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India close to buying Japan-made military aircraft in $1.65 billion deal

A boat close to Mumbai is sinking, people already in water, sea is rough. Planes are situated in A&N island. How many do you think would drown before they can come for the rescue? It is not like they can cover that distance on a moments notice. It takes time from them being notified, to the planes taking off, to travel to the place of incidence. They have to be positioned at different locations, with few being in maintenance and few ready for operation.
LOL...thats an example that has 0.00001% probability...
If we go by examples, then what of There are 10 ships the size of Titanic collided with another 10 Aircraft carriers?
Then we might need 150 of these....
Most of the SAR aircraft in this world are helicopters!!!

Helis are slow, low capacity, hard to operate in rough weather. Every equipment has its positives and limitation.
Helis are slow, low capacity, hard to operate in rough weather. Every equipment has its positives and limitation.
Who are we trying to rescue man...
LOL...thats an example that has 0.00001% probability...
If we go by examples, then what of There are 10 ships the size of Titanic collided with another 10 Aircraft carriers?
Then we might need 150 of these....

Do you think that the recent incidence was only one of its kind? That in India every now and then a boat doesn't capsize killing 10s of people?

And what is your take on rescuing the soldiers? Is the argument again - LOL...war happening has 0.00001% probability.... If we go by examples than what of entire Navy sinking at the same time.... Then we might need 150 of these ?

Who are we trying to rescue man...

People, who are sinking. Civilians or soldiers. Sinking close to Kolkata or Lakshadweep. In a liner or ferry boat. Indians or Martians.
Do you think that the recent incidence was only one of its kind? That in India every now and then a boat doesn't capsize killing 10s of people?

And what is your take on rescuing the soldiers? Is the argument again - LOL...war happening has 0.00001% probability.... If we go by examples than what of entire Navy sinking at the same time.... Then we might need 150 of these ?

People, who are sinking. Civilians or soldiers. Sinking close to Kolkata or Lakshadweep. In a liner or ferry boat. Indians or Martians.
Whatever may be the case, if the aircrafts are just for SAR, i think 2/3 are sufficient.
One can be sent to kolkota and another to lakshadweep if the recue happens to be at the same time...
There are many types of rescue
  1. Mountain rescue
  2. Sea rescue
  3. Urban rescue
  4. Combat rescue
In all the cases helicopters seem to do a great job. But we still wanna go with that aircraft which can only be used for sea rescue...
Why India didn't invite bidding in this amphibious aircraft deal?
For corruption as they also did in helicopters deal.
Whatever may be the case, if the aircrafts are just for SAR, i think 2/3 are sufficient.
One can be sent to kolkota and another to lakshadweep if the recue happens to be at the same time...
There are many types of rescue
  1. Mountain rescue
  2. Sea rescue
  3. Urban rescue
  4. Combat rescue
In all the cases helicopters seem to do a great job. But we still wanna go with that aircraft which can only be used for sea rescue...

Well, your opinion.
Whatever may be the case, if the aircrafts are just for SAR, i think 2/3 are sufficient.
One can be sent to kolkota and another to lakshadweep if the recue happens to be at the same time...
There are many types of rescue
  1. Mountain rescue
  2. Sea rescue
  3. Urban rescue
  4. Combat rescue
In all the cases helicopters seem to do a great job. But we still wanna go with that aircraft which can only be used for sea rescue...

We have other methods for mountain rescue. I dont know what 'urban rescue' is, but I suppose motor veehicles can do that, if it means rescuing somebody in a city. We already have those things. For mountain rescue, we have helicopters. For combat rescue, depending on where it happens, we have different things for CSAR. We on't have anything suited for long range SAR on the oceans, and this is a perffect platform.

Everyone else - I think 14 pages is enough for this useless discussion.
We have other methods for mountain rescue. I dont know what 'urban rescue' is, but I suppose motor veehicles can do that, if it means rescuing somebody in a city. We already have those things. For mountain rescue, we have helicopters. For combat rescue, depending on where it happens, we have different things for CSAR. We on't have anything suited for long range SAR on the oceans, and this is a perffect platform.

Everyone else - I think 14 pages is enough for this useless discussion.
We got dorniers!!!
We got dorniers!!!
Old ones which are in need of replacement. Hence these. Why are we buying rafales and LCAs when we have so many mig-21s?

Also, dorniers are a light transport cum utility aircraft, not a CSAR aircraft. They cannot land on water.
Old ones which are in need of replacement. Hence these. Why are we buying rafales and LCAs when we have so many mig-21s?
Even rafaels are not required if its gonna cost us 20 Billion...
Whats wrong in trying to save the money...
We are not a rich country and these Dollars are a really useful resource that india tries to waste on foreign stuff....Its disgusting and hurtful...For $1 billion , we can send a fcking Aircraft carrier to Mars lol...
All that i am trying to say is we are buying these for no reason but to showoff...
In longterm we gonna face issues...
We dont have to support everything done by our defence forces to show that we are patriotic...
Dorniers cant land/takeoff on water, can it?? But these planes can, right?
Yes, that's right. I modified my post above. Do-228 is a utility aircraft, not a specialized CSAR aircraft. As of now, that role is filled by helicopters. these are much faster, have much longer range, and can landd and take off from water, even in very rough sea state. So the chance of rescue improves tremendously.

SAR is a very important role for the navy. Contrary to what the BCCI fellow thinks, it is not done by one or two aircrafts. Even today, the navy has several helicopters for that role. Whenever the aircraft carrier operates, one (maybe even two) SAR helicopters are always airborne, so as to rush in in case a pilot has to eject. It is an inherent part of naval operations, and not just something that will be of use once a year as he thinks.
Dorniers cant land/takeoff on water, can it?? But these planes can, right?
Where are you trying to rescue bro...a fcking antarctica?
Velle people are doing timepass here :D
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