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India clears $660 million deal for M777 artillery guns

don't understand, one day suddenly the MOD rises & clears a deal which is so necessary for armed forces modernization, I wonder if they are working with a plan or are working randomly?

Only because we don't get all the infos doesn't mean that they are not doing anything in the meantime, during defexpo we heared this from BAE:


McCumiskey is optimistic that the government will approve in the new financial year, which begins on 1 April


So things are moving on and as expected.

but i read that it is fail during the trail ?????????

Yeah, that is the interesting part that might come out later again through media leakes, who knows. Maybe MoD has simply speed up the procurement, maybe BAE was the only available vendor left, there are a lot of points that we still don't know. However, I am happy that they will come in now and even if they didn't fullfilled all IA requirements, it's better to have them than having nothing!
Wow few anti-Pak statements in India from Hillary Clinton got her 660 Million$ deal keep it up USA. :usflag: :P

No, a few statements of FACT. And anyway this deal was pending and has NOTHING to do with visits or political interference- Indian defence procurement doesn't work like that.
It needs 26/11 attack for our politicians to wake up to the needs of our navy, it needs a letter from army chief for our politicians to wake up to the needs of our army, maybe air force needs something similar so that our politicians acknowledge our air force's need. Best thing would have been our top decision makers would have been making pro active procurement without the need of all these.
Finaaly something for the army .
Now line it up facing our dearest pakistanis .
Its an unbelievable news and thats why i will like to get confirmation from as many sources possible.
Gen Singh's dose certainly seems to be working.

Anyways, this should keep Uncle Sam happy.

...and we are happy anyways.
I think 150 howitzers is not sufficient for our needs we need at least 500pc that would be decent number.
I think 150 howitzers is not sufficient for our needs we need at least 500pc that would be decent number.

There is always the option for more down the line. The interesting thing with Indian (maybe not unique to India) defence procurment is once the intial deal is closed and a certain number are procured follow-on orders are much,MUCH easier to get clearance for and past MoD/FM and relatively more assured than intial deal. It's like all the hurdles are past in first case so follow-on orders get in effect "rubber stamped" with minimal scrutiny (relatively).
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