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Why doesn't Barkha Dutt do a program on her ? "New Star in raising" ala Kanhaiya?
Andaman is a beautiful place and should not be contaminated by such vermin. Heard Australia is going to allow some parts of its countryside to be a nuclear waste dumping ground. These professors should be packed out to those sites in Australia.

But the Aussies might object, these people are more dangerous than nuclear waste.Perhaps, we should dump them in south china sea, we piss of the Chinese and American's at the same time...much less costly then the BOMB :guns:

Why doesn't Barkha Dutt do a program on her ? "New Star in raising" ala Kanhaiya?

It would have been a surprise if she hadn't done that already...here's there interview with Kanhaiya or perhaps it was nivedita menon the JNU commie professor you were referring too

Before we fight a final war with our external enemies ;
we will have to take care of these internal threats
When it is claimed that MQM in Pakistan is being funded by across the border, Then people across the border will definitely fund pest like these !!
look at all the beheadings we are doing,killing atheists and homosexuals and anyone who criticizes hindu religion.OH WAIT.....
In war plagued countries - beheading, killing and ect... will be very common - India is not a war plagued country; it still has lynching, forced religious laws, state-sponsored religious violence, and so much more.
If she continues to speak like that,

Then Bajrang Dal will pay her a visit
And their will be loss of life and property , while Delhi police look the other way

In war plagued countries - beheading, killing and ect... will be very common - India is not a war plagued country; it still has lynching, forced religious laws, state-sponsored religious violence, and so much more.

You want me to count the religious killing in the name of Blasphemy law in Pakistan
Or for that matter violence against Shias and Ahmedis
If she continues to speak like that,

Then Bajrang Dal will pay her a visit
And their will be loss of life and property , while Delhi police look the other way

This is exactly what they want- some Bajrang Dal nut loosing his mind and going on rampage so that they can make a Tiananmen Square or JNU Spring out of It- The Biggest challenge for the Govt- is Bajrang Dal type nuts and not JNU- over the time these Professors will get their due but that should be not done by some maniac-
In war plagued countries - beheading, killing and ect... will be very common - India is not a war plagued country; it still has lynching, forced religious laws, state-sponsored religious violence, and so much more.
a pakistani making this statement - definition of hypocrisy
In war plagued countries - beheading, killing and ect... will be very common - India is not a war plagued country; it still has lynching, forced religious laws, state-sponsored religious violence, and so much more.
oh really,is saudi war plagued country,or iran is a war plagued country?
any country with shariya law has such rules.
and u cant take any incident and label it as a representation of indian culture.
oh really,is saudi war plagued country,or iran is a war plagued country?
any country with shariya law has such rules.
and u cant take any incident and label it as a representation of indian culture.
Saudi Arabia primarily follows Tribal Arab laws even though it says it follows Shariah law.

And compare pre-revolution Iran with after-revolution Iran.
This is why the priority no 1 should be to crush the commie scum

But why? What difference does her comments make? She may be an idiot but why must you crush her for her comments?

Secondly, it is pretty clear that she was talking about the Hindu caste system. It is not the most violent but it is perhaps the most regressive and racist social class system in the world. What makes it worse is that it is still deep rooted in the society and people who are otherwise "modern" are still following it with pride. Nothing wrong in admitting that.
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But why? What difference does her comments make? She may be an idiot but why must you crush her for her comments?
I too am against "crushing" her or physically harming her for her comments

However, by allowing her to be lecturer we give her the opportunity to corrupt young innocent minds and create a culture that somehow pseudo-Indophobic values are something to be revered.

Universities are meant to educate our future generations to benefit to overcome the social ill that plagues our society. If these universities do the opposite by contributing to the social ills, then whats the point in having them

With people like her, JNU is no different from radical Islamist madrassas in Pakistan. Both are educational institutions, both provide education which ultimately harms the nation.

It's important to ensure people like her can no longer take up teaching jobs.
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Comes from JNU professor, she must be right. Anyone saying otherwise should be auto-labeled as bhakt or a sanghi... right?

This is why the priority no 1 should be to crush the commie scum
Why waste time on these , how many lok sabha seats did the entire left manage to get? a total of 7 seats. Ignore them....That is a slow political death for the ideology.
But why? What difference does her comments make? She may be an idiot but why must you crush her for her comments?

Secondly, it is pretty clear that she was talking about the Hindu caste system. It is not the most violent but it is perhaps the most regressive and racist social class system in the world. What makes it worse is that it is still deep rooted in the society and people who are otherwise "modern" are still following it with pride. Nothing wrong in admitting that.

LOL..... suddenly everybody's and expert on "Hindu caste system" :lol:

Oh wait .... its what the British taught you. No doubt Hindus are the worst. Why not just admit that you hate Hindus ? :coffee: ........ that is much closer to the truth than recognizing your Rants as "reality".
I too am against "crushing" her or physically harming her for her comments

However, by allowing her to be lecturer we give her the opportunity to corrupt young innocent minds and create a culture that somehow pseudo-Indophobic values are something to be revered.

Universities are meant to educate our future generations to benefit to overcome the social ill that plagues our society. If these universities do the opposite by contributing to the social ills, then whats the point in having them

With people like her, JNU is no different from radical Islamist madrassas in Pakistan. Both are educational institutions, both provide education which ultimately harms the nation.

It's important to ensure people like her can no longer take up teaching jobs.

I would have to watch her whole speech before passing a judgement. People often get quoted out of context when you pick up a few lines. My guess is that she was probably talking about the caste system which is the gravest social ill we face as a society. While I certainly don't agree with her comment about violence but she is right about how deep rooted the caste system is in our society.

"With people like her, JNU is no different from radical Islamist madrassas in Pakistan. "
- Please name a few terrorists coming out of JNU in the last 40-45 years, a university with nearly 8000 enrollment. Universities, especially ones that focus on liberal arts are places where free thinking should be encouraged. It has never hurt anyone. You will find such people at Universities all over the world, and certainly in the US. Tens of thousands of people have graduated from JNU till date, how many of them are contributing to social ills?
an old tactic started by a mahatma and followed till date by pseudo seculars actually anti majority ie (sanatan dharmies in this case ) to gain attention and following so that they come in limelight very easily .
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