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India China Border: Chinese military positions

Pakistan is 4 times smaller and you cant controll us, how will you control China which is 4 times more powerful ?

By the same logic,India is only marginally smaller than china and its economy is 4 times smaller,whereas Pakistan compared to India is 10 times smaller.How can the Chinese ever hope to dictate to us?The difference in these 2 cases is - the gap between india and pakistan is only increasing with time.The gap between India and China is decreasing.
Chinese proverb:There are not two tigers in a mountain.
Modi ji is a brave man.From the Chinese perspective.But he fell into the trap of our country.
We plan to repair the road. Wouldn't we do the worst?
India is locked in a stalemate with China.India will feel tired.We will act like poisonous snakes.Kill the lax Indian soldiers.
You can ask the Vietnamese.This is the endurance of the dragon.
India always said :Chinese are back stabbers and the worse racists one can find anywhere.
Maybe you are right.

cut this kungfu panda crap will you? just enjoy the cheerleader shows put on by you Pak buddies
cut this kungfu panda crap will you? just enjoy the cheerleader shows put on by you Pak buddies
lol,Wait and see.

By the same logic,India is only marginally smaller than china and its economy is 4 times smaller,whereas Pakistan compared to India is 10 times smaller.How can the Chinese ever hope to dictate to us?The difference in these 2 cases is - the gap between india and pakistan is only increasing with time.The gap between India and China is decreasing.
Your math teacher should cry.
India's GDP is $3 trillion.
China's GDP is $12 trillion.
Pakistan's GDP is $290 billion.
India is $9 trillion less than China.
Pakistan is $2.7 trillion less than India .
CONTROL YOU??!!Who the **** in their right minds would ever wanna control a god forsaken wasteland loaded with primitive savages??You, my man, give yourself way too much importance I'm afraid.
Our savages are not as savage as your are. RSS/Hindutva agenda will destroy India. Mark my words.
Our savages are not as savage as your are.
Well, as deplorable and filthy they may be, last time I checked, they weren't blowing themselves up in a busy market place or inside a mosque or something.
RSS/Hindutva agenda will destroy India. Mark my words.
Nah, the moment we see they are going that way (which I don't think they will), we will quash them like fucking cockroaches.

China on Thursday had acknowledged that Doval and his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi met on the sidelines of the BRICS NSAs meet during which they discussed "major problems" in bilateral ties. However, China made no mention of the Doklam standoff.

Since the standoff began on June 16, China has been maintaining that there will not be a meaningful dialogue without the unconditional withdrawal of Indian troops.

Begging won't help you much appu.:lol:
lol,Wait and see.

Your math teacher should cry.
India's GDP is $3 trillion.
China's GDP is $12 trillion.
Pakistan's GDP is $290 billion.
India is $9 trillion less than China.
Pakistan is $2.7 trillion less than India .

the teeny tiny little fact you forget is nobody can trust numbers coming out of China. With a completely state controlled everything, it takes decades to find out what the real picture is - usually not until when the previous premier crocks it to find where all he fudged it. But in spite of that yes, China has greatly improved thanks to walmart economy, to the point they can splurge on buying affluence by throwing some money around.

the other not so tiny point you should not miss: the US population is tiny compared to Chinese and Indian. So yeah, compare India, China etc with other poor and developing countries. The US in spite of repeatedly stupid leadership, dysfunctional politics and some arrogant behavior, is still far far ahead in economic terms.

Now, taking India and China - obviously it is a lot easier to build human robot based industry in a communist regime such as China where people better learnt to be dumb, forget free thought & action etc than in a vibrant democratic nation as India. For example if a mid official is found corrupt in China he/she can simply be punished in a matter of weeks. In India it will take decades due to the laborious court system - partly due to due process and mostly due to ...corruption!

But between India and Chine, we define half of all humanity so hopefully each reach happiness in harmony rather than envy and misery
the teeny tiny little fact you forget is nobody can trust numbers coming out of China. With a completely state controlled everything, it takes decades to find out what the real picture is - usually not until when the previous premier crocks it to find where all he fudged it. But in spite of that yes, China has greatly improved thanks to walmart economy, to the point they can splurge on buying affluence by throwing some money around.

the other not so tiny point you should not miss: the US population is tiny compared to Chinese and Indian. So yeah, compare India, China etc with other poor and developing countries. The US in spite of repeatedly stupid leadership, dysfunctional politics and some arrogant behavior, is still far far ahead in economic terms.

Now, taking India and China - obviously it is a lot easier to build human robot based industry in a communist regime such as China where people better learnt to be dumb, forget free thought & action etc than in a vibrant democratic nation as India. For example if a mid official is found corrupt in China he/she can simply be punished in a matter of weeks. In India it will take decades due to the laborious court system - partly due to due process and mostly due to ...corruption!

But between India and Chine, we define half of all humanity so hopefully each reach happiness in harmony rather than envy and misery
Bro you obviously have not been to China. :lol:
Bro you obviously have not been to China. :lol:

I've been to and liked what I saw. Some parts are like clean west, some parts are dirty; some are rich some not so much. I've also tested the limits of tourist guides, their families, students, hotel workers, factory workers, VERY senior officers ....
I've been to and liked what I saw. Some parts are like clean west, some parts are dirty; some are rich some not so much. I've also tested the limits of tourist guides, their families, students, hotel workers, factory workers, VERY senior officers ....
So you should know how the real China is, but your statements seems like you are still ignorant. Did you really go to China? Which part of China? You see their living standard compared to India?
So you should know how the real China is, but your statements seems like you are still ignorant. Did you really go to China? Which part of China? You see their living standard compared to India?

do you see the circular stupidity of your question? You said I have not been to China and I said I have been. To then state the obvious, that 'then I should know' is stupid because that's where we started! I know, that is why I can talk about where you guys try to hide and fool everybody.

Do you understand the difference between freedom and slavery?
do you see the circular stupidity of your question? You said I have not been to China and I said I have been. To then state the obvious, that 'then I should know' is stupid because that's where we started! I know, that is why I can talk about where you guys try to hide and fool everybody.

Do you understand the difference between freedom and slavery?
The fact that you mentioned you have been to China yet you use the word slavery and 'hiding' seems to suggest you are lying. The average living standard of a Chinese person is way better than an Indian but not up to western standards. There is no hiding, and no slaves, we work and earn wages, nobody is pointing a gun at you, the wages are higher than typical Indians for a factory worker, with dorms that would seem middle class by 'Indian' standards. So where is the 'slave' you described? China is no heaven bro, but India is certainly a hell hole compared to China.

Freedom in what sense? Political freedom is limited in China, but social mobility is higher in China than caste based India. The right for food is at least ensured in China, part of the mandate of CCP. Are our diets as good as muricans? Nope, but compared to a starving India? I have been to 4 Indian cities, the amount of poverty I see there is mind boggling, shit is everywhere except for the nice colonies. River of rubbish and foam, if you have been to a Chinese city, you would know they keep their rivers clean.

So tell me, which part of China have you been? What slaves did you see? Any Indians in this forum who really been to China will know the truth. Let us dissect you. Tell me what freedom is curtailed in China except for political ones, everyone has a right to earn their living, not like feudal lynching India.
there is nothing to dissect as I have told you in plain terms what you chinese do not and cannot have.

For some reason you seem to think I have to lie to you about visiting China and have to prove it to you - get of that idiocy. I am obviously not gonna tell you where all I went, who all I met and what all I saw.

Like cattle you are fed food and in return the ccp expects total loyalty and 'harmony' from you. They told you how many kids you can have. They tell you which of you will be admitted to party and what the other 95% will do. They tell you which part of which factorty town you are allowed to live in as you work as Part#23-243-23467. They tell you what you watch, read, paint, sing, do. They dictate 100% faith in ccp and that if you repose any faith in anything else including allah, you will be expelled.

Take any of these 'they tell you' list and sit down calmly and meditate over it - you will then begin to understand what freedom and what part of the human experience each of these deprivations refer to.

China was a great civilization of people. Now it has become a great herd of cattle. DO you want to be well fed cattle or a starving human?
there is nothing to dissect as I have told you in plain terms what you chinese do not and cannot have.

For some reason you seem to think I have to lie to you about visiting China and have to prove it to you - get of that idiocy. I am obviously not gonna tell you where all I went, who all I met and what all I saw.

Like cattle you are fed food and in return the ccp expects total loyalty and 'harmony' from you. They told you how many kids you can have. They tell you which of you will be admitted to party and what the other 95% will do. They tell you which part of which factorty town you are allowed to live in as you work as Part#23-243-23467. They tell you what you watch, read, paint, sing, do. They dictate 100% faith in ccp and that if you repose any faith in anything else including allah, you will be expelled.

Take any of these 'they tell you' list and sit down calmly and meditate over it - you will then begin to understand what freedom and what part of the human experience each of these deprivations refer to.

China was a great civilization of people. Now it has become a great herd of cattle. DO you want to be well fed cattle or a starving human?
Tht's what I just said, China is not as free as India politically, but economically and socially, we are many times better than India. Sort of like a trade off. And you underestimate the amount of debates and public opinion polling in China. The CCP actually devised a system to survey and poll the opinions of the people, not necessary accepting them, but it does give them a way to gauge public opinion and formulate better polices.

Remember India tried the same thing under Indira? But failed? Look at the Indian population today, in 10 years, it will be more than China, but way poorer. Demographic dividend is coming my friend.
Tht's what I just said, China is not as free as India politically, but economically and socially, we are many times better than India. Sort of like a trade off. And you underestimate the amount of debates and public opinion polling in China. The CCP actually devised a system to survey and poll the opinions of the people, not necessary accepting them, but it does give them a way to gauge public opinion and formulate better polices.

Remember India tried the same thing under Indira? But failed? Look at the Indian population today, in 10 years, it will be more than China, but way poorer. Demographic dividend is coming my friend.

Indians did not accept the 'emergency rule' imposed by Indira - nothing like what's going on in China.
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