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India, China emerging as IT giants

In terms of scientific software, I'm sorry, China and India do not compare. We have our own proprietary CAD software, control systems for factories, rockets and fighters, and numerical simulation models for things anywhere from oil discovery to astrophysics.

*Huawei is indeed an electronics manufacturer. Telecom equipment (the hardware) is a subset of electronics.
Wtf???Since when the Huawei become a electronic manufacturer?Does Huawei sell LCD LED television and refrigerator like smasung haier??ROFL
I don't think an indian would know what a chinese company even I don't know what Huawei is.
I don't think an indian would know what a chinese company even I don't know what Huawei is.

I mean he really dont know what electronic manufacturer is.That mean he dont know what is semiconductor,led etc. Sony is one of the electronic manufacturer.
Wtf???Since when the Huawei become a electronic manufacturer?Does Huawei sell LCD LED television and refrigerator like smasung haier??ROFL

Have you ever been to college ?? If yes , then I am amazed at your ignorance. Read about DSP systems and AVLSI which form the core of the ESM modules and DTRX modules of the BTS sites, before commenting like a moron.
I mean he really dont know what electronic manufacturer is.That mean he dont know what is semiconductor,led etc. Sony is one of the electronic manufacturer.

You are embarrassing yourself kid.
Wtf???Since when the Huawei become a electronic manufacturer?Does Huawei sell LCD LED television and refrigerator like smasung haier??ROFL

HAHA my mate indians ignorance is well know , Huawei setting telecomunication systems and network all over the world and they called it a electronic manufacturer, where as answering phone call in a call centre is a big IT giant,
HAHA my mate indians ignorance is well know , Huawei setting telecomunication systems and network all over the world and they called it a electronic manufacturer, where as answering phone call in a call centre is a big IT giant,

You guys are so ignorant.... :lol: :rofl:
It is impossible to teach you.... :D :D
Wtf???Since when the Huawei become a electronic manufacturer?Does Huawei sell LCD LED television and refrigerator like smasung haier??ROFL

also huawei certainly also provides IT services, but perhaps we needs to look at it this way, huawei simply branches out to more than one fields(though still very related fields)

what they do- > Huawei - Products & Services

"By utilizing the abundant technical strength, sophisticated product lines, and rich engineering experience in CT as well as the unique understanding and innovations in the IT field,"

^^ can we stop discussing whether huawei is a IT giant now?

Huawei - Network Integration
to say that india is a giant in anything related to technology is beyond absurd. IT industry includes both hardware and software(both products and sevices). china is definitely way ahead in hardware. in software, china is without question ahead in software products, but in software services, india is ahead of china.

so to sum up:

hardware - china
software products - china
software services - india
Stanley Nollen
Georgetown University
McDonough School of Business
Washington DC USA

full report here: *ttp://www.ris.org.in/India_Globalisation_Software%20in%20India%20and%20 China_Stanley%20Nollen.pdf

The Indian software industry is the world’s leading exporter of software services and among the
world’s fastest growing software industries. The Chinese software industry is equally as large as
the Indian industry – maybe larger – and equally fast growing, but it is mainly oriented to the
domestic market.

The Indian software industry is predominantly a software services industry while the Chinese
software industry is more evenly balanced between products and services...Most of the
Indian software services consisted of production of customized software from project-based
engagements with clients. Much of this work consists of programming, testing, and maintenance,
and in total probably more than three-quarters of Indian software services production is at the low
end of the knowledge capital continuum.

In China, services accounted for less than half of Chinese software industry revenue according to
some sources (NASSCOM..and China Center for Information Development..)
...Chinese software products consist mostly of systems software, middleware, and applications software.

English is spoken by all educated Indians but not by all educated Chinese, and that is an often
cited reason why India is a major software exporter and China is not. The largest market for
software exports by far is the English-language speaking United States.

Technology has not been critical to the development of the Indian software industry. Indian
software firms lag behind their Chinese counterparts in technology inputs and outputs, but that
lag hasn’t hampered the Indian industry’s growth. Fewer Indian than Chinese software firms
have R&D expenditures, and those that do spend less. This result is due only in part to the
greater concentration of software services rather than products firms in the Indian industry –
software products firms are more likely to have R&D expenditures than software services firms.
In addition, Indian software firms introduce fewer new products than Chinese software firms.
Until very recently, the software business wasn’t an especially high technology business.
Advanced technology was not the basis on which firms competed, especially for software
services. The export business was mostly customized software services, much of which was
low-end entry level work for which neither R&D nor new product introductions were important.

Indian software firms lag behind their Chinese counterparts in both technology inputs and
outputs, but this weakness was not critical for most of the work done by Indian customized
software services firms.

China's software industry revenues, January to December 2009

Revenue (RMB bln) Y-o-y change (%)
Software products 328.8 ($48.13billion) 26.3
Software services 212.63 ($31.12billion) 31.4
Of which: software outsourcing 30.7($4.49billion) 35
System integration software 220.29 ($32.24billion) 23.7
Embedded software 167.36 ($24.50billion) 22.1
IC design software 22.22 ($3.25billion) 10.1
Software exports $18.5 billion 14
Of which: software outsourcing $2.4billion 15
Industry total 951.3($139.24billion) 25.6

Source: MIIT
Stanley Nollen
Georgetown University
McDonough School of Business
Washington DC USA

full report here: *ttp://www.ris.org.in/India_Globalisation_Software%20in%20India%20and%20 China_Stanley%20Nollen.pdf

The Indian software industry is the world’s leading exporter of software services and among the
world’s fastest growing software industries. The Chinese software industry is equally as large as
the Indian industry – maybe larger – and equally fast growing, but it is mainly oriented to the
domestic market.

The Indian software industry is predominantly a software services industry while the Chinese
software industry is more evenly balanced between products and services...Most of the
Indian software services consisted of production of customized software from project-based
engagements with clients. Much of this work consists of programming, testing, and maintenance,
and in total probably more than three-quarters of Indian software services production is at the low
end of the knowledge capital continuum.

In China, services accounted for less than half of Chinese software industry revenue according to
some sources (NASSCOM..and China Center for Information Development..)
...Chinese software products consist mostly of systems software, middleware, and applications software.

English is spoken by all educated Indians but not by all educated Chinese, and that is an often
cited reason why India is a major software exporter and China is not. The largest market for
software exports by far is the English-language speaking United States.

Technology has not been critical to the development of the Indian software industry. Indian
software firms lag behind their Chinese counterparts in technology inputs and outputs, but that
lag hasn’t hampered the Indian industry’s growth. Fewer Indian than Chinese software firms
have R&D expenditures, and those that do spend less. This result is due only in part to the
greater concentration of software services rather than products firms in the Indian industry –
software products firms are more likely to have R&D expenditures than software services firms.
In addition, Indian software firms introduce fewer new products than Chinese software firms.
Until very recently, the software business wasn’t an especially high technology business.
Advanced technology was not the basis on which firms competed, especially for software
services. The export business was mostly customized software services, much of which was
low-end entry level work for which neither R&D nor new product introductions were important.

Indian software firms lag behind their Chinese counterparts in both technology inputs and
outputs, but this weakness was not critical for most of the work done by Indian customized
software services firms.

China's software industry revenues, January to December 2009

Revenue (RMB bln) Y-o-y change (%)
Software products 328.8 ($48.13billion) 26.3
Software services 212.63 ($31.12billion) 31.4
Of which: software outsourcing 30.7($4.49billion) 35
System integration software 220.29 ($32.24billion) 23.7
Embedded software 167.36 ($24.50billion) 22.1
IC design software 22.22 ($3.25billion) 10.1
Software exports $18.5 billion 14
Of which: software outsourcing $2.4billion 15
Industry total 951.3($139.24billion) 25.6

Source: MIIT
Then waht about IT human resourse?Do Indian sofware programmer more smart and efficiencythan chinese counterpart?
the fact that half the chinese here dont even know the meaning of IT shows how much they really know about the industry, give your hate a rest, India is the services hub and China is the manufacturing hub, neither can replace the other.
Then waht about IT human resourse?Do Indian sofware programmer more smart and efficiencythan chinese counterpart?

no,but indian can pronounce english words correctly.......
you are totally wasting your time arguing with this indians,they can be very extreme when they talk about things related to china ,just like many westerner, they've already get used to hold arrogant and prejudice against china or chinese product , we are the "lower-caste" in their eyes,born this way .i used to see a indian chattering on a forum like crasy because he bought a 3$ chinese toy and couldn't figure out why it's not comparable to something might cost him 30$ ,so instead thank for geting the basic fun,he made a conclusion that chinese could only make junk....

P.S nothing is constant,china is manufacturing hub,but it can also be a services hub few years later,hope this simple philosophy could end such silly fight
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