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India calls Iran a devil

Something you should note is that we can harness the buddhist, sikh and hindu following as a recognised homeland of those religions and its following. Since we are a democracy we refrain from doing so and instead harness the Indian power which includes all Indians irrespective of religion. Your country on the other hand and many of its people or so it seems from this forum have this gravely mistaken belief that you are leaders of the Muslim Ummah. Firstly, the distortion of Islam by many Pakistani members on this forum is a sin in itself. I am no longer surprised that so many fanatical and radical elements have their origin in Pakistan who have totally distorted and shamed the Hadiths and the Q'uran. Yet most muslim nations despise your country regarding you as being nothing more than "inferior muslims". I guess the inferiority complex must make you yell out louder for recognition. Sadly, in your yelling you have totally lost the message
Some how knew that you will resort to your bigoted nature to bring in Islam and try to mask the humiliation inflicted upon India for being exposed........ :bad:
WOW did you have premonitions about what i think or not? Quit being pathetic and dont convert the topic into ''about what i am jealous of or not'' there is no need to vent out your frustration at me just because, we are discussing the reality of india being exposed as a two faced snake to our neighboring state.:lol:

How are you exposing India, dont you mean ur exposing Sinha? LMAO :rofl:
How are you exposing India, dont you mean ur exposing Sinha? LMAO :rofl:
Again quit focusing on me... please i can't handle that much attention :oops:. i am not exposing any one read the article in first post and curse them for exposing the true nature of incredible india :mamba:
This thread has become one of the finest example of mud slingling and accusing thread in PDF.
The Pakistanis here very well knew that this is Mr Sinha's personal opinion and not that of INDIAs, but I don't understand why some Pakistani's whom I respect the most are indulging in this mud slinging
Again quit focusing on me... please i can't handle that much attention :oops:. i am not exposing any one read the article in first post and curse them for exposing the true nature of incredible india :mamba:

Seems like you are in ur own little world.

I will leave you to it.

ps. I was quoting your words, I wasnt talking about u.

---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ----------

Just thinking delhidaredevil are you related to iran lol

lol nah, no way close.

btw ur close to being a senior member I think, you need to get 2,000 posts.
Seems like you are in ur own little world.

I will leave you to it.

ps. I was quoting your words, I wasnt talking about u.

---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:21 PM ----------

lol nah, no way close.

btw ur close to being a senior member I think, you need to get 2,000 posts.

What does that allow me to do? can i troll and wind up americans and not get banned?:rofl:
Hypocrite as per Islam means some one who goes around showing off in one way and in his heart he keeps the opposite. That is the simplest definition. Another concept beside hypocrisy in Islam is a very unique concept of Qaibat, which you know nothing of but all Pakistanis here know what it means here and how it is relevant to this discussion.

We don't need your islam lecture here. Your country's actions talk louder than anything else.

1. Inviting for peace talks and doing a Kargil.

2. using American WOT money to fund strategic assets

3. Shameless lies about knowledge of drone attacks

4. sending army to fight the Palestinians (and now your country men fight Baharinis)

5. Refusing to pay international loans and not complying to agreed upon rules.

6. The most restricted part of your country being called "Azad" Kashmir.

7. Backstabbing Indian Kashmiris by sending terrorists to make their life miserable.

8. Calling Afghanistan a "brotherly" country but support Taliban to destabilize them.

And the list goes on of Pakistani hypocrisy. Do these actions comply with your religion?
Mr. Sinha called a spade a spade.If some people have problem with it so be it..but Mr. Sinha should also understand that diplomacy is "The art of saying "nice doggie" until you can find a rock".
Backstabber the Indians, well generalization.

---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 PM ----------

3. Shameless lies about knowledge of drone attacks

WTF are you talking about?
Sure we can. Do not worry about that at all. Just drop the yoke of slavery and we promise you a better life. Right now 700 million people in India are living under poverty line and out of that 300 million are under hunger line. Things are going to improve once you join us and say goodbye to the artificial state of India. Remember that Muslims ruled over India for over 900 year and in that time India did not have hunger problem at all. Infact all the glorious things were built during that time, whether it was Taj Mahal or else. It is a take it or leave it offer. Think hard over it.

Oh , my dear Badshah ,see what happened to you .Watch yourself in the mirror !!

After ruling us for 1000yrs (R u that old ?:lol:) ,you guys moving with a begging bowl in the hand !!

BTW those so called Muslim ruler were not of Pakistani origin , in fact they enslaved you first , before coming to rule over us.

Just because you guys converted to islam and we stuck to our proud religion , doesn't mean that you automatically become rules or us slaves . Its just made you muslim slave rather than being hindu one

Don't know about those Pakistanis who grand dads came from central asia on horse backs and started a lovely family in Pakistan , most Pakistanis are native to Pakistan. And i don't dispute that .
also as Pakistan is Muslim nation it gets oil at half price according to dual charging system in islam.

Indians lying about Islam is nothing new, however, I, and no doubt all non-oil producing Muslim countries, just wish it was true...
Backstabber the Indians, well generalization.

---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:49 PM ----------

WTF are you talking about?

When you find out decipher it and let me know too
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