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India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force

Too much polishing ain't good for your health... save it for the crisis situation you have here.. :lol:
Without any doubt. PAF has done the best job in the interest of country. What is more important and should be mentioned is they didn't have the luxury to afford expensive toys but planners of PAF have done commendable job.
Still i would not rate PAF has gain superiority against IAF but the keeping everything in mind PAF is ahead but this is race which will keep going on.. and with future induction IAF seems to be right on track.
no doubt i dont think in this situation PAF is not equal to IaF BUT PaF has done very good job and it can counter any attack from Iaf. so i think this is most important for us.
India Defeated In The First Round

Adm. Mike Mullen asked Pakistan for a guarantee that Pakistan Air Force will not respond to Indian surgical strikes. General Kayani is said to have responded with showing Mullen a photograph of an IAF Mirage-2000 locked by Pakistan Air Forces� F-16 taken on December 13. �Next time, we�ll bring it down�, Mullen was told. To make sure the message was loud and clear, Pakistan Air Force jets started patrolling the skies in hot mode and a red-alert was issued throughout the country. The Indian war rhetoric has failed to impress Pakistan. Instead, the focus is now shifting to Indian intelligence agencies� failure to put together credible evidence implicating Pakistan in the Mumbai attacks.

You indians have come to the border time and time again, threatening to attack but have never dared. that can all be explained to your psyche and the fact that you were ruled by us for over a 1000 years.
You can talk all u want indians but the fact of the matter is that through out the history of the sub continent not even once has any one from the east staged an attack against the west. through out history invaders and conquers have always been coming to ravage, pillage, kill and rape you indians from the west.

Again that crap of ruling over India for 1000 years.... And about 2008 case... IAF was on a probing mission... They wanted to check the reaction time of PAF, which they did.. This has been posted even by several senior members from Pakistan side as well... If you feel that IAF retreated due to fear then you are living in fools paradise... Whenever any airforce in the world sends any strike package, they are always aware of enemy response... Do you think that IAF has got so dumb officers who would not expect a response from PAF... It was the matter of response time India was probing for...

I think I gave you a dose for the day... :wave::wave::wave:
Nonsense, PAF needs to dramatically increase its capability to come on par with IAF. Or in the next war, they will be swatted like flies. Doesn't matter how quick your response time is! It would not make much difference if we are able to send three F7s to counter one Su30. F7's will still lose. We have a decent air force that performs exceptionally well, given the amount the resources they are provided. But i wouldnt go as far to call it a leading air force.
then what is stopping them from surgical strikes :what:

Fear of wider, disproportional, response from Pakistan. Stupid logic tbh, the USAF clearly has suprtoty over the PAF and yet they don't conduct widespread action against Pakistan do they? Just because you have a superior force doesn't mean you should use it. We have heard time and again by Paksitan members here that any military action launched by India regardless of size or scale should be responded with a NUCLEAR strike- imagine if this is how the Pakistani leadership think!!Thank God the Indian side have been wise and rational up till now.
WJ claims always wonders me....he always posts some old age news paper..... wake up bud this is 2012...the gap between IAF and PAF is widening.... if you have problem to admit that.... no one can do any thing ...
Only If you read what the PAF pilot had to say about the Incident... "success and failure are two sides of the same coin".
Those F-16 tried to Break the lock.. however the Mig29 pilot persisted and forced them to withdraw... now for a civilian its nothing happened and the "aircraft was only locked and not shot down" or "they are tow different things"... however from a military point of view... the F-16 lost and flew back home.. never came back due to the fear of being shot down leaving Its ground troops at the mercy of enemy attack planes like Mig 27... not shooting the F-16 was a better result for IAF... since had it shot down more and more F-16 would've been scrambled making the Job of other attack planes difficult.
Understandably, you would only quote what you have been fed to believe, however maybe some day you will get to learn that IAF wasn't immune to getting locked on by PAF, the only time the IAF crossed the border, it's aircraft fell to PA SAMs, otherwise the IAF was conducting ground strikes within it's border, which due to the terrain and low cloud cover, weren't as successful as it's generally made out to be.
There's only one blog reporting about Su30MKI and M2K being locked... too many holes in that story and a lot false pride propaganda... unless there is some credible version of that story nothing can said about it.
The question you should ask is, has the Indian MOD, denied the incident, the interception of fully armed MKI near Lahore and Mirage-2000s over Kashmir are well documented facts.
The Atlantique Incident was a result of poor air traffic control by PN and PAF and sheer stupidity of Atlantique Pilots who tried to outsmart a supersonic Interceptor by out running it... as evident from the HUD image... about the death of Mig pilot in an air crash... that could happen to any Pilot and nothing better than warrior ending up with his tools.. a sailor dies on his ship and not on some cozy bed.
I curse the PAF for not meting out the same treatment to those Indian Choppers piloted by pilots with poor navigational comprehension, and then cook up a story, but i guess it must take a BRAVE pilot to shoot at unarmed opponent and then give his PM that Kodak moment to boost his election ratings.
Yet they can't shoot a stupid drone which fly as slow as an attack chopper... at the time of attack.
Do you have any knowledge as to at what altitude those drones fly at, often they are heard but never seen.
Many F-86 also got shot down in the process... Mig 21 is an Interceptor and not air-air combat fighter
Even in 1971, the F-86 was considered an obsolete platform, hence if they were shot down, it was expected, but F-86s taking out the likes of Migs and SU-7s proves something else, suffice to add, even the PAF retired it's F-86s over thirty years earlier where as the likes of MiG-21 and it's derivatives are still very much in active service even today.
Understandably, you would only quote what you have been fed to believe, however maybe some day you will get to learn that IAF wasn't immune to getting locked on by PAF, the only time the IAF crossed the border, it's aircraft fell to PA SAMs, otherwise the IAF was conducting ground strikes within it's border, which due to the terrain and low cloud cover, weren't as successful as it's generally made out to be.

You didn't read the account of PAF pilot regarding the incident I guess... Aircrafts keep crossing over for marginal distance during peace times that was a war with bombing raids being made right on edges LOC and supply lines.. It was quiet natural they they would cross multiple times... If they weren't crossing over the PAF wouldn't risk its F-16 at front.

If It weren't the bombing raids then what caused about 1000 PA troops and another 2000 mujaheddins(most of which were never accepted by PA and IA had to perform their last rites) to perish at the cost of about 500 or so IA troops... where as the casualty on the Indian side should've been much higher at least 10 times... If the operation were to be carried out by the ground troops only.

Operation Safed Sagar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The question you should ask is, has the Indian MOD, denied the incident, the interception of fully armed MKI near Lahore and Mirage-2000s over Kashmir are well documented facts. I curse the PAF for not meting out the same treatment to those Indian Choppers piloted by pilots with poor navigational comprehension, and then cook up a story, but i guess it must take a BRAVE pilot to shoot at unarmed opponent and then give his PM that Kodak moment to boost his election ratings.

Can prove the Pakistan MOD claiming about the incident ?
We would like to see the well documented details of this incident.

Do you have any knowledge as to at what altitude those drones fly at, often they are heard but never seen.

Maximum speed: 135 mph (117 knots, 217 km/h)
Cruise speed: 81–103 mph (70–90 knots, 130–165 km/h)
Stall speed: 62 mph (54 knots, 100 km/h) (dependent on aircraft weight)
Range: 675 nmi (675 mi/1,100 km) [76]
Endurance: 24 hours[1]
Service ceiling: 25,000 ft[74] (7,620 m)

General Atomics MQ-1 Predator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They fly too slow and at a perfect height to be shot by any MANPAD system... As you said the noise made by them would act as an early warning for the Insurgents... as would their hell fire missiles launched at them... they can even use a high caliber weapon to shot it down... by all means... If they have any.

Even in 1971, the F-86 was considered an obsolete platform, hence if they were shot down, it was expected, but F-86s taking out the likes of Migs and SU-7s proves something else, suffice to add, even the PAF retired it's F-86s over thirty years earlier where as the likes of MiG-21 and it's derivatives are still very much in active service even today.

Let me educate you once again... Mig 21 is an Interceptor air-craft, Su-7 is a bomber.... even today if a F-86 comes against a B-2 spirit bomber it would shoot it down easily.

Mig 21 and derivatives still serve today as they don't have better alternative for a supersonic interceptor for 3rd world countries.
Wasn't Paf criticized by the then COAS and president musharaff for its unwillingness to provide air cover for PA ground troops?
In a war, uninterrupted supplies are most important factor that determines the loser or the winner. Also, its important to have an indigenous research and development facilities. No country can a fight a sustainable war for a long period if it buys weapons from abroad. Buy weapons from abroad is inherently a defensive strategy.

In WWII, Germans had much superior weapons and they were all designed and produced in Germany. But they were overwhelmed by the Americans because the Americans had uninterrupted supply of weapons and although they did match the quality, they more than made it in quantity.

War is won not by the morality of action or stand but by the political backing. As the situation stands today, any war for a muslim cause, no matter how genuine or flimsy, will not get political backing or moral support.

So if a war breaks out with India, chances are Pakistan will run out of supplies and support much quickly. India will have more support and it will not lose supplies from west either.

While 'accepting' PAF is a leading force is a great compliment, for the country's survivability, it has to be the ONLY force.

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