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India Announces No Manned Lunar Mission

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Oct 3, 2005
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India announces no manned lunar mission – like in Russia and America did Extraterrestrial UFOs tell India not to go to moon with humans on board?
Staff Reporter
Feb. 19, 2005

According to the head of Indian Space Program G Madhavan Nair, Chairman of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), India has no plan to send human beings to moon. This is in direct contradiction to what ISRO and Government of India officials have been saying so far. Up till this time, media reports were very clear that for the sake of India’s pride and prestige, lunar mission was a must and India was looking forward to an accelerated schedule to land human beings on the moon.

The sudden reverse turn in India’s plan and action is interesting. According to many international space research think tanks, American and Russians were told by the Extraterrestrial world body of the Universe that they should not send any human beings to moon. Many even go to the extent of suggesting that Apollo 11 never landed on the moon. Some have suggested that Apollo 11 did land on the moon only to find UFOs and other advanced civilizations using moon as a space station.

ISRO announcement provides some light on the fact that there were several reports in the media that UFOs and Extraterrestrial civilizations were contacting Indian Government. Several UFO sightings still continue in the Himalayas region. There are also reports of underground UFO bases in Indo-China border areas.

India now plans an unmanned lunar mission. According to Mr.Nair the priorities have changed.

Since the Apollo missions, no country in the world has ventured into the moon or any where above the immediate atmosphere of the earth with human beings. Some point out hazards of radiation. Recently, President Bush has announced an American manned lunar mission in twenty years. Why should it take twenty years to go there if we human beings have already achieved the same thirty-five years back?

India will launch a two-year Lunar probe but has no plan to land a man or woman on moon in the near future. It is also looking for research institutes wanting to piggyback their scientific equipment on the Indian satellite, head of Indian Space Programme G Madhavan Nair, has said. Nair, Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Space Commission, is in Brussels to attend two international space conferences and discuss India's participation in the European Union's satellite radio navigation programme, Galileo.

"India has no plans to land a man on the moon in the near future," he told the India news in Europe program. Nair, who is also the Secretary of the Government's Department of Space, said the agreement on Galileo was finalized a week ago.

"It will be signed in a few weeks time, either in New Delhi or Brussels," he said adding during the agreement's second phase "India will decide how much money it will invest in the project."

Pointing out the major differences between India's space program and that of other countries, he said, "Their applications are generally military or commercial, while in India they are aimed at improving the quality of life of the people, including the 75 per cent living in villages."

Asked if the Indian space industry feared competition from China, Nair said, "There is nothing like that. They have their own program and we have ours. National priorities are set, and we work according to them."

Stating that India's space industry has a bright future, Nair said, "The greatest achievement of India's space industry has been self-reliance. We are self-sufficient in weather and communication satellites."

The Indian space industry, he said, was "as good as any other space industry in the world in terms of quality and cost effectiveness."

Indeed, "European industries can find a lot of sources in India for the supply of parts, whether for aircraft, satellites or spacecraft." He underlined the importance of cooperation in earth observation.

"Each country has its own space craft engaged in various kinds of missions. We should now look how the data can be meaningfully utilized," he said. Nair said, "India is seriously considering establishing a tsunami warning system for the region, even though such destructive ocean waves are a very rare phenomenon in the Indian Ocean, whereas they occur almost every month in the Pacific Ocean."

Thanks to its efficient communication channels, "India distributed its satellite data to Sri Lanka, Thailand and Indonesia the very next day after the tsunami struck on December 26," he said.

Copyright © 2003-2005, Indiadaily.com. All Rights Reserved

Related link: http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/1651.asp
Manned missions are very costly as wel as risky too !! :o

I'll love to see some Indian space probe landing in moon !!!! :victory:
Originally posted by Arjun@Oct 19 2005, 11:34 AM
Manned missions are very costly as wel as risky too !!  :o

I'll love to see some Indian space probe landing in moon !!!!  :victory:
[post=1016]Quoted post[/post]​

I hope we send it at the same time when India does, or maybe around that time...

we need to start working on space program. do we have any thing like NASA ?
Originally posted by A.Rahman@Oct 19 2005, 02:57 PM
I hope we send it at the same time when India does, or maybe around that time...

[post=1019]Quoted post[/post]​

Though ISRO of India has a planned moon mission but they are more interested on satellites !!
Space mission or moon journey are more of show than technology demonstrations !! Though a space probe might be possible under current technical capacity of India .
Once SUPERCO makes their own lanuch pad kinda stuff, and send a few satellietes in space.Man will be next.With China's help ofcourse :ChinaFlag: :PakistanFlag:
Manned missions are very costly as wel as risky too !! :o

That's the whole point.If you can send a man to space saftely then you have preety decent tech.Any country can send unmanned missions but sending humans to space is the real deal. :bounce:
To all the patriots,

Indian Space Programme is much much more matured and miles ahead of Pakistan as India has sucessfully made it's own Cryogenic engines and have successfully launched SLV,ASLV, PSLV and GSLV.

ISRO has not only made the world class satelites in every field but also they have successfully launched many many foreign satelites till date.

The next one(s) is/are gonna be

ISRO to launch INSAT 4-A next month

Also the official site of India's mission to moon is Chandrayan-1


ISRO to launch Israel's spy satellite
Saturday November 12 2005 12:26 IST

NEW DELHI: Israel has decided to launch its next spy satellite aboard India's polar satellite launch vehicle (PSLV) rather than its own indigenous Shavit rocket, according to a report in "spacenews,"

Washington-based authoritative weekly on global space business. The report quoting Israeli officials in Tel Aviv said that Israel's Ministry of Defence and State-owned satellite producer Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd (IAI) are nearing conclusion with their Indian counterparts of all political and contractual agreements required for the planned October 2006 launch of the Techsar, Israel's first synthetic aperture radar imaging satellite.

"On the government-to-government level, a pre-existing bilateral accord on strategic cooperation (between India and Israel) already covers most aspects of the mission," the report said.

The estimated 260-kilogram Techsar is slated as the exclusive payload aboard the PSLV, which will be launched from the Indian space research organisation's Satish Dhawan Space Center, the report said.

If all agreements are finalised in the coming months, as expected, IAI will ship the satellite to the Indian launch site by summer, it said.



Originally posted by miroslav@Nov 12 2005, 01:09 PM
To all the patriots,

Indian Space Programme is much much more matured and miles ahead of Pakistan as India has sucessfully made it's own Cryogenic engines and have successfully launched SLV,ASLV, PSLV and GSLV.

ISRO has not only made the world class satelites in every field but also they have successfully launched many many foreign satelites till date.

The next one(s) is/are gonna be

ISRO to launch INSAT 4-A next month

Also the official site of India's mission to moon is Chandrayan-1


[post=2764]Quoted post[/post]​

I know. India has a head start in many things. But the thing is that india wants to work alone. While pakistan has a ally that is the next superpower, is way ahead of india in almost every way. LCA is a good exmaple, indians triead to make a fighter from scratch. Which is impossible to make for a devloping country.

While Pakistan on the other hand dicided to do the same thing but only that they asked China for help. So you see this is where the differences begin to appear. India tries to do stuff from scrtach alone while pakistan does the same thing but only they get a partner, China in this case to help them.

You might have heard that the chinese need pakistanis as much as the pakistanis need the chinese. This is becasue china needs someone to help "distract" india away from becoming a power. That's why pakistan is china's ally. But then pakistan nedded someone to help them devlop. That's why china is pakistan's ally.

In other words, both countries are using each other and both countries are gaining experince from it. But the thing is that it is india who has to worry about all this.
Originally posted by Ahsan F@Oct 18 2005, 10:50 PM
ISRO announcement provides some light on the fact that there were several reports in the media that UFOs and Extraterrestrial civilizations were contacting Indian Government. Several UFO sightings still continue in the Himalayas region. There are also reports of underground UFO bases in Indo-China border areas.
Copyright © 2003-2005, Indiadaily.com. All Rights Reserved

Related link: http://www.indiadaily.com/editorial/1651.asp
[post=1009]Quoted post[/post]​

These guy are high of weed :LOLANI: :stupid:
Manned missions aren't worth it. The Americans and Soviets stopped them more or less in the 80's. It's scientificcally more benefitial to send probes and robots, and commercial/militarily its better to send satellites.
Guys, Don't quote indiadaily.com please.

It is a rumours/conspiracy based website managed from New Jersey, USA. Has nothing to do with the Indian press.
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