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India and Vietnam: The great game in the East

I'll advise india to sit with in their border.Playin great games is for super-powers(like usa,ussr,china) and martial militaristic societies(like pakistan iran etc).india is neither.its a mercantile society good at making money so better spend your energies at making monies.India once tried to step outside its border in srilanka and got brutally raped by rag-tag LTTE cadre so much that it has to run away from srilanka with its tail between its legs.
noone asked your advice plz keep it with yourself . and i admire has power but china requires atleast 6-10 years to become super power
Compared to vietnam

Reckless comment.
India education better than Vietnam's in which aspects?. English skill may be the only one.
In other aspect, other from self-boasted article by India press, I do not think Vietnam education have anything to learn from India.

Literacy rate: roughtly 95% in Vietnam vs. 75% in India
High school education: Vietnamese student always rank higher than India in all international competition, bar some.
University education: hard to compare, but from western point of view, India may have better universities simply because they teach in English, like they put some Hong Kong universities ahead of Qing Hoa and Beijing universities in China. In Vietnam we use Vietnamese. On technology and science, no.
After all, Vietnam export mostly manufactured products (telephone, electronics, machinery, steel) to India and import mostly agricutural products from India (animal feed, corn, cotton).
I have just posted the import-export data between Vietnam and India in 2011 in another thread. So please find and check before posting emotional comments.
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