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India again tries to Ignite Jiye Sindh

Balochistan seperatism is non-existent. Why was Bugti's party not popular in Balochistan if everyone wanted secessionism?
Well that referendum was held more them 60 years ago, since then alot has changed. People at the time thought they were joining a federation that would bring change to their lives, eliminate hunger and bring prosperity and rule of law.

but in 60 years that has not happened obviously people attitudes change with time, as far as setting up a partizan system i doubt very much that federal government will allow such party to be established that will have a manifesto with high priority for a referendum. Those who may seek even if supported by majority will mostly meet the fate bb has met. Federal government wants all parties to be enslaved under its regime regardless of pashtoon Punjabi etc etc.

That is a weak excuse. If the seccessionist movement in the NWFP is so strong, then people like you should have no problem establishing a political party on a "referendum" platform. Note that even the idea of renaming NWFP to something more representative of its ethnic makeup has floundered, and you want us to believe that there is this overwhelming seccessionist sentiment, but yet no major party supporting that idea can exist.

Please, at this point you are no better than the Taliban whose example I gave. You haven't even given the political process a chance, and yet you had earlier eulogized the virtues of KAGK.

May be the federation needs to closely look and ask its self why are there people who are becoming anti state, why have we problems in balochistan and nwfp and other areas. Why are people joining balochistan liberation army and other groups. Something is wrong why are people feeling like that and they need to take a closer look at their self.

You have problems in Baluchistan because of the Sardari system and federal apathy, mostly related to propping up the Sardari system, and an exploitation of the situation by certain elements - something that will hopefully be rectified in the future.

People are faithless in the system because not once but they have been cheated hundred of times, lack of development and jobs, lack of justice etc etc.

Blame your local government then, that was more interested in ripping down billboards and propping up Fazlullah than encouraging investment and economic growth. Blame yourself, because you have several times argued in favor of continuing with the Tribal system, and how you hope to see development occur there with the perpetuation of that medieval setup I don't know. Also the system has affected everyone in Pakistan, not just you, but you seem to think that you are owed something more than everyone else, and at the same time are not even interested in fighting the hard fight to change the system. People like you are the problem, you complain and cry that the system is not fair now, and you will complain and cry that the system is not fair even if NWFP were independent.

ANY credibility you had went out the window when the you described FATA as "where the home boys roll", and when you refused to consider participating in the political process.
now goverment wants to industrialist and modernize balochistan, but in reality this is not for the local population but it serves the interests of china, as it is its energy supply route. Where was the government and its industrialist for past 60 years?.

Who cares if it serves China's interests, it brings Jobs and investment. Your argument would mean that we couldn't accept investment from any multinational, because they all serve their own interests - making money for themselves. But they bring jobs in, which is why we don't care. Talk about clutching at straws to make a case..

You want unity in pakistan and people to feel equal and belonging to a common goal, then bring forward justice and democracy. make the army equal in numbers from all pakistani groups and not just 80 percent punjabis.

More money all provinces and not just sindh and punjab.

What are you talking about? What is the breakup, percentage wise, of the revenues distributed to the provinces?

And regarding your comment about the Army, read this -

Punjab’s dominance in army being reduced: ISPR​

By Sher Baz Khan

ISLAMABAD, Sept 13: A planned effort is being made to revise the composition of the Pakistan Army by reducing the dominance of Punjab to a considerable level over a period of four years.

In 2001, the Punjabis constituted over 71 per cent of the army. The numerical strength was reduced in later years and has been brought down to just over 57 per cent this year. A further three per cent decrease in recruitment from that province is on the cards by 2011.

The information is part of a booklet titled ‘Information Brief’, published by the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Directorate, the official mouthpiece of the Army, released to counter the growing criticism at home and abroad over the composition of the military and the riches it has accumulated over the years, turning it into the country’s biggest corporate giant.

The booklet has also countered the figures indicating the size of the land being controlled by the army mentioned in Ayesha Siddiqa’s book, ‘Military Inc’.

Within a decade (2001-2011), the composition of Pakhtuns in the army would increase by one per cent to 14.5 per cent.

A two per cent increase will be made in the number of Sindhis bringing their total strength to 17 per cent by 2011.

The representation of Balochis, which was nil in 2001, constitutes 3.2 per cent at present. Their composition would be increased to 4 per cent by 2011.

Similarly, with their zero per cent presence in the army seven years ago, the people from Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas now constitute 9.11 per cent of the army. However, their number would be curtailed to 9 per cent in 2011.

By 2011, it will be ensured that at least one person from the minorities is among hundred personnel of the armed forces. At present they constitute just 0.72 per cent while seven years ago, their presence was just 0.29 per cent in the army.

CORPORATE ACTIVITIES: The booklet has claimed that a total of 833,268 acres was allotted to the armed forces since independence and not over 2.30 million acres as put by Ayesha Siddiqa in her book.

According to the ISPR, the current asset base of Fauji Foundation is over Rs125 billion.

It has provided details of the numerical strength of Bahria and Shaheen foundations and their activities and projects.

The Army Welfare Trust (AWT), with its present worth of Rs108 billion, employs over 11,000 people included retired military personnel and next of kin of Shuhada and those wounded in wars. The trust has 30 big and small projects in the country, including Askari Cement Factory, Nizampur, Army Welfare Sugar Mills, and Badin and Khoski Farm near Badin.

The Frontier Works Organisation (FWO), a segment of army engineers and national construction, employs 12,000 personnel and implemented construction projects of Rs141billion. These include the ongoing 66 projects at an estimated cost of Rs90 billion.

The National Logistic Corporation (NLC), one the leading public sector transportation and construction organisations in the world, has employed 97 army officers, 27 retired army officers and 2,634 junior commissioned officers with a turnover close to Rs6 billion last year.

The ISPR says that a ‘few’ serving officers are also employed in the administration of Defence Housing Authority (DHA), which is expecting Rs150 billion direct investment in its ongoing and planned projects. The authority runs 19 schools and nine colleges. It pays Rs6.5 billion tax to the government every year.

FARMS: According to the ISPR, there are nine military farms with a total area of 25,159 acres. Military farms in Okara and Rensala consist of two dairy factories, seven military farms and 22 villages. The total land involved is 20,156 acres. The booklet has also lauded the development activities of armed forces and its different organisations in Balochistan, Sindh and the federally administered tribal areas (Fata).
Punjab’s dominance in army being reduced: ISPR -DAWN - Top Stories; September 14, 2007

I am not sure why you posted that, interesting summary of events though. I disagree with the "slender margin of victory". I have read otherwise, but am open to correction. Jana or RR can you clarify?

I am not sure why you posted that, interesting summary of events though. I disagree with the "slender margin of victory". I have read otherwise, but am open to correction. Jana or RR can you clarify?

I posted it so that it is time that people (most don't know the events that took place) have a ready reckoner of events so that constructive discussions can take place without resorting to "hand me down" legends.

It was a general post, just for information.
After reading all these posts I believe its impossible to improve Pakistan-India relations. Any one who thinks that relations can be improved live in fools paradise let it go as it is going,Let Modi say what he is saying and support for Kashmir freedom struggle, Khalistan movement and all the other separation movements in India. Tit for Tat
After reading all these posts I believe its impossible to improve Pakistan-India relations. Any one who thinks that relations can be improved live in fools paradise let it go as it is going,Let Modi say what he is saying and support for Kashmir freedom struggle, Khalistan movement and all the other separation movements in India. Tit for Tat

You tried this in the past and got nothing. You are welcome to try this again.
I am not too sure if tit can be confronted with a tat.

It is time this madness ends!
Vinod and other indians well yes it does matter as first of all Jiye Sindh was never a strong movment and in the past it was funded and supported by India and now as no one is talking about any such thing the only moroons we can find is Modi and his likes who by giving such terrorist statements are trying to creat problem for Pakistan.
It is called freedom of speech. He has right to express his opinion. If you do not like it that is your personal problem.
Further more he is the CM of Indian state hence he should not poke his nose into our affairs.

But india will remain Pakistan centric no doubt
Some one has to take care of little brother:smitten:
A complete rationale of this movement is to be found in G .M. Syed's books The Past, Present and Future of Sindh, Sindhu Desh --- What and Why, and Consciousness of Sindh, all in Sindhi.

Syed, born in 1904 says that Pakistan is a folly and a crime, that refugees have ruined the country, that West Punjab has reduced Sindh to a colony and that Pakistan must die so that Sindh can live and breathe freely again.

Of course, it does not mean that he is right!

Two countries were created and they should remains so.

A commentary is here on Syed:

G.M. Syed on the 'Unity and Diversity of Religion'
Salim sir, you are correct. These same people called the "call for jihad" as his personal opinion and GoP is not responsible and does not reflect its policy. But these same people consider the Modi's opinion to the reporters a serious one and cry foul. Even Modi didn't call for any action, he simply provided his opinion.

I am just pointing their double standards. These people live in a "self created fear of India".

You nailed it. Right on point. Self created fear of India. These people need to relax and enjoy life. If you read post on most of the threads you will find that there is general miserable attitude towards India, kind of verbal jihad, India seemes to be responsible for Pakistan's problems, narrow minded Indians, any chance to put India down, you name it. Feels like these people are born to bash India. I guess that's what they are taught in schools. It is their country they can create what ever fear they want to create. I think any news that has India in must be block buster news in Pakistan. God bless ordinary Pakistani and protect them from their own people who scare the S@#t out of them in broad day light. On the other hand, how much problem has Pakistan cerated for India. Pakistan, a muslim country has made Kahmiri muslims live miserable. Before partition Kashmiri's had a Hindu ruler and lived peacefully.
Point to ponder! Pakistan sholud thank God that it got India as a neighbour. The way Pakistan interferes with India indirectly,had it (America or Isreal)been as a neighbour they would have levelled Pakistan decades ago. I do not know if I have freedom to write my opinon on this forum freely or not but I will try.
I can hear some of those loading their guns.:azn:
I hope average Pakistani will use commonsense and analyse media more carefully.
Terrible. When will India learn not to support terrorist movements in foreign countries. Even their government ministers admit it. Terrible.

Isn't it time to play fair game:D
You nailed it. Right on point. Self created fear of India. These people need to relax and enjoy life. If you read post on most of the threads you will find that there is general miserable attitude towards India, kind of verbal jihad, India seemes to be responsible for Pakistan's problems, narrow minded Indians, any chance to put India down, you name it. Feels like these people are born to bash India. I guess that's what they are taught in schools. It is their country they can create what ever fear they want to create. I think any news that has India in must be block buster news in Pakistan. God bless ordinary Pakistani and protect them from their own people who scare the S@#t out of them in broad day light. On the other hand, how much problem has Pakistan cerated for India. Pakistan, a muslim country has made Kahmiri muslims live miserable. Before partition Kashmiri's had a Hindu ruler and lived peacefully.
Point to ponder! Pakistan sholud thank God that it got India as a neighbour. The way Pakistan interferes with India indirectly,had it (America or Isreal)been as a neighbour they would have levelled Pakistan decades ago. I do not know if I have freedom to write my opinon on this forum freely or not but I will try.
I can hear some of those loading their guns.:azn:
I hope average Pakistani will use commonsense and analyse media more carefully.

What planet are you from...?:crazy: Ever visited an Indian forum?
Point to ponder! Pakistan sholud thank God that it got India as a neighbour. The way Pakistan interferes with India indirectly,had it (America or Isreal)been as a neighbour they would have levelled Pakistan decades ago.

Yes we are really proud of having such a loveing and caring neighbour by the name india.:disagree:

I do not know if I have freedom to write my opinon on this forum freely or not but I will try.

This is freedom otherwise by the standard of your post, you would have probally be banned by now.

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