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India, Afghanistan discussing Kabul river projects to deny water to Pakistan

Yawn you know little about rivers


india should treat pakistan just like china and turkey treat the lower riparian states

double yawn

double yawn
india should treat pakistan just like china and turkey treat the lower riparian states

I don't know how Turkey and China treat low riparian states but problem for India is that Pakistan is not at all weaker and submissive towards India unlike in the case of Turkey's and China's neighbors....

Pakistan shares long border with India and very much capable in hurting India where it hurts most...Indians can find solace in this news but aftermath of it , if implemented, will not be liked by anyone.....

If water will not flow then blood will....
we sud stop making them Dam or build it before Afg do. it was so obvious that we fail to stop india diplomaticaly stop making dams on Kashmir but they definatily will not let us make dam in Sawat once they build it.
thats why we dont need these politicians who have been speding money either on thier hair transplant and fake surgery but have no penny to spend which is imp and future for Country.
i Highly against Imran's Kashmir policy he has the same team which were with Musharaf.
chai wala will always be chai wal. more than half of kabul river originates from chitral in pakistan. it flows to afghanistan and than comes back again. also pakistan is already using 100 percent of kabul water. so technically they will lose the case at any international court.

Pakistan can do the same with many rivers flowing to Afghanistan. Start off with Chitral River. Also ask China to up the ante. Which filthy nation on planet earth would stop the flow of water? Mind you, a source of life. Absolutely disgusting nations we have as neighbours.
a small canal will divert the whole river.
So india is telling Afghanistan what to do and took control of Afghan foreign policy.

Now Pakistan should let india spend money to build this dam. Just before completion while indians are working on the dam, send half a dozen cruise missile and let indian money and dream go up on smoke. That would be quite a lesson for both. Since it is on Afghan soil, india can not do JACK and do not have any diplomatic or ther ground to stand on.

Dude how about sending some Bangladeshi Cruise missile :D:D
india had already stopped half of pakistan water. we should be recieving 55000 cusecs water but are recieving 25000 cusecs. both countries are going towards an all out war.

we sud stop making them Dam or build it before Afg do. it was so obvious that we fail to stop india diplomaticaly stop making dams on Kashmir but they definatily will not let us make dam in Sawat once they build it.
thats why we dont need these politicians who have been speding money either on thier hair transplant and fake surgery but have no penny to spend which is imp and future for Country.
i Highly against Imran's Kashmir policy he has the same team which were with Musharaf.
it's not about dams. we are already utilizing 100 percent of water coming from afghanistan.
What are "Babur"s for???? By the by, Babur Han subjugated Kabul first, then he went for Delhi...
Mr.Turkey, or whatever you are, Kabul was under the rule of Timurids even before Babur..........Delhi was a fresh conquest
Pakistan can do the same with many rivers flowing to Afghanistan. Start off with Chitral River. Also ask China to up the ante. Which filthy nation on planet earth would stop the flow of water? Mind you, a source of life. Absolutely disgusting nations we have as neighbours.

India is not neighnour of Netherland .. Ur Flag say NL...

@Topic: Making dam is for better use of water. The water flows to sea, its better to regulate and better use it. Afghans has all right to use there resources..

If Pakistan has any concern, they can go to International court.
india should treat pakistan just like china and turkey treat the lower riparian states

Half of your people defecates on the streets and you think you are comparable to China or Turkey lol
In retaliation to Uri attacks, India had upped the ante by giving the go-ahead to three run of-the-river projects on river Chenab. These had earlier been put on hold due to objections raised by Pakistan under the Indus Waters Treaty.

The truth is most of illiterate journalist don't know meaning of run of-the-river projects

Idiot Journalists and Idiot analysts, RoR project don't store massive amount of water..

Run-of-the-river hydroelectricity (ROR) is a type of hydroelectric generation plant whereby little or no water storage is provided. Run-of-the-river power plants may have no water storage at all or a limited amount of storage, in which case the storage reservoir is referred to as pondage. A plant without pondage has no water storage and is, therefore, subject to seasonal river flows.

a regime change in afghanistan is eminent. taliban are already making gains. they will capture kabul if pakistan is angry.
Half of your people defecates on the streets and you think you are comparable to China or Turkey lol
if we did not defecate on the street it would be fine to steal your water like Turkey and China
is that correct ?

I don't know how Turkey and China treat low riparian states but problem for India is that Pakistan is not at all weaker and submissive towards India unlike in the case of Turkey's and China's neighbors....

Pakistan shares long border with India and very much capable in hurting India where it hurts most...Indians can find solace in this news but aftermath of it , if implemented, will not be liked by anyone.....

If water will not flow then blood will....

you cannot hurt this - pin pricks like Uri are not taking you anywhere.
Since 1990 India-Pakistan relations are quite messy Indian economy and society is humming along.

the water flows in Jhelum, Ravi and Chenab will be reduced because of population increases in Jammu & Kashmir
you cannot hurt this - pin pricks like Uri are not taking you anywhere.
Since 1990 India-Pakistan relations are quite messy Indian economy and society is humming along.

the water flows in Jhelum, Ravi and Chenab will be reduced because of population increases in Jammu & Kashmir

ACHA !!! ;)
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