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India boosts influence across Africa

Can someone let me know,why many of pakistanis members nowdays come up with CHINA instead of their own country ??what kinda behaviour it's,am confused ?

May be there is a plan like Pakistan will become part of China.. like brothers living in the same house.. or Pakistan may be willing to become a state of china.. not sure... this is just a wild guess
May be there is a plan like Pakistan will become part of China.. like brothers living in the same house.. or Pakistan may be willing to become a state of china.. not sure... this is just a wild guess

India is taking risky investment in Africa which requires huge secondary investment in infrastructure and security of the project. Better keep this money in India itself to help the millions of poor and destitute but wait India cant its desperate to match the Chinese muscle even if that means millions of infant death each year, malnourished people, toilet less communities and thousands of farmer suicides.

One of the legacies British left behind in India is their colonial mentality. India sees itself as the inheritor of English crown..so often that it forgets social issues at home and aggressively peruses foreign influence, land mass and weaponisation.

Some may take it as pride or business as usual but the long sighed ones know where india is headed and whats its intentions judging from history.

Pakistan thinks itslf to be the heir of the caliphate, this has made it a failed state.:tongue:
What !?OMG

Can someone let me know,why many of pakistanis members nowdays come up with CHINA instead of their own country ??what kinda behaviour it's,am confused ?

They don't like comparing Pakistan to India since they're bound to lose everytime. Hence they drag China into it.
Hey guys pls stop replying to such troll guys. They got nothing to add wrt to topic so they just put such comments which are not related to even their own country and troll in every thread by bringing China or India's poor etc etc.. Just ignore them and keep the healthy discussion going on the topic..
They don't like comparing Pakistan to India since they're bound to lose everytime. Hence they drag China into it.


Its called the 'Bhati genius' :lol:

Actually we don't like comparing ourselves with a nation having more poor,disease stricken,sick of life,dull people than our WHOLE POPULATION ..happy now you troller?:hitwall:

Kid,India and China are compared due to several reasons.Both have over billion people in their country.Right now both are seeing a 'economic boom'.Both nations are competing each other.All world compares India and China when it comes to economy.Both are rising economies.Other than that...India can not be compared to the 'Mighty' China. India is way behind right now.So,don't talk through you a$$.

Its called the 'Bhati genius' :lol:

Actually we don't like comparing ourselves with a nation having more poor,disease stricken,sick of life,dull people than our WHOLE POPULATION ..happy now you troller?

Kid,India and China are compared due to several reasons.Both have over billion people in their country.Right now both are seeing a 'economic boom'.Both nations are competing each other.All world compares India and China when it comes to economy.Both are rising economies.Other than that...India can not be compared to the 'Mighty' China. India is way behind right now.So,don't talk through you a$$.

china is 'Mighty' for u,not for us.
i know why it is mighty for u?:lol::lol:
Read only one sentence of the article, and it happened to be this one:

The relations between India and Africa are centuries old. In the 1960s and 1970s, India helped newly independent African states by training them at Indian universities and other institutions. ...

How many centuries since the 1960s has it been?!!
Read only one sentence of the article, and it happened to be this one:

How many centuries since the 1960s has it been?!!

he is jus giving examples. during late 118th and 19th century many people from indian business communities esp gujratis went to africa to do trading there. since then india has had strong buissness links with african countries.

Its called the 'Bhati genius' :lol:

Actually we don't like comparing ourselves with a nation having more poor,disease stricken,sick of life,dull people than our WHOLE POPULATION ..happy now you troller?:hitwall:

Kid,India and China are compared due to several reasons.Both have over billion people in their country.Right now both are seeing a 'economic boom'.Both nations are competing each other.All world compares India and China when it comes to economy.Both are rising economies.Other than that...India can not be compared to the 'Mighty' China. India is way behind right now.So,don't talk through you a$$.

why dont you sell your country to China instead!!!

try to concentrate more on your A$$ and deficiencies rather that figuring out others'. Any ways Thanks, for telling we will concentrate on our development.

Its called the 'Bhati genius' :lol:

Actually we don't like comparing ourselves with a nation having more poor,disease stricken,sick of life,dull people than our WHOLE POPULATION ..happy now you troller?:hitwall:

Kid,India and China are compared due to several reasons.Both have over billion people in their country.Right now both are seeing a 'economic boom'.Both nations are competing each other.All world compares India and China when it comes to economy.Both are rising economies.Other than that...India can not be compared to the 'Mighty' China. India is way behind right now.So,don't talk through you a$$.

comparisions are always made between ''equalls''so its fine when the world compares India with China, but do you know with whom pkaistan is compared ...... countries which are on the verge of being declared FAILED states eg AFGHHANISTAN , SUDAN ETHOPIA etc.
so much for your so called pride.

Originally Posted by somebozo
India is taking risky investment in Africa which requires huge secondary investment in infrastructure and security of the project. Better keep this money in India itself to help the millions of poor and destitute but wait India cant its desperate to match the Chinese muscle even if that means millions of infant death each year, malnourished people, toilet less communities and thousands of farmer suicides.

One of the legacies British left behind in India is their colonial mentality. India sees itself as the inheritor of English crown..so often that it forgets social issues at home and aggressively peruses foreign influence, land mass and weaponisation.

Some may take it as pride or business as usual but the long sighed ones know where india is headed and whats its intentions judging from history.


What !?OMG
Can someone let me know,why many of pakistanis members nowdays come up with CHINA instead of their own country ??what kinda behaviour it's,am confused ?
may be Pakistan has done UNBREAKABLE VOW with china.:lol:
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