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India-China border talks put off after row over Dalai Lama

I don't get. Hindus also had a geographical term to for all of the Subcontinent, Bharatavarsa.

Yeah, for the "subcontinent". Which is now India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, etc.

That was a geographical term. (And as you said, used by Hindus.)

China is a state. If you ask someone from the Song Dynasty what country they belonged to, they would say China. If you asked someone from the Ming Dynasty what country they belonged to, they would say China. If you ask someone from the PRC what country they belonged to, they would say China.
Before China was the PRC, it was the ROC. Before it was the ROC, it was the Qing Dynasty. Before that, it was the Ming, Yuan, Song Dynasty.

The common theme here, regardless of Government, is that it has always been China.

Whichever government replaces the CPC (only a matter of time), it will still be China, just like it has been for thousands of years. The vast majority of our population have the same ethnicity and culture, we are the same people.

India on the other hand, was created by the British out of a subcontinent full of independent kingdoms, and ethnic/religious groups that did not get along with each other. Muslims, after reaching a large enough percentage of the population, demanded that India be split, and they got their wish.

It is happening again. India has the 3rd largest Muslim population in the world, and they have a far higher birth rate than non-Muslims in India. India cannot handle them now, what will happen after they reach 40-50% of the population?

You conatantly fail to get the point..entire China was not Qing Dynasity ..or ming dynasity or even ROC
then also today's china was made of different kingdom ..just like India.

Yuan Dynasty 1271 -- 1368

Song Dynasty Map - (AD 960 to 1279)

Ming Dynasty Map
AD 1368 to 1644

Hence People republic of China is new country which was formed.
Hence People republic of China is new country which was formed.

Entirely wrong.

All those were Governments, and they all claimed to represent the same country, China. The boundaries only really changed in the outer minority provinces, Han China has almost always been united.

India on the other hand:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill

And then try asking the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis what they think of your so-called India, they should know right, considering how they were formed? :lol:
An easier task is asking "what race are you" to Chinese people.

They will reply: Chinese. This question is easy to ask in Chinese: 你属于哪个民族?

the common answer, since about 200 BC, was 中华民族 which means CHINESE.

You can ask a Punjabi, a Tamil, and a Bengali what their race is, and there is no equivalent, the will say "Bengali, Punjabi, Tamil".
Entirely wrong.

All those were Governments, and they all claimed to represent the same country, China.

India on the other hand:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill

And then try asking the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis what they think of your so-called India, they should know right, considering how they were formed? :lol:

From: Vishnu Purana

Puranas tells Winston to suck d.

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhāratam; there dwell the descendants of Bharata."
Entirely wrong.

All those were Governments, and they all claimed to represent the same country, China.

India on the other hand:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill

And then try asking the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis what they think of your so-called India, they should know right, considering how they were formed? :lol:

Oh boy, did I crash your "one China since beginning of the time" fantasy??

But since you claim that there has been only one China since thousands of yrs ..hence ..Tibet which was not part of majority Chinese dynasties should not be part of China?


Do tell about Monlgolia which was a part of Yuan dynasty but then separated from it ..think of being a part your so called one China since thousands of yrs??
From: Vishnu Purana

Puranas tells Winston to suck d.

It's a historical fact that before the British came, the subcontinent was filled with independent kingdoms. It was not a unified state by any stretch of the word, it had no central authority to be called a unified state.

The British unified all these independent kingdoms into an entity called "British India".

Which was then split later into India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma, etc. Try telling them your "Akhand barat" BS and watch them laugh.

Pakistanis still get pissed off that India is trying to steal the legacy of the Indus Valley Civilization, despite the fact that it was almost entirely based in what is now modern day Pakistan. And just now some guy was telling me that Buddha (who was born in Nepal) was actually born in India, because the history of the WHOLE subcontinent counts as India. :lol:

First, you should convince the Pakistanis/Bangladeshis/Sri Lankans/Nepalese etc. that their history belongs to you. Then we'll see.
It's a historical fact that before the British came, the subcontinent was filled with independent kingdoms. It was not a unified state by any stretch of the word, it had no central authority to be called a unified state.

The British unified all these independent kingdoms into an entity called "British India".

Which was then split later into India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma, etc. Try telling them your "Akhand barat" BS and watch them laugh.

Pakistanis still get pissed off that India is trying to steal the legacy of the Indus Valley Civilization despite the fact that it was almost entirely based in what is now modern day Pakistan. And just now some guy was telling me that Buddha (who was born in Nepal) was actually born in India, because the history of the WHOLE subcontinent counts as India. :lol:

Went through this Chinajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Its a shared history.

His fathers capital is in modern day India. Ruled from India. Siddhartha was born like around the border of both modern nations. Buddha and Buddhism was born in Eastern India.

Many scenario like this happens in India.

Chanakya basically the brains behind the Mauryan empire was born in the South, worked in the East and studied(became what he is) in the North(Taxilia).
Went through this Chinajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Its a shared history.

His fathers capital is in modern day India. Ruled from India. Siddhartha was born like around the border of both modern nations. Buddha and Buddhism was born in Eastern India.

Many scenario like this happens in India.

Chanakya basically the brains behind the Mauryan empire was from the South, worked in the East and studied in the North(Taxilia).

LOL, like I said:

First, you should convince the Pakistanis/Bangladeshis/Sri Lankans/Nepalese etc. that their history belongs to you. Then we'll see.

Clearly, they don't agree with that "Akhand barat" thing, and in fact are hugely insulted just by the mention of it.
LOL, like I said:

Clearly, they don't agree with that "Akhand barat" thing, and in fact are hugely insulted just by the mention of it.

Ummm...... Hate to break it to you we don't either. The ones that believe this are Ultra-ultra-ultra nationalist.

Do you think we want to add 150 million + 170 million + ... + ... + ... to the already large billion+ people??? With their own complex problems?? No thanks ChinaJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
LOL..... :D

OK then maybe I should have said they don't agree with that "Bharat" thing.

Concept of Akhnad Bharat (translated to "One India" in english) is as ridiculous as the concept of "One China" ..on the other hand Indian govt is sane enough the not to pursue it unlike the Chinese govt.
Entirely wrong.

All those were Governments, and they all claimed to represent the same country, China. The boundaries only really changed in the outer minority provinces, Han China has almost always been united.

India on the other hand:

"India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator."

- Winston Churchill

And then try asking the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis what they think of your so-called India, they should know right, considering how they were formed? :lol:

When did the last time Han Chinese ruled China anyway! :lol:
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