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India blackout worsens; 620M in dark

super power in dark times... I think they will wake up now from dreams to see reality...
Its fun to troll once in a while

especially with comedic situations like this :D
620 mn peoples lives and that of patients among them is comedy for you.
no wonder most educated Pakistanis have an orgasm when they hear that some thing is wrong in INDIA and some tragedy or death of Indians are headed
you should have hanged yourself with a twine thread when your book barly sold and you started your book seeling tacktis here.
but i rest my case. Stop the pole vaulters or else the Nagas and Bodos will send you and your umha to the graves

One should be careful with the term one is using.. I reckon you need to review your post.
The power outage can be controlled if stricter regulations are put in place with respect to 'ability to pull' power. Failure of the central power ministry to clamp down on rogue pulling of power by states is to blame for this. This is a majore regulatory mess up and has more to do with distribution issues than generation.
620 mn peoples lives and that of patients among them is comedy for you.
no wonder most educated Pakistanis have an orgasm when they hear that some thing is wrong in INDIA and some tragedy or death of Indians are headed

I obviously feel for the Indians without power.

I remember in August 2003 when there was a power outage in North America.

But this kind of situation certainly deflates the Superpower balloon that India has been trying to inflate. :D
I obviously feel for the Indians without power.

I remember in August 2003 when there was a power outage in North America.

But this kind of situation certainly deflates the Superpower balloon that India has been trying to inflate. :D

Show me one link where GoI claimed so.
One should be careful with the term one is using.. I reckon you need to review your post.
you did not say a word to the BDn when he was making sarcastic comments that NE should join BD, but you jump on me on one word of my post.
I have see MB Munshis posts earlier, he talks and spews the idea of changing the demograpy of the NE by polluting with illegal imigrants from BD and evicting the locals. they should not complain about their pole valuters being shot by the BSF when they are in mid pole valuting in the air.
you did not say a word to the BDn when he was making sarcastic comments that NE should join BD, but you jump on me on one word of my post.
I have see MB Munshis posts earlier, he talks and spews the idea of changing the demograpy of the NE by polluting with illegal imigrants from BD and evicting the locals. they should not complain about their pole valuters being shot by the BSF when they are in mid pole valuting in the air.

Didn't India fence the entire border with Bangladesh?
I think this is a bad spot for India especially with the Assam riots. I hope Government of India don't allow grid to be collapsed...
I obviously feel for the Indians without power.

I remember in August 2003 when there was a power outage in North America.

But this kind of situation certainly deflates the Superpower balloon that India has been trying to inflate. :D
now that is some thing that we did not tell the world, its some thing that the media is cooking. Neither the GOI not the people of INDIA had claimed that we are super power.
and your post seems that you are enjoying the tragedy of patients and new borns in INDIA due to this power crisis
I obviously feel for the Indians without power.

I remember in August 2003 when there was a power outage in North America.

But this kind of situation certainly deflates the Superpower balloon that India has been trying to inflate. :D
Good to know someone understands it but I have one problem, the superpower word repetition is being made by non-Indians than the Indians themselves. So I don't think India is inflating this balloon, others are. As we know There is nothing called bad publicity. Remember Aim for stars you will definitely end up on moon. Superpower is a star while regional power is moon. :enjoy:

Atleast you know and understand power failure doesn't mean a country is going into chaos as many posters have said that.
I think Pakistan should focus on conducting economic damage to India instead of Military damage.

ISI causing power failures, flooding India with fake Rupees to cause artificial inflation, hacking into Indian corporation and stealing secrets and then posting them on the internet, etc.

Thats the avenue in which Pakistan needs to focus on. :D
I am surprised to see your comments. Didn't expect it. You actually are asking Pakistan to focus on destruction of India where you are struggling with your own problems.

We work against Pakistan but we do work for our progress too but its not in case of Pakistan as you are too much emotional about India rather being too much rational about your economy and state of affairs.

Why do you complaint when Indians mock on your load shedding where as you are doing the same. Revenge..ehh. Good.
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