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India building biggest Nuclear Plant of 10,000 MW with France US$ 20 billion project

Like in most cases, we are on the same page :tup:

I personally think that french becoming the sole supplier (as in case of china) is quite difficult since many nations have already signed contracts with India. But the danger of crushing indigenous nuclear industry still stands.
Abhishek -

I dont see this as a danger to indegenious program. I rather see it as a DAE win win by just bying foreign techs to invest in indegenoues houses. Some sort of TOT we have for defense. but thats just me.

The most important thing our military nuclear program is not affected by this pact.
Well frankly we require french nuclear powerplants
For one while we are capable of building nuclear plants our self however we can only build units of 550 MW each and a nuclear power plant of up to 4000 MW , we we are working on a new 700 MW design with the first unit of 700 MW due to go critical in 2013
Compared to that The french are supplying us 6 Units of 1650 MW each for a 9900 MW Nuclear powerplant

Hence we require there tech , atleast until we are capable of making 1000 MW units
while uncle sam is worrying abt pak china nuclear plants, thts wierd

We should take it to UNSC and international communities with China against India and France's nuclear proliferation. If they want to stop China-Pakistan nuclear project we will not allow France-india nuclear project. :pakistan: Tit for tat.
We should take it to UNSC and international communities with China against India and France's nuclear proliferation. If they want to stop China-Pakistan nuclear project we will not allow France-india nuclear project. :pakistan: Tit for tat.

Problem with that plan is that we have Nuclear supplies agreement and Pakistan does not because you are outside the n club due to a certain A Q Khan

Abhishek -

I dont see this as a danger to indegenious program. I rather see it as a DAE win win by just bying foreign techs to invest in indegenoues houses. Some sort of TOT we have for defense. but thats just me.

The most important thing our military nuclear program is not affected by this pact.

Dash, you made two distinct points which I will respond to separately.
First, Are we actually buying nuclear tech from areva and others? or are they simply building the reactors for us so DAE and the relevant GOI entities can operate it? I am not certain if any TOT is involved.

Secondly, IMHO the Military nuclear program is of little relevance today since it has already served its purpose of being a well established deterrent.

I'm not being pessimistic, but I have concerns that since such a tremendous amount is being spent on these deals, that it lowers the capacity of GOI to dole out cash to support our indigenous nuclear efforts for civilian power.
We should take it to UNSC and international communities with China against India and France's nuclear proliferation. If they want to stop China-Pakistan nuclear project we will not allow France-india nuclear project. :pakistan: Tit for tat.


India have got NSG waiver and the whole world is making beeline for our projects. :angel::wave:

Our projects are under non proliferation and ethics with International approval.

Even china have not objected to India's Nuke deal in Nuclear supplier Group.
Dash, you made two distinct points which I will respond to separately.
First, Are we actually buying nuclear tech from areva and others? or are they simply building the reactors for us so DAE and the relevant GOI entities can operate it? I am not certain if any TOT is involved.

Secondly, IMHO the Military nuclear program is of little relevance today since it has already served its purpose of being a well established deterrent.

I'm not being pessimistic, but I have concerns that since such a tremendous amount is being spent on these deals, that it lowers the capacity of GOI to dole out cash to support our indigenous nuclear efforts for civilian power.

We are not getting n tech from France they are going to build the reactors which contain Japanese technology so first we need a deal with the Japs unless Areva can pull a rabbit out the hat some how.

General Electric Co. of the United States and Areva SA of France cannot proceed with their projects to build reactors in India because they need reactor vessels made by Japan Steel Works Ltd., which accounts for nearly 80 percent of global supplies of forged nuclear reactor parts.
^thanks for the info yeti. This is exactly where my concern lies. Since we are spending so much on these reactors without getting TOT, it will reduce GOI's ability to finance our indigenous civilian nuclear efforts.

I have to admit though, we certainly need all the additional power generation capacity as we can to fuel our flourishing economy. I just hope that in this process our indigenous projects do not get sidelined.
^thanks for the info yeti. This is exactly where my concern lies. Since we are spending so much on these reactors without getting TOT, it will reduce GOI's ability to finance our indigenous civilian nuclear efforts.

We have so much thorium all we need to do is invest in more R&D on fast breeder reactors. But I still think we need these huge reactors because look at how much oil and gas we importing that is why we have such a huge budget deficit we only have 4.2% nuclear power compared to say France who has over 75% of it's energy met by such reactors.
We have so much thorium all we need to do is invest in more R&D on fast breeder reactors. But I still think we need these huge reactors because look at how much oil and gas we importing that is why we have such a huge budget deficit we only have 4.2% nuclear power compared to say France who has over 75% of it's energy met by such reactors.

So it seems like we agree on developing FBRs :tup:
As for budget deficits, french deficit is about 6.25%, India is at 6.9%

Additional thoughts: I'm not sure how much nuclear power will impact our budget deficits since even after we achieve our nuke power targets, it will still only account for a minuscule percentage of our total energy requirements. add to that we are basically paying other countries to construct these projects just like we pay for oil today.
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Problem with that plan is that we have Nuclear supplies agreement and Pakistan does not because you are outside the n club due to a certain A Q Khan


Pakistan has considerable support of powerful countries like China, Turkey. A Q Khan chapter is closed. Pakistan will lobby in EU and USA against India's proliferation. Pakistan will not allow such plant if Pakistan do not get one.
Dash, you made two distinct points which I will respond to separately.

Please do that.

First, Are we actually buying nuclear tech from areva and others? or are they simply building the reactors for us so DAE and the relevant GOI entities can operate it? I am not certain if any TOT is involved.

Well I had little knowledge on this nuclear reactor thing, didnt follow it actually. So its a learning for me in this thread. Now the TOT thing was wrong. however i will do a bit of research in order for us to help here as well, so thats due from me. I mean we couldnt have gone ahead to invest so much, and I dont think we didnt read the lines correctly if Japan had o supply parts, who doesnt have a nuke pact with us, I mean that sounds very strange!!!...

I'm not being pessimistic, but I have concerns that since such a tremendous amount is being spent on these deals, that it lowers the capacity of GOI to dole out cash to support our indigenous nuclear efforts for civilian power.

Valid cocerns, well lets see how can I help here.
Pakistan has considerable support of powerful countries like China, Turkey. A Q Khan chapter is closed. Pakistan will lobby in EU and USA against India's proliferation. Pakistan will not allow such plant if Pakistan do not get one.

10,000 MW power plant will be an over kill for Pakistan.and you can have the plan but see the cost associated 20 Bil....Sure you cannot afford that for a few years till economy recover.and anyways china is gifting you 1 GW power plant
Pakistan has considerable support of powerful countries like China, Turkey. A Q Khan chapter is closed. Pakistan will lobby in EU and USA against India's proliferation. Pakistan will not allow such plant if Pakistan do not get one.

good luck to you sir :tup:
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