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India becomes biggest foreign buyer of US weapons

Give them money. They can deliver you products. Govt thinks that with a budget less than a gun company, they can make from pin to plane.

Really? How do you know that they don't have the money? The truth is that they are hopelessly incompetent. They waste 99% time pushing papers and photo-copying product brochures.
LOL, buddy you seem to portray as if you know the US inside out - wonder why all this US knowledge goes for a toss when it comes to US Pakistan issues when most in Pakistan come out on the losin side (other than perfecting the art of getting US aid).

I am afraid ... It's Pakistan which has always come out on winning side ( tactically ) ( although the tactical victory have not benefited Pakistan )

It's Pakistan which has taken world's sole Superpower for ride ...

Imagine they housed America's No. 1 enemy for years ...and are still getting on with US as its closest ally ...what will you call that as ?

I agree in the end this has not benefitted Pakistan ....
Really? How do you know that they don't have the money? The truth is that they are hopelessly incompetent. They waste 99% time pushing papers and photo-copying product brochures.

The budget of DRDO is out in open. Search that, and search for revenues of some big gun companies.
Really? How do you know that they don't have the money? The truth is that they are hopelessly incompetent. They waste 99% time pushing papers and photo-copying product brochures.

That's really insulting to institute which has delivered major weapon systems like Agni to India.
You call it a virtue, I call it lack of opportunity/skills. may be our DRDO guys are good enough for copying the product brochures only.

9 Billion USD worth of weapons import sounds like unusual business to me.
$9 Billion in last 10 years. I dont find anything unusual about it when you dont have many countries who sell military equipments.
PS: $16 billion from Russia in last 3 years alone.
The budget of DRDO is out in open. Search that, and search for revenues of some big gun companies.

It's true that DRDO is relatively underpaid ....especially compared to its western counterparts..

But truth lies somewhere in middle .

DRDO has failed to meet much deadlines and targets ...despite adequate funding .

the reasons are too complex to be surmised in a single post ....

The real questions I would like to ask ...how long we are going to import arms from foreign countries ?

will we become self sufficient by 2050 ...i.e. around 100 years after independence ?
I am afraid ... It's Pakistan which has always come out on winning side ( tactically ) ( although the tactical victory have not benefited Pakistan )

It's Pakistan which has taken world's sole Superpower for ride ...

Imagine they housed America's No. 1 enemy for years ...and are still getting on with US as its closest ally ...what will you call that as ?

I agree in the end this has not benefitted Pakistan ....

Raymond Davis
freedom to go for IP pipeline.
Saved humiliation in Kargil.
Saved E Pakistan
prevented jihaadi camps, millions of recruits.
prevented from becoming epicentre of drugs.
drone strikes

US dole in billions that did not get them a corrupt bunch of leaders that feed on that dole.
A lot of IMF and world bank loans.
nuclear weapons and jets.
Saved from isolation.
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Huh...I wonder how Russia feels about this development. Also, with India becoming more and more reliant on US military equipment, it needs to be careful not become too dependent on US hardware.

I tend to diasgree with fellow Indians, when they talk about bonhomie and how the US will not impose sanctions. Pray tell me, then why is the FDA tightening the screws almost coincidentally with the ruling regarding compulsory licensing. Anybody saying,"US will not do it, because we are too big is living in a fool's paradise".

Any entity with leverage will use the lever at opportune times. The US is not a strategic ally. They can inflict pain. The faster Indian companies can provide spare parts in times of sanctions, the less leverage possible.

The critical components are the LCA engine and the C-130 and C-17s. While they are transport aircraft, any army man will tell you any army is only as good as its logisitics. the C-17s are critical components in defence preparedness and response times.
I tend to diasgree with fellow Indians, when they talk about bonhomie and how the US will not impose sanctions. Pray tell me, then why is the FDA tightening the screws almost coincidentally with the ruling regarding compulsory licensing. Anybody saying,"US will not do it, because we are too big is living in a fool's paradise".

Any entity with leverage will use the lever at opportune times. The US is not a strategic ally. They can inflict pain. The faster Indian companies can provide spare parts in times of sanctions, the less leverage possible.

The critical components are the LCA engine and the C-130 and C-17s. While they are transport aircraft, any army man will tell you any army is only as good as its logisitics. the C-17s are critical components in defence preparedness and response times.

Exactly ...it won't take time for US to change its position ...

we should not depend on US for critical defense systems for it will definitely extract pound of flesh and resort to arm twisting when it deems appropriate ...

I think our policymakers are aware of this and that's why we ruled out America out of MMRCA despite immense pressure...imagine if US president writes personally in open ..how much influence must have been exerted behind the curtains ...

Personally I feel whether it's US or any other country ..we should not be dependent on anybody for our defense ...but its is especially true about US ....

We must avoid getting too close to US and get entangled ...we have seen what is happening in our neighborhood .

We should get wiser with what we see is happening there ...

Right now people are seeing only the piece of cheese ...we need to see the trap behind !
Sure, but that doesn't mean the US won't take advantage of India. If India does something the US may not like, BAM! Sanctions on spare parts.

I think GoI have thought about it looking at the state of spares with pakistani forces. I am sure they know what they are doing.
India can become the biggest as India loves US equipment. If IN went for another:
30 C-130Js
30 C-17s
30 P-8Is
other equipment.

Speaking of the P-8s, our Navy is about to place an order on 6 of 'em.
Exactly ...it won't take time for US to change its position ...

we should not depend on US for critical defense systems for it will definitely extract pound of flesh and resort to arm twisting when it deems appropriate ...

I think our policymakers are aware of this and that's why we ruled out America out of MMRCA despite immense pressure...imagine if US president writes personally in open ..how much influence must have been exerted behind the curtains ...

Personally I feel whether it's US or any other country ..we should not be dependent on anybody for our defense ...but its is especially true about US ....

We must avoid getting too close to US and get entangled ...we have seen what is happening in our neighborhood .

We should get wiser with what we see is happening there ...

Right now people are seeing only the piece of cheese ...we need to see the trap behind !

yea I think people on this thread are over reacting, just buying a few weapons, it's 2 billion dollars, what's the big deal, even if it was 5-10 billion so what.

You got no disputes with the US yet, a sanction could be imposed and conditions could be set, but I doubt it will, because it would take another nuke test like event for a sanction, and as for conditions on weapons, as long as you don't use it for US allies, IE Pakistan, you are golden.

Besides, it's a few minor weapons. Even if the sanction did happen, I doubt a few helicopter and a few unmade Tejas will be the difference.

As to Russian response, they won't say anything, on the market place anyone can buy from anyone else, it's not in the Indian constitution that only Russian equipments are to be bought, and it's not like Russians are refused a chance to be chose, it is what it is.
yea I think people on this thread are over reacting, just buying a few weapons, it's 2 billion dollars, what's the big deal, even if it was 5-10 billion so what.

You got no disputes with the US yet, a sanction could be imposed and conditions could be set, but I doubt it will, because it would take another nuke test like event for a sanction, and as for conditions on weapons, as long as you don't use it for US allies, IE Pakistan, you are golden.

Besides, it's a few minor weapons. Even if the sanction did happen, I doubt a few helicopter and a few unmade Tejas will be the difference.

As to Russian response, they won't say anything, on the market place anyone can buy from anyone else, it's not in the Indian constitution that only Russian equipments are to be bought, and it's not like Russians are refused a chance to be chose, it is what it is.

India is a poor country, we do not have billions to waste.
India is paying cash for what it gets and therefore has the luxury to choose. Its a simple business and everyone knows it and competing for a share of pie. Having competition is always good for the customer and we can see how we can leverage the gains.

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