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India: another great illusion?


Aug 20, 2011
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Last year I predicted that the Chinese bubble will burst soon, and that it’s unlikely that China will become the biggest economy in the world any time soon, contrary to what most analysts predict (See The great illusion?). Now it looks like India might also disappoint, although for completely different reasons.

The closer we look, the more Indian ills look like a scary combination of European ills and American ills. Start with the budget deficit: India’s economy needs to grow frantically just to pay its debt, which is about 8.5% of GDP. Defense spending increased 10% last year and this year should grow even faster. At the same time, growth is projected to slow down to 6-7%. That sounds a lot like the problem the USA is facing with colossal defense spending that is not justified by the facts on the ground (who’s planning to invade the USA? who’s planning to invade India?)

On top of defense spending, the Indian government also spends billions to provide subsidies to the oil industry and to farmers. Just like the USA. Finally, the Indian parliament resembles the fractured and paralyzed parliaments of Italy and Belgium, in which the governing party is tamed by the tiny allies that it needs in order to claim a majority. Just like Europe, the balance sheet and ridiculous bureaucracy are scaring away foreign investors.

India is famous for a dumb and gargantuan bureaucracy, which was never truly reformed when it moved from pseudo-communism to free-market capitalism, and that bureaucracy recently has been at work to make it difficult for anybody to do business in India. (And even for tourists to visit it: India is the only country in the world that forbids tourists from reentering India for two months).

The social and political problems of India have long been ignored by the world as remote and passing nuisances.

The truth is that many more people are killed by terrorists of various factions in India than in the other emerging powers.

The truth is that India still has a caste-based system that has created incredible social injustice.

The truth is that India, unlike China, Brazil and Russia and virtually any other emerging country, is a federation of linguistically and ethnically different states, a fact that could potentially derail the union.

The truth is that it is the largest Muslim country in the world (or second largest after neighboring Pakistan), a fact that constitutes a perennial threat to its identity.

The truth is that, unlike China, Russia and Brazil, who are unlikely to go to war with any of their neighbors, India is in a constant state of alert along the border with Pakistan, a nuclear enemy.

The truth is that corruption in India is more widespread than even in Russia (see for example for example).

The truth is that this year 27 million babies will be born in India (versus 10 million in China and 4 million in the USA): India needs to create an improbable number of jobs to improve the conditions of its population, or even to keep it where it is and avoid social unrest.

The closer one looks, the less reassuring India looks as a place to invest money.

This would matter little if growth were still exponential and business opportunities were popping up everywhere. However, just like China, India is vulnerable to oil prices and to prices of commodities in general. Those prices are unlikely to come down any time soon, now that the US economy is picking up steam.

Last but not least, India may have run out of Western customers willing to offsource jobs to cheaper English-speaking countries (i.e., to India) and may have to rely on its own domestic market. That market is, in theory, huge. Alas, the World Bank estimates that 300 million of them live under the poverty line, and the others have an average salary which is below $1,000 a month (see this survey).

India: another great illusion?

So much for a world most populous democracy India :lol:
The truth is that it is the largest Muslim country in the world (or second largest after neighboring Pakistan), a fact that constitutes a perennial threat to its identity.

How exactly? :what:

Are you not saying that Islam is a threat to the world? :blink:?
Last year I predicted that the Chinese bubble will burst soon, and that it’s unlikely that China will become the biggest economy in the world any time soon, contrary to what most analysts predict (See The great illusion?)
Welcome to the club of bubble-bursting failing economies! We're in the same boat. But don't worry, be happy! Pakistan, your all weather friend, will bail you out. As for India, we'll probably seek the help of Burkina Faso!!

Welcome to the club of bubble-bursting failing economies! We're in the same boat. But don't worry, be happy! Pakistan, your all weather friend, will bail you out. As for India, we'll probably seek the help of Burkina Faso!!


Hahah...then tell me who have made those prediction about China ? and how soon this guy want China to become biggest economy after not only 33 years of economic reform ?:lol:, we're happy to be the #2 economic for the moment
india will break apart into different countries once different ethnic groups get richer, their demands will rise.
just look at how the soviet union collapsed, you can only unite a ethnically different country for so long.
His predictions on China didnt come true. So why are you celebrating his predictions on India ??

india will break apart into different countries once different ethnic groups get richer, their demands will rise.
just look at how the soviet union collapsed, you can only unite a ethnically different country for so long.

You are a scatter brain ! Worry about keeping Tibetans & Uighurs in china !
His predictions on China didnt come true. So why are you celebrating his predictions on India ??

That doesn't mean it won't happen to India :lol: :lol: only on your Indian wish that anything thing bad happened to India should be happened for China too
All Pakistan has to do is taunt India little bit on the border and its dreams would shatter like a child toy..

His predictions on China didnt come true. So why are you celebrating his predictions on India ??

You are a scatter brain ! Worry about keeping Tibetans & Uighurs in china !

But it did make millions of Indians happy as a baby for several years..now its Chinese turn.
Day by day I see the Chinese share in the market increase either as finished products or Machinery and infrastructure project. The same is not true for India and I am talking about only one country "Saudi Arabia". The Chinese have tamed their population monster and put the people on right path instead of being at constant war with each other for bread. India on other hand is following a wiener competition to become the "Most populous democracy" in the world which cannot grantee to feed its people which means as food security becomes scarce, there are more chances of country wide riots.
All Pakistan has to do is taunt India little bit on the border and its dreams would shatter like a child toy..

But it did make millions of Indians happy as a baby for several years..now its Chinese turn.
Day by day I see the Chinese share in the market increase either as finished products or Machinery and infrastructure project. The same is not true for India and I am talking about only one country "Saudi Arabia". The Chinese have tamed their population monster and put the people on right path instead of being at constant war with each other for bread. India on other hand is following a wiener competition to become the "Most populous democracy" in the world which cannot grantee to feed its people which means as food security becomes scarce, there are more chances of country wide riots.

Didnt you already try it so many times. You already forgot whose dreams shattered like a chinese toy ?
"India is superpoor, not superpower"
Sashi Tharoor

“It is still 80 percent nation and 50 percent democracy”
Ramachandra Guha

Last year, Indian writer, diplomat and politician Sashi Tharoor said "India is superpoor, not superpower". This week, Indian historian Ramachandra Guha went a step further and suggested that "India can not and must not become a superpower". Guha added that “India should not try to be a dominant and powerful country, but a less discontented nation.”

Haq's Musings: Can Superpoor India Become a Superpower?
"India is superpoor, not superpower"
Sashi Tharoor

“It is still 80 percent nation and 50 percent democracy”
Ramachandra Guha

Last year, Indian writer, diplomat and politician Sashi Tharoor said "India is superpoor, not superpower". This week, Indian historian Ramachandra Guha went a step further and suggested that "India can not and must not become a superpower". Guha added that “India should not try to be a dominant and powerful country, but a less discontented nation.”

Haq's Musings: Can Superpoor India Become a Superpower?

We know what you say is true and a fact but Indian trolls on here don't like to hear the truth and make personal attacks etc and then they are rewarded by the thread being closed. I mean there are things which are in their media in the Hindu for example but have been censured on the forum to protect Indian sensitivities

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