians to realize that they can be an independent country. British won't need to rape its own subjects. Japan plundered China just like Nazi's plunder USSR. The only difference is that Moscow was never occupied by Nazis while Nanking was occupied by Japanese.

And as for your example of Chinese on the run, under "long march". This just show that you have zero understanding of Chinese history. Was CCP on t he run because of Japanese invasion.

On the other hand, Indian army served well under the British. This shows total control and subjugation of not only the Indian subcontinent and its land, but also its people. But this is evident had been prove by the fact that thousands of British administrator was able to control hundred of millions of Indians. That won't never happen if Indians enjoyed being conquered by the British. This is also another example of lack of concept of Indian nation by people of India. The India go to farm in the morning and go home at sun set and pay tax to whomever that come collecting, whether its tax collectors from the Sultan, British Indian Company or British Crown, it doesn't matter. Thanks for pointing this out to me to make my points.
China never was conquered by Japan. the nationalist Chinese extended Japan's supply line by retreated to the interior while still fighting the Japanese.

British India was created by British. And the Indians gratefully served the British for creating their country. It tool a while for the Indians to realize that they can be an independent country. British won't need to rape its own subjects. Japan plundered China just like Nazi's plunder USSR. The only difference is that Moscow was never occupied by Nazis while Nanking was occupied by Japanese.

And as for your example of Chinese on the run, under "long march". This just show that you have zero understanding of Chinese history. Was CCP on t he run because of Japanese invasion.

On the other hand, Indian army served well under the British. This shows total control and subjugation of not only the Indian subcontinent and its land, but also its people. But this is evident had been prove by the fact that thousands of British administrator was able to control hundred of millions of Indians. That won't never happen if Indians enjoyed being conquered by the British. This is also another example of lack of concept of Indian nation by people of India. The India go to farm in the morning and go home at sun set and pay tax to whomever that come collecting, whether its tax collectors from the Sultan, British Indian Company or British Crown, it doesn't matter. Thanks for pointing this out to me to make my points.

The fact remains that japanese could rape china .. and they did rape china.

British never achieved such a control where they could officially defend a Jallianwala bagh. In fact they condemned it; court martialled their own citizens (general dyer) who did it.

That was how much the british could "control" India.

Come back and let me know, when Imperial Japan condemned anybody for the Nanking rape. Court martialled anyone for free plunder across erstwhile china.

Now you understand, when Mahatma Gandhi stood in India and British could practically do "NOTHING" against him (atleast physically).

Now you understand, why guns and bullets were NOT NEEDED to get the british out .. while nuclear weapons were needed to pull the japanese out of erstwhile china.

Now you understand, why PRC gives the damn to its subjects; inflicts "cultural revolution" on them; inflicts Tiananmen square on them.

And Now you understand, why "cultural revoluation" and "Tiananmen square" never happened in India.. now or across our history.
Stating something and proving something are very different. You are not the PRC Propaganda division and we are not Chinese, so stating does not equal proving.

The concept of India as a nation, as a geographic entity and as a people has existed since before 3rd century BC. The word "Indika" to refer to India was in fact used by Herodotus in 5th century BC. So when you say British created India, it's not logic or fact but the 50 cents talking.

And also, why are we debating Indian/Chinese national origins in a thread about Chinese aggression and India's response to it?

And I had proved through historical facts that India's existence was only as an historical expression, not as a nation. I don't want to go through this again. Go through the entire thread and you will so my arguments.
And I had proved through historical facts that India's existence was only as an historical expression, not as a nation. I don't want to go through this again. Go through the entire thread and you will so my arguments.

Go thru your own posts first ... which have been torn apart to shreds.

This thread is laced all over with your stupidity.

Why should anyone else waste his / her time over your stupid rants and nothing else?
The fact remains that japanese could rape china .. and they did rape china.

British never achieved such a control where they could officially defend a Jallianwala bagh. In fact they condemned it; court martialled their own citizens (general dyer) who did it.

That was how much the british could "control" India.

Come back and let me know, when Imperial Japan condemned anybody for the Nanking rape. Court martialled anyone for free plunder across erstwhile china.

Now you understand, when Mahatma Gandhi stood in India and British could practically do "NOTHING" against him (atleast physically).

Now you understand, why guns and bullets were NOT NEEDED to get the british out .. while nuclear weapons were needed to pull the japanese out of erstwhile china.

Now you understand, why PRC gives the damn to its subjects; inflicts "cultural revolution" on them; inflicts Tiananmen square on them.

And Now you understand, why "cultural revoluation" and "Tiananmen square" never happened in India.. now or across our history.

Timur did rape and plunder Delhi. So your suggestion that somehow, British didn't rape India is because of Indians, not because of the British. Your argument is so distorted and idiotic that your name does not justify for use against just normal idiotic people.

If Japan had invaded India, they would do the same thing with Indians. If Germans had invaded India, than maybe they will separate the "Aryan" looking Indian and put the none Aryans looking ones in the concentration camp. In history, its up to the discretion of the invader to do as they please to the conquered people. And your reasoning that some how, Indians themselves is preventing the British from mass murder Indians is beyond preposterous. British was in for long haul for controlling Indians. But its the Americans that tell the British that they must forget about its empire, including India. So you need to learn about Tehran, Cairo and Potsdam conference and under the position of the US to know how India was created.
LMAO...go to look at the mirror, your generation have only one task is to overcome 1 meal per day...they don't even have time to look for wife and enjoy, as to buy one? you Indians can't even afford most likely.

As for AP, what you hold is AP body but we hold AP's heart: your life and death are depend on our mood to pump free water, you're not completely independant of China so call that as India rule South tibet is a joke when the survibility of millions of Indians are on Chinese's hand...we're the ultimate ruler of this land while you control it temporary.

And not to mention on your famous sacred Ganges that are also indirectly depend Tibet that flown across of Nepal...if we decide to play some dirty game on this river, it will send a shockwave to 0ver 400 millions Indians that are more or less affected.

E-warrior or not, you Indians are paranoid day and night of Chinese water policy, Your gorvermnent sure know that we hold the water resource of Asia that over 40% of earth population are depend on it and Tibet is our water tower :azn:...that's the fact, the day we decide to screw India, you will be helpless.
a whole paragraph for my three sentences, dayum did i hit a nerve?
come to us when u can scare the puny taiwan tough guy :P
nanking massacre

Nanking Massacre or Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was a mass murder and war rape that occurred during the six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city of Nanking (Nanjing), the former capital of the Republic of China, on December 13, 1937 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. During this period, hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.Widespread rape and looting also occurred.Historians and witnesses have estimated that 250,000 to 300,000 people were killed
LMAO...go to look at the mirror, your generation have only one task is to overcome 1 meal per day...they don't even have time to look for wife and enjoy, as to buy one? you Indians can't even afford most likely.

Any source for the above?................again sources besides your experiences as a test subject to secret Chinese ESP Program

As for AP, what you hold is AP body but we hold AP's heart: your life and death are depend on our mood to pump free water, you're not completely independant of China so call that as India rule South tibet is a joke when the survibility of millions of Indians are on Chinese's hand...we're the ultimate ruler of this land while you control it temporary.

This is probably the 3rd times from my count, i would be debunking this bizarre and retard logic

What begs the question is, are you a closeted masochist for perverted affinity for seek ritualistic repeated humiliation from Indian members or seek a false sense of control, salivating that your nation holds some deluded sense of power over rest of Asia?

Well, i'll debunk this degenerate logic once again

1. Blocking rivers in Tibet means blocking river flow to not only India , but also Pakistan and Bangladesh as these they flow through India first before entering Pakistan and Bangladesh. Also Pakistan and Bangladesh far more dependent on the rivers than India, for agriculture etc.


Reason 2 : Assuming China does a retarded move blocking the rivers and earning the wrath of Pakistan Bangladesh and India. India has other sources of fresh water in Southern India, , even though there will be a shortage, but India will manage.


And not to mention on your famous sacred Ganges that are also indirectly depend Tibet that flown across of Nepal...if we decide to play some dirty game on this river, it will send a shockwave to 0ver 400 millions Indians that are more or less affected.

Perverse affinity to seek suffering for 400 million people, psychological trauma from Nanking, Great Leap? :fie:

E-warrior or not, you Indians are paranoid day and night of Chinese water policy,

Speaking on behalf of us Indians now :woot: :lol:
Your gorvermnent sure know that we hold the water resource of Asia that over 40% of earth population are depend on it and Tibet is our water tower :azn:...that's the fact, the day we decide to screw India, you will be helpless.

Since you seem to stubborn mule to let go of the logic.

Let me tell you probable truth of your case.

Warning : What i am about to divulge can cause mental agony followed by possible somatization (say trouble breathing ) as it may challenge your indoctrination.

You probably are subject of brutal childhood indoctrination that your nation/race/ethnicity is supreme and others are inferior.

Now when confronted by a counter argument affecting what can be interpreted as lack of power/control for your nation/race/ethnicity, from someone you have been indoctrinated to perceive as inferior, instinctively you comfort yourself by deluding and taking solace in sense of pseudo-control and pseudo-supremacy to escape the misery of excruciating mental agony. :cry:

Well, i hope you get better. :)
a whole paragraph for my three sentences, dayum did i hit a nerve?
come to us when u can scare the puny taiwan tough guy :P

I just toke opportunity to educate more Indians about Tibetan water :rofl: your three sentenses can be resume in one word -->Self-comforting.

as for your last sentence about Taiwan...another way of self-comforting I guess: Indian ultimate argument --> "try to defeat U.S and the world before come to us"...might as well put this way. :rofl: .But the problem is we chinese don't interest to prove others to Indian, but like to prove Indian to others such 1962 so to boost our prestige and International reputation, that how we got respect from Nixxon team to visit China in 1971 and make Americans look down at Indian at that peoriod.

nanking massacre

Nanking Massacre or Nanjing Massacre, also known as the Rape of Nanking, was a mass murder and war rape that occurred during the six-week period following the Japanese capture of the city of Nanking (Nanjing), the former capital of the Republic of China, on December 13, 1937 during the Second Sino-Japanese War. During this period, hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were murdered by soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army.Widespread rape and looting also occurred.Historians and witnesses have estimated that 250,000 to 300,000 people were killed

Woo...we just hit some Indian's nerf, hope you're ok with one meal per day...save some energy for us ;)
I just toke opportunity to educate more Indians about Tibetan water :rofl: your three sentenses can be resume in one word -->Self-comforting.
as for your last sentence about Taiwan...another way of self-comforting I guess: Indian ultimate argument --> "try to defeat U.S and the world before come to us"...might as well put this way. :rofl: .But the problem is we chinese don't interest others to Indian, but like to prove Indian to others such 1962 so to boost our prestige and International reputation, that how we got respect from Nixxon team to visit China in 1971 and make Americans look down at Indian at that peoriod.
Woo...we just hit some Indian's nerf, hope you're ok with one meal per day...save some energy for us ;)
the english level is dropping to your IQ level son, would you mind thinking a few more times before typing.

nobody cares about chinese ministry of warnings. it's worth a few chuckles, not much else.
word of advice, when you feel the need to use multiple smileys, assume you're about to make a fool of yourself

To keep your long conversation shorted, your map said all and your gorverment are begging China to share the data of water flown in Tibet, sure you don't feel the pain because you're not living at the vincinity of those rivers that source are from Tibet but for those who destiny are depend on China will have second thought. As for Pakistand, BD, they all know your so call intra-link rivers, they will more less get affected but ultimately we Chinese still hold the fate of millions Indian's life or death.

You can claim that you're not affected by Tibet water but your gorverment are crying like baby when China plan to do someting about Tibet water.

You Indian as so sensitive on this issue, not Chinese, we're living on save-heaven with God blessing water...here to have some good read and look at the conference make by Indian I guess about future water war.
A Crisis to Come? China, India, and Water Rivalry - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
the english level is dropping to your IQ level son, would you mind thinking a few more times before typing.

nobody cares about chinese ministry of warnings. it's worth a few chuckles, not much else.
word of advice, when you feel the need to use multiple smileys, assume you're about to make a fool of yourself

all you said can be resumed into this -->Indian self comforting arguments.
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