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India blacklists Israel Military Industries for 10 years Defense Ministry

If Indians took bribe why punish foreign companies for that?
Makes no sense, the rule is as dubious as Pakistani blasphemy laws!

Foreign companies paid bribes, that's why. Bribe taking and bribe giving are both criminal offences by law.

Anyway blacklisting made no sense, prosecuting and arresting the culprits (individuals) makes more sense.
Come on, blacklisting should only be used as a measure of last resort not the de facto measure taken anytime such allegations are made.

Which company was blacklisted because of allegations? If that would be, true Agosta Westland / Fincantieri would have been blacklisted today as well, but that is obviously not the case. CBI is investigating and only IF a company is found beeing responsible for bribery or even more to influence a competition, they will be blacklisted and that is completely correct!

This policy made India look immature, incompetent and lazy.

How so? It's not the policy that is the problem, but the people that missuses important defence procurements for their own interests. Again I ask, did you ever heared of one IA officer that was openly punished for bribery in one of the many howitzer scams? These guys makes us look like the 3rd world country the west has in mind when they think about India, not MoDs policy!

Blacklisting has been around for many years but has it stopped any of those accused of wrongdoing ie IMI, Denal,Rheinmettal etc??

See above, because that is only one part of the medal and we have to put up a strict policy on both sides and not opening the situation even more.

A much more mature and reasonable approach is to take action against those specific individuals who have actually done wrong but not to punish a company as a whole which affects both that company and the Indian military in a serious way.

Which doesn't make sense at all, because these bribes were not made on individual purposes by a company official, since individuals don't have $50 millions to bribe people right? So the money after all came from the company, therefor it was done for company purposes and the company is responsible and must be punished if caught.

The fact is in the past the MoD used blacklisting as a way of claiming closure to a scandal but let those who actually did wrong get away scot-free

Only on our side and that's why I say we need to have the same strict policy on both sides to make it effective, otherwise it obviously won't work.
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Im tried looking for any other links besides a blog, couldn;t find any. Is this real of just some BS?

Like the article says this move was kept hush-hush and wasn't publicised, the decision was taken behind close doors by the DM and NSA and just an official confidential notification being sent by the MoD directly to all the blacklisted OEM who have no reason to publicised this news themselves.

I have no reason to doubt the credibility of this news.
This is great time for Pakistan to take advantage of expertise Israel has to offer because due to competitive loss they will be more than compelled to work with Pakistan and will also serve as a diplomacy middle finger to Israel.
One must be wondering why the ones that took the bribe are never caught. Actually, they have found a unique way to hide the bribe. They fill theirs and their family members holes with the money, which you obviously can't find unless you are doing cavity search.
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