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India BENEFITTED from being a British Colony.


Jun 28, 2010
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How did India benefit from being in the British Empire?

Answer : Advances in transportation.

India benefited as it has made roads, tunnels, railways, shipyards and a lot of different things. Most important it made education more accessible. So it certainly benefited by being in the British empire!

What did the british empire do for india?

Answer :

Although British occupation was in itself generally BAD for India, the British left behind some good things;

1) The most populous democratic state in the world
2) A common language to use in legal matters (English)
3) An excellent University system
4) Railways
5) a proper sanitation system

How much territory did the British Empire add to the Indian Map ?
?India? is a misnomer: The British ?Indian? Empire included parts of the Subcontinent, Iraq, Burma etc. The French ?Indian? Empire included parts of the Subcontinent plus Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. The Dutch ?India? is a misnomer: The B

Answer :

1. Sikkim
2. South Tibet which it calls Arunachal Pradesh
3. Jammu &Kashmir
4. Muslim state of Junagadh
5. Northeast India (Burmese land annexed by India)

etc etc

India benefitted so much from being a former British Colony but yet many Indian resent the British.
India benefitted so much from being a former British Colony but yet many Indian resent the British.

Hafeez hope you know that India under British include present Pakistan and Bangladesh too..so are you trying to say we three are benefited from British??any way i agree with you on this that India benefited a lot but it was for the Britishers benefit, they devaloped railway system and infrastructure in India..But it Indirectly helped us a lot..Even some of the bridges made by the British is standing here strongly..

And about the rest like Sikkim and North eastern states..try to learn History then talk
We can put a name of colony(during the britishs empire) on the sub continent, but it definately did alot of good things and left a better foundation for a better future in that part of the world.
India benefitted so much from being a former British Colony but yet many Indian resent the British.

I am afraid your analysis is wrong.Britain did not help Sikkim join India .The ruler of Sikkim himself decided to join India.Moreover Junagadh was not a Muslim State.It had 80 % hindu population.Also regarding NE India, what do you mean by India annexed them?

All the things you have mentioned abt Railways ,sanitation,education can be also be told abt Pakistan and Bangladesh.

I did not understandthe highlighted part.
If i am not wrong before british invasion,india was as advanced if not more than the west.what the british offered,we could have achived the same with passage of time and at the right time,coz we had trade relations by sea with many countries..so,import of technology was not also unfeasable...
According to Romesh Dutt, in late 1800s, England was taking 50 million pounds worth of resources annually from India without return.
India benefitted so much from being a former British Colony but yet many Indian resent the British.
A small correction there: Sikkim was not "added by the British" to India. Independent India approached us and we accepted their proposal. There was no force used to ask us to join as is propagated on this forum. We joined because of our own free will.
the biggest thing we got from them is sane political organization. the mughal or the maratha empire is not a sane way of organizing politically.

the european ideas of democratic and secular nation states are immensely superior to monarchies.
India benefitted so much from being a former British Colony but yet many Indian resent the British.


Kid get some info.

India have not benefited at all. Britishers have systematically killed our agriculture and also the industries.

All the problems of India are the legacy of Britishers

But china have greatly benefited from Britishers as they have got Hong Kong as a gift which is truly a global financial hub. But still chinese rant about Britain.
the biggest thing we got from them is sane political organization. the mughal or the maratha empire is not a sane way of organizing politically.

the european ideas of democratic and secular nation states are immensely superior to monarchies.
Democracy is better but you're giving way too much credit to Europeans. Stop it :lol:
Benifit my foot... r u a british or western agent??? If not you have a very little knowledge about history...

In 1700 indo sub continant had a gdp of 100 million pound which was almost 25% of the whole world... where as british had only gdp of 16 million pound in the year 1800 even after 100 year later... and even after lots of plundering in the sub continant....

1 of the biggest victim of initial british colonialaization was the bengal region... my country bangladesh, bihar, asam, mizoram and kolkata... British were charging 50% tax of whatever any one was producing... it caused massive famine and caused 30 million death of people of bengal region... this was the holocaust of bengali people...

My blood still boil when I read the story .. how british east india company took control of bd... n my mind wanted to kill the arab traitor general Mir Jafar who withdrew 45000 troops from the battle field... where british had only 2500 soldier...

But fate was also not at our side... even with 5000 troops sirazudawla was winning the battle but alas rain started and foolish french troops those who were helping sirazudawla failed to cover up the exoplosive devices... and all were useless after the rain...

If british would have lost the war their backbone would have been broken... they would never able to colonize indo sub continant....

Alas all the farm full with peddy, river full of fish, smile in to the face of farmer is just past history. When british left indias gdp turned in to 3% of the whole world...

If you say in 200 years turning india's gdp from 25% of world to 3% is a grat achivemant and work of the british... then I want to say a traitor like you f**k off.

N regarding education, infrastructure and other stuff I just wanted you the example of china, dubai or qatar.. just look what they were 30 years back and what they are right now... so do not bring this sort of lame excuses... British created rail way but with a very high price and wasting a huge amount of money.
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If by benefit you mean created a untenable and volatile geographical and ethnic divides that set the stage for war and hatred?

yeah benefited...

Besides it's not like the British built infrastructure to help the Indian people, it just made it easier to exploit the place for their empire.
According to Romesh Dutt, in late 1800s, England was taking 50 million pounds worth of resources annually from India without return.

It funny actually. People are complaining about trade deficit now but Britain had the biggest recorded trade deficit with India.
Actually the rail network never had been much beneficial to development or industrialization of free India. Most of the rail roads was stretched from resource heavy areas(mines etc) to ports. After independence it didn't help to overall development of common people and also India missed the industrial revolution like China.

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