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Featured India Air Force is well prepared for a two front war: IAF Chief

Clear words by Air Chief Marshal Bhadauria - no one will fight our wars for us. We have to do it ourselves. Cannot count on anyone else. (Responding to questions on US military deployments)

Then why buy foreign equipment, can’t do it yourself. More bark than bite.
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One perk of a big population for India, there will never be a shortage of retards.


India Air Force Is Well Prepared For A Two Front War: IAF Chief
Indian Air Force is emerging stronger than ever with new aircraft, technologies & equipment. The 88th Air Force Day on Oct 8 will have Rafale for the first time
Written By
Shivani Sharma

Indian Air Force

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is fully prepared to fight a two-front war and is also well positioned to take on China in Ladakh, IAF Chief Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria said on Monday.
Speaking at the annual press conference ahead of the Air Force Day on 8 October, Bhadauria said he was hopeful that dialogue between India and China to reduce tensions on the border would yield results. He conceded that the current process of dialogue was slow and both sides looked set to dig in for the winter with tens of thousands of troops and military assets deployed in forward positions across Ladakh.

He said the IAF had deployed its forces swiftly once the challenge in Ladakh became clear. The reference was to Chinese intrusions and the massing of military and air assets in the regions.

“Whatever the requirement was, it was met," he told reporters in New Delhi referring to airlifting of materials and supplies for the Indian army.

Not only in Ladakh, the IAF was “deployed strongly" across the region, he said. The operationalising of the Daulat Beg Oldie airstrip in Ladakh in 2008 was a “big threat to the Chinese."

“We are very well-positioned. There is no question that in case of any conflict, China can get the better of us," Bhadauria said in response to a question on India’s preparedness in Ladakh. Bhadauria also said that there was “no question of underestimating the adversary," given the amount of investment China had made in men, machines and technology.

"Their strength lies in surface-to-air systems they have put up in the area. They have long missile systems. We cater to those in our matrix... we can take on that threat."

In response to another question on whether India and the Indian military were surprised by the Chinese deployment and aggression in Ladakh, the air chief said “We acted swiftly and it will not be correct to say we were surprised... We do hope the talks between the military commanders progress on expected lines. The current progress (by China) is an effort to dig on for the winter... we too are taking actions to step up air assets."

When asked if China could use Pakistan air bases, the IAF Chief said it would mean a collusive threat and the force was ready to tackle it.
On the possibility of a two-front threat, he said, “We are aware they are cooperating closely There is significant threat, but so far there is no such indication that they are colluding for a two-front war."

The induction of the Rafale, Bhadauria said had provided the IAF a technological edge. “It gives the ability to strike first and strike deep and hard even in a contested air space," he said. The next five aircraft were expected early November, he said adding that the first squadron would be ready by next year and the second in place by 2023.

On the use of drones in a war situation, Bhadauria said they were useful in the build-up to the conflict. On armed drones that India is looking to buy from US company General Atomics, he said, “Attack drones have been successful, some will succeed and some will fall to enemy action. We have worked to find the right mix of having armed drones within the overall firepower."

"A war cannot be won through armed drones alone. We will take the final decision keeping in mind all aspects," he added.

One perk of a big population for India, there will never be a shortage of retards.

Lol. True
Yea that is only good enough to fool domestic audience.
Someone should give him a rattle to play with. Very immature statement from the perspective of an Air Chief.
One perk of a big population for India, there will never be a shortage of retards.

And thankfully they all decided to go and join the Indian Airforce!!
Optimism is good for your health.
I am pleased the indian chief is talking crap
Pakistan felt arrogant and over confident after India's defeat with China in 1962, started its own preparations and executed operation Gibraltar in 1965 which resulted in failure. India then started its own plans and executed it in 1971 which resulted in break up Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh.
India felt arrogant after the British colluded with the Marathas and Sikhs to defeat the Moghuls and Tipu Sultan. In 1857 the Indians colluded with the British to defeat the first rebellion against British rule by Muslims and Nationalists.
90 years later the Pakistanis broke India into three pieces, occupied one third of Kashmir and gifted 4800 sq kms to China to win their alliance. The rump state of former East Pakistan ( and before that East Bengal) which now calls itself Bangladesh is a thorn in India's side, flooding India's North East with illegal migrants, smuggling and consuming cows from India, and harassing and driving its minorities into India. Bangladesh keeps a tight control over India's access to the North East denying port access to the dogs leg Indian state of Tripura.
Meanwhile Pakistan intermittently shells the Indian border, shoots down Indian planes and parades the captured pilots , keeps Kashmir boiling pinning down half a million troops, denies India access to Afghanistan and the Central Asian corridor. It also frequently closes its airspace to Indian civilian air traffic.

To top that off this " 1971 defeated " Pakistan holds a nuclear cocked fist on India targeting 100 cities with 20 kiloton nuclear missiles, It also threatens to use tactical nuclear missiles at the drop of a hat.

The memories of 1971 ... have faded fast,
Save your rhetoric for the RSS goons who beat you up in the Kaveri hostel.
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Half the story. First part of story, PAF shot down a Mig21. 2nd most significant part, Pak closed it airspace for 6 months. PAF was no position to take on IAF.
If the PAF was in no position to take on the IAF then why were there not more air strikes by the IAF on Pakistan?
The Israeli air force strikes Syria and Gaza at will, The US air force strikes Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, at will, Russia strikes Syrian rebel positions at will, struck Georgia ( 2008 ) at will, and patrolled the seized territory of Crimea with overwhelming air power grounding the Ukrainian air force.,
Since India is a super power why doesn't it do what Israel does?
Pakistan felt arrogant and over confident after India's defeat with China in 1962, started its own preparations and executed operation Gibraltar in 1965 which resulted in failure. India then started its own plans and executed it in 1971 which resulted in break up Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh.

'break up of Pakistan'

1 tiny piece of land 2000km away from Pakistan was crippled by civil war and a cyclone and finally realised it should've been independent. Indians jumping in at the last second of the war doesn't mean Indians captured all of Bengal and broke it off, nor is it comparable to any worthwhile military victory.

Need I remind you about "we will have breakfast in Lahore" whose jeep was captured and classified documents read to all of Pakistan? Oh wait guess he was right because Abhi bhabi did and thought it was fantastic.

India Air Force Is Well Prepared For A Two Front War: IAF Chief
Indian Air Force is emerging stronger than ever with new aircraft, technologies & equipment. The 88th Air Force Day on Oct 8 will have Rafale for the first time
Written By
Shivani Sharma

Indian Air Force

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is fully prepared to fight a two-front war and is also well positioned to take on China in Ladakh, IAF Chief Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria said on Monday.
Speaking at the annual press conference ahead of the Air Force Day on 8 October, Bhadauria said he was hopeful that dialogue between India and China to reduce tensions on the border would yield results. He conceded that the current process of dialogue was slow and both sides looked set to dig in for the winter with tens of thousands of troops and military assets deployed in forward positions across Ladakh.

He said the IAF had deployed its forces swiftly once the challenge in Ladakh became clear. The reference was to Chinese intrusions and the massing of military and air assets in the regions.

“Whatever the requirement was, it was met," he told reporters in New Delhi referring to airlifting of materials and supplies for the Indian army.

Not only in Ladakh, the IAF was “deployed strongly" across the region, he said. The operationalising of the Daulat Beg Oldie airstrip in Ladakh in 2008 was a “big threat to the Chinese."

“We are very well-positioned. There is no question that in case of any conflict, China can get the better of us," Bhadauria said in response to a question on India’s preparedness in Ladakh. Bhadauria also said that there was “no question of underestimating the adversary," given the amount of investment China had made in men, machines and technology.

"Their strength lies in surface-to-air systems they have put up in the area. They have long missile systems. We cater to those in our matrix... we can take on that threat."

In response to another question on whether India and the Indian military were surprised by the Chinese deployment and aggression in Ladakh, the air chief said “We acted swiftly and it will not be correct to say we were surprised... We do hope the talks between the military commanders progress on expected lines. The current progress (by China) is an effort to dig on for the winter... we too are taking actions to step up air assets."

When asked if China could use Pakistan air bases, the IAF Chief said it would mean a collusive threat and the force was ready to tackle it.
On the possibility of a two-front threat, he said, “We are aware they are cooperating closely There is significant threat, but so far there is no such indication that they are colluding for a two-front war."

The induction of the Rafale, Bhadauria said had provided the IAF a technological edge. “It gives the ability to strike first and strike deep and hard even in a contested air space," he said. The next five aircraft were expected early November, he said adding that the first squadron would be ready by next year and the second in place by 2023.

On the use of drones in a war situation, Bhadauria said they were useful in the build-up to the conflict. On armed drones that India is looking to buy from US company General Atomics, he said, “Attack drones have been successful, some will succeed and some will fall to enemy action. We have worked to find the right mix of having armed drones within the overall firepower."

"A war cannot be won through armed drones alone. We will take the final decision keeping in mind all aspects," he added.

You guys are stuck with the Two-Front War while you lost two of your aircrafts in a very small front.
Pakistan felt arrogant and over confident after India's defeat with China in 1962, started its own preparations and executed operation Gibraltar in 1965 which resulted in failure. India then started its own plans and executed it in 1971 which resulted in break up Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh.
Stop talking crap, India participated in a civil war by interfering in a neighbouring state. But times have changed since then. In any war India will be decisively defeated.

India Air Force Is Well Prepared For A Two Front War: IAF Chief
Indian Air Force is emerging stronger than ever with new aircraft, technologies & equipment. The 88th Air Force Day on Oct 8 will have Rafale for the first time
Written By
Shivani Sharma

Indian Air Force

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is fully prepared to fight a two-front war and is also well positioned to take on China in Ladakh, IAF Chief Rakesh Kumar Singh Bhadauria said on Monday.
Speaking at the annual press conference ahead of the Air Force Day on 8 October, Bhadauria said he was hopeful that dialogue between India and China to reduce tensions on the border would yield results. He conceded that the current process of dialogue was slow and both sides looked set to dig in for the winter with tens of thousands of troops and military assets deployed in forward positions across Ladakh.

He said the IAF had deployed its forces swiftly once the challenge in Ladakh became clear. The reference was to Chinese intrusions and the massing of military and air assets in the regions.

“Whatever the requirement was, it was met," he told reporters in New Delhi referring to airlifting of materials and supplies for the Indian army.

Not only in Ladakh, the IAF was “deployed strongly" across the region, he said. The operationalising of the Daulat Beg Oldie airstrip in Ladakh in 2008 was a “big threat to the Chinese."

“We are very well-positioned. There is no question that in case of any conflict, China can get the better of us," Bhadauria said in response to a question on India’s preparedness in Ladakh. Bhadauria also said that there was “no question of underestimating the adversary," given the amount of investment China had made in men, machines and technology.

"Their strength lies in surface-to-air systems they have put up in the area. They have long missile systems. We cater to those in our matrix... we can take on that threat."

In response to another question on whether India and the Indian military were surprised by the Chinese deployment and aggression in Ladakh, the air chief said “We acted swiftly and it will not be correct to say we were surprised... We do hope the talks between the military commanders progress on expected lines. The current progress (by China) is an effort to dig on for the winter... we too are taking actions to step up air assets."

When asked if China could use Pakistan air bases, the IAF Chief said it would mean a collusive threat and the force was ready to tackle it.
On the possibility of a two-front threat, he said, “We are aware they are cooperating closely There is significant threat, but so far there is no such indication that they are colluding for a two-front war."

The induction of the Rafale, Bhadauria said had provided the IAF a technological edge. “It gives the ability to strike first and strike deep and hard even in a contested air space," he said. The next five aircraft were expected early November, he said adding that the first squadron would be ready by next year and the second in place by 2023.

On the use of drones in a war situation, Bhadauria said they were useful in the build-up to the conflict. On armed drones that India is looking to buy from US company General Atomics, he said, “Attack drones have been successful, some will succeed and some will fall to enemy action. We have worked to find the right mix of having armed drones within the overall firepower."

"A war cannot be won through armed drones alone. We will take the final decision keeping in mind all aspects," he added.

So United stated coined two front at two separate cocoms meaning US military should be capable of sustaining major ops in two separate COmbat command simultaneously well it happens Ed two conflicts in same comcom ie centcom Iraq 🇮🇶 and Afghanistan 🇦🇫 and it was realized the concept of sustainment of two conflicts is not possible

Indian picked up and now touting the same ;)

rest is history ;) Chinese broader ans blalakot plus border

copying concept is typical like Bollywood 1000 movies vs Hollywood 100 or so per year is only possible by copying ans changing to some exteny the same 100 or so on various languages ;)

Pakistani's be like...
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