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India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap

yes, he does because of this:

As Pakistan battles a growing Taliban insurgency, reports in U.S. media have raised the nightmare scenario of its nuclear weapons falling into militant hands.

Also, keep in mind Am, having more nuclears represents more movement of the nuclear bombs. Currently, Pakistan cannot even secure America's transit route to afganistan. So explain to me why would he be not concern because the first country that is going to hit is India.

Transit route to afghanistan is not a priority for Pakistan; the nuclear programme is the pride of Pakistan; rest assured; the nuclear weapons are not sitting in swat or islamabad for the taliban to take them at will. Agreed we are a 3rd world country but please spare us the fantasies... :enjoy:
Lets not compare Apples with oranges as usual to draw an example. The transit route runs more than 1100 miles across the height of Pakistan (South-North Axis). Secondly, American supply is simply NOT important enough for Pakistan to secure it with military security. If you are comparing the security for the supply of jeeps to the US and ISAF through Pakistan with our Nuclear security, you must be out of your mind and nothing else.

Although I cannot prove it for lack of information on the Indian side, I am extremely confident that Pakistani nuclear security is at least 2-3 notches ahead of what India has in place, hands down.
Indian Army chief can rant all he wants to, because as most others speculating about the security of Pakistani weapons, he too knows nothing about how firmly they are secured.

Maybe so Blain that it is!! But the Speculation one makes gives a justification of more movement, more chances. Also keep in Mind that roughly 20% or so of Pakistan Army are Pashtun. What would be the possiblity of defaction. These are the variables that increase as your nuclear arms increase.

The other big factor is, India did not state or showed any motivation to increase it's nuclear arsenal or modernization, so What would be purpose Now.
What is whinning about, does not show good for your country. That whinning represents that how you have brought your country to such a brink, that the whole world is worried about. That whinning should be your wake up call, that we need to fix our country in a such a way (modern, moderate, meaningfull, and magnificent) that the world should not be pointing fingers at US!!!

Only the West and their puppies like India are worried about Pakistan. They want a defanged Pakistan - no nukes, no credible military. It ain't gonna happen. This Taliban issue was a creation of the West and all the media hype is being used to discredit Pakistan, its nuclear program and its military. Only the naive american public and the indians believe this stuff. Bajur and Mohmand were very succesful test cases. Swat will be cleared in few weeks then Waziristan will next. Certain level of insurgency will remain and has always been there. Simply the nature of our people. We will keep our nukes, grow our military and continue to blackmail the Americans and the west to pay for them so ultimately we can use against the Indians.

Don't worry about the Pushtun factor either. They have suffered the most from the Taliban and they are on the forefront of the fight to get rid of the Talibans.
Only the West and their puppies like India are worried about Pakistan. They want a defanged Pakistan - no nukes, no credible military. It ain't gonna happen. This Taliban issue was a creation of the West and all the media hype is being used to discredit Pakistan, its nuclear program and its military. Only the naive american public and the indians believe this stuff. Bajur and Mohmand were very succesful test cases. Swat will be cleared in few weeks then Waziristan will next. Certain level of insurgency will remain and has always been there. Simply the nature of our people. We will keep our nukes, grow our military and continue to blackmail the Americans and the west to pay for them so ultimately we can use against the Indians.
Don't worry about the Pushtun factor either. They have suffered the most from the Taliban and they are on the forefront of the fight to get rid of the Talibans.

Truly spoken from the heart, are we!!!
yes, he does because of this:

As Pakistan battles a growing Taliban insurgency, reports in U.S. media have raised the nightmare scenario of its nuclear weapons falling into militant hands.

Also, keep in mind Am, having more nuclears represents more movement of the nuclear bombs. Currently, Pakistan cannot even secure America's transit route to afganistan. So explain to me why would he be not concern because the first country that is going to hit is India.
Try to read this, it may soothe you:
Also keep in Mind that roughly 20% or so of Pakistan Army are Pashtun. What would be the possiblity of defaction. These are the variables that increase as your nuclear arms increase.

Defection!! What? Did i hear something wrong!?

Well dude you probably have forgotten that it is the Pakistan Army fighting an insurgency not the indian army fighting in Kashmir where people defect at will!

Already weeks have passed and the morale remains higher than ever!

Rather this Wana and tribal area thing has been bashed for years now by the Pakistani military, never got the 'defection' problem actually!

Had you been right and this been the case then the operation had already never been launched at the first place, as Pathan Generals are sitting in quite a number at the top slots of our military.

Please re-read your source!
Maybe so Blain that it is!! But the Speculation one makes gives a justification of more movement, more chances. Also keep in Mind that roughly 20% or so of Pakistan Army are Pashtun. What would be the possiblity of defaction. These are the variables that increase as your nuclear arms increase.

The other big factor is, India did not state or showed any motivation to increase it's nuclear arsenal or modernization, so What would be purpose Now.

There is no possibility of defection of the Pashtuns within the Army over to the other side (one would need to understand the psyche of the Army to see this). Secondly, the factors you are alluding to are considered by those in charge of the NCA. There are more than enough mechanism built into the system to ensure that cliques are not allowed access.

On the nuclear expansion, its a mere rumor which is unsubstantiated. Pakistan's program has up till now been Uranium based. Now the focus is on plutonium development for miniaturization purposes. This does not automatically mean that we are expanding our production, it is more of a retooling given new requirements. India has been producing plutonium based weapons for a long time thus there is no need for them to modernize even though the nuclear deal with the US totally frees up Indian nuclear weapons plant to produce only military grade material for weapons because the civilian nuclear plants would get the needful from the NSG.

At the very basic level, the Indian Army chief and all the supporters of non-proliferation for Pakistan are hypocrites for crying wolf about Pakistan even though they knew from the very beginning that as soon as India got the NSG supply, Pakistan would have to upgrade its production.
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yes, he does because of this:

As Pakistan battles a growing Taliban insurgency, reports in U.S. media have raised the nightmare scenario of its nuclear weapons falling into militant hands.

Also, keep in mind Am, having more nuclears represents more movement of the nuclear bombs. Currently, Pakistan cannot even secure America's transit route to afganistan. So explain to me why would he be not concern because the first country that is going to hit is India.
So the general is asking for international intervention based on 'reports in the US media'?

Give me a break - you guys need to appoint some competent generals then.

The COAS is essentially whining and begging the world to act against Pakistan to stop its weapons program because India cannot do so, and the modernization of the program, especially the MIRV capability, pretty much makes India's missile defence shield plans obsolete before it can even be deployed.
Did you read the article?

i bet we are giving the indian COAS urinary incontinence.

Oooohh.. the indians are sooo scared of us, we are such a threat to the world, if that is what you want to listen. Be happy!


"...my own sense is Pakistan has everything that gives you an international migraine. It has nuclear weapons, it has terrorism, extremists, corruption, very poor and it's in a location that's really, really important to us. And now with this issue with India. So, I think that the current president and the current secretary of state, who's on her way to India right now, have a very big job ahead of them," said former Secretary of US State Madeleine Albright. "

U may not like it, but unfortunately this is the current image of of pakistan in minds of international powers.

In this kind of circumstances, its completely natural if Indian army chief is concerned about nucleat proliferation in pakistan considering the fact... india is its biggest enemy and cloest neighbour.

Here is two interesting things that I found Enigma one is:

Explicitly not mentioning the non-state actors/terrorist in Pakistan Export Control Act – 2004, thus is not an omission or a shortfall, as it does cover the possibility of export to unauthorized persons. This view has also been sufficiently highlighted in Pakistan’s Report to UNSCR – 1540 Committee.

And second:

The danger is even more acute because religious extremists in the form of born-again Christians actually hold office in that country.

And this is the Pakistanie version of what US and India is saying. So who is right?

Even though the author states lots of mistakes made by the West, but one must also accept that they had Nuclear arsenal first with no learning curve. Likewise Pakistan is benefitting thru the learning curve, but state of pakistan situation currently can possibly throw that learning curve out the door.
Also keep in Mind that roughly 20% or so of Pakistan Army are Pashtun.

Why hasn't the Frotier Corp, composed primarily of Tribal Pashtun, fallen apart fro defections then?

Instead we hear that it has improved considerably as a COIN force.

And this is the Pakistanie version of what US and India is saying.

The US military leadership has actually said that they remain satisfied with the C&C put in place by Pakistan, and that Pakistani nukes are secure.

On that count the Indian COAS's statements, with all his talk of 'foreign pressure' (intervention) are not the same as those from the US leadership.
So the general is asking for international intervention based on 'reports in the US media'?

Give me a break - you guys need to appoint some competent generals then.

The COAS is essentially whining and begging the world to act against Pakistan to stop its weapons program because India cannot do so, and the modernization of the program, especially the MIRV capability, pretty much makes India's missile defence shield plans obsolete before it can even be deployed.

That is my point, that MIRV is more of an offense based nuclear arsenal then defense. Nuclear arms are predominatly meant for deterance purpose only. But As you boldely put it will make India's defense sheld obsolete, in return starts a new game of offense based nuclears arsenal from the Indian side.
But As you boldely put it will make India's defense sheld obsolete, in return starts a new game of offense based nuclears arsenal from the Indian side.

But since Pakistan does not have a defence shield, or plans for one, how dies that require India to switch to a more 'offense based nuclear arsenal'?

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