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India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force

I think people are getting excited from the title as "India Accepts Pakistan Air Force is a Leading Force". They are taking it as PAF is leading on IAF.

No doubt PAF is getting hi tech avionics, system, air frame, pilots etc etc but saying it is ahead of IAF in tech, nos etc etc would be unfair. So need not to mislead by title guys. I could not find anywhere like PAF has an edge over IAF

What do you say guys?
In short, Lets put the number game aside and prove How INDIAN fighter planes are inferior to Pak fighter planes? How PAF is better than IAF in terms of professionalism, infrastructure, technology etc etc

Where did i said in my post that IAF fighters are inferior to Pak fighter planes? If yes please quote. Same stands for the rest of your post. The original article suggests PAF is the leading force and it has given certain facts. Whether i agree with it or not is another story, but what i do know is that even if we take the article at its face value, IAF is no pushover and the amount of money being injected into them, i seriously doubt if this will remain the case.
r u drunk??
all indian air crafts r 4th gen or 4+ gen???u mean 50 yr old mig 21,mig 23 mig 27 ,jaguar????do u know wat is 4th gen.now probably u ll say that f-16 is 3.5 gen n jf17 is 3rd gen.
f-16's radar is just ok.....that's y they put digital codes on them so they cant be copied .
n u r losing a squadron of jets per year.

This a nice way of ranting young fellaw...

Unless you have some comprehension issue in reading my post,I dont like to eloborate it for ya.

Did you see me mentioning Jag and Mig-21 under front line a/c? Jag is a perfect strike a/c with Darin-3 std avionics( pretty much modern avionics for strike roles).
While you were hibernating IAF retired MIG-23 thats why I didnt mentioned them in my post. Mig-21 with Bison standard is an excellent BVR capable point defence aircraft supporting the front line fighters.

An oxford dictionary or online dictionary would help.
This untrue thread is still hanging by the moment? where are moderators to put this thread to sleep.

Dont you people listen.

STOP DAY DREAMING i have already explained BIG YELLOW BROTHER china will not fight your war.

AND your brother arabs states will not bat a eyelids.

WHERE WAS CHINA & ARABS BROTHERS in 1965 1971 & kargil.

wat has changed TODAY

IN WAR WITH PAK you will feel the full force of a massive indian military (dont expect spilt in forces to save you)


It will be short in time ,,, sharp in movement,,,, and hard hitting.

My argument still stands. If you could do it, you would have already done it.
What has changed now is that China is a much more advanced nation than it was back then, much more politically active.
If you were to leave the door completely open to attack (and yet not occupy) a nation 1/6 of your size, then you sir, need some brains.
Another point, I can see pretty well if you write with caps off.

As for those saying we are dependent on China. Its called alliance. A country only forms an alliance if its getting something back from the deal. Otherwise no one is out to give donations in the world. Its the same as between India and Russia for the past....I dont know, since ever I guess. And that alliance is getting closer and more fruitful. So the gap can be expected to be reasonable from Pakistan's viewpoint.

So this leading air force thread is totally misleading


If there is a major INDO PAK kick off PAF strategy is " we hope IAF does not use its entire fire power against us"

" we hope china pressures INDIA by comitting threats of a 2nd front"


So this leading air force thread is totally misleading


If there is a major INDO PAK kick off PAF strategy is " we hope IAF does not use its entire fire power against us"

" we hope china pressures INDIA by comitting threats of a 2nd front"


An air force which will be able to defend its soil when faced with a reasonable enemy is a leading air force.

Let me give an analogy. You say IAF is a leading air force right?. Would it be able to stand against USAF?. No right?. Does it mean its not a leading air force?. No. You would argue that its not a possibility that it comes up against USAF and hence is potent in what its designed to do. I'm arguing the same.
East Pakistan....

You can obsess with East Pakistan as much as you like, that will not change the facts. East Pakistan was the result of fallout b/w 2 pieces of lands that were hundreds of miles apart being regarded as 1 country.
Do I need to remind you everyday of drones and jets intrusions? What about 2nd May?? Don't want to get in details as it has been already discussed to death....
And it would be unwise to listen all these assets meant for INDIA not NATO or US. I think, these are for security from external powers. right?

And I too am tired of repeating the same thing over and over again, you consider yourself to be a lot more equipped and advanced yet can you detect stealth helicopters? If you cannot then your whole argument collapses. And yes, our military is India centred indeed.
Ooops! Pardon me but your slip is showing! It is only the American drone operations within Pakistan that have been approved by your top brass. NOT operations by all and sundry with fighter aircraft! You can keep making excuses and try to obfuscate the issue but the fact remains that your Forces lack the balls to take any action against anyone violating your sovereignty on your Western borders.

Whatever happened to Kiyani's 'stern' warning after the Abbottabad incident that any violation of Pakistan sovereignty will be dealt with severely and with full force? Just a lot of the usual hot air emanating from your Generals, I guess! Jeeez!


Generals Kiyani's statements are on par with Indian statements of precision strikes against Pakistan. Same old , meaningless and gutless......I agree.

Kiyani does not have the guts to stop these attacks, I don't know why. Perhaps they still think these drone attacks some how serve Pakistan's interests as well. Which I doubt seriously.
A Gentle reminder

Dont take it has a given that this cant happen again

I am sure this can happen again........to any country. Even the mighty USSR broke in to several pieces but not just because of the USA or defeat in Afghanistan (Afghanistan could have been 1 of the many reasons). Similarly 1971 was a major blunder by Pakistan on Bangladesh, our cruelty and injustice bought upon us the downfall......but India could not, even in her wildest dreams, achieve 1971 absent severe mutiny by 56% of total population of combined Pakistan (Bangladesh was 56% and Pakistan was 44% of total population).

Even hundreds of miles apart, India was unable to do anything in the 1965 war, what changed in 1971? It was the attitude of my country towards my brothers in Bangladesh that separated us, not some wannabe super power!
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Okay.... I just got to see a thread which meant sarcastically pass through 22 pages.

In general we see two kinds of people. 1) People who believe whatever printed in print media and broadcasted on TV. 2) People who do research and believe in ground realitites than compared to unresearched and foolish articles.

I will leave that to people themself to category they belong to. Because when over patriotism hits the fan it turns to sh!t.

Describing the open realities which is a numbers game,PAF is no match to IAF.
Now lets go into little detail. When we are talking about PAF, we are talking about F-16, Mirage-III, JF-17 and F-7( a chinese copy of Mig-21).On the Contrary when we are talking about IAF we only talk about its front line fighters like MKI,Mig-29,Mirage-2000 and strike A/c Jaguar and Mig-27.On all possible counts, the a/c on this side will hit 10 out of 10 times over the other side.
We are not talking about maruts and sabres here.IAF holds all 4 and 4+ gen fighters, but not the case with PAF side.
IAF is supported with experienced midas refuelers and with link command Phalcon which is already in operational service.

This is visibly clear who holds the high ground. And when we have to go a step ahead and consider the no.of flying hours on the IAF side and how much they milk from an a/c I would say they are exceptionally good.Every IAF pilot tries to take the a/c beyond its manufacturer limitations( hence visible in many a/c crashes when a/c failed to handle the stress levels and relative component failures). But I have no idea about PAF training levels, hence leave it at that.

And when we go little technical indepth, we consider the electronics on board each a/c( like radars, EW avionics,.....) Well as a rule of thumb new a/c and western ones comes with modern aircraft. Apart from F-16block D ( wich not totally modern, but a bit of whip cream on a old coffee) all others are gen-3

N011M on MKI has a 350 km search range and a 200 km+ tracking range. This MKI also acts as a mini AWACS and feeds targets data to other a/c.The only A/C on PAF side that can come close to this range is F-16 if equipped with AN/APG-68 to get a detection range of nearly 300km.And no clue about its tracking range.
apart from MKI , M2K radar can do a tracking at 100km+ and MIG-29 at 110km tracking range.
As of today IAF has 140+ MKI, 51 M2K, 63 MIG-29. These are the front line and first to get into air along with MIG-21 Bison( only 120 a/c which are also BVR attack capable). Even these numbers outnumber the PAF a/c while ignoring the other strike a/c.

And to add more complexity we have to consider EW systems on board each a/c and AEW&C support that each side gets and refuelling capabilitites.

Unless just for the sake of arguing, its not a worthy comparision.

Now I have seen some BS posts in this thread but this 1 tops the charts.....by some distance.

Anyway I have explained many times before that PAF is assigned a defence role and not an aggressor role, what that means is that IAF will have to enter Pakistani Airspace to engage and attack at which point our AWACS, SAM Sites etc. will also come in to play. I am not convinced your AF will score 10/10 here :)

No. of flying hours and on type and quality of jets of PAF pilots is renowned over the world, PAF pilots are the only pilots who got the better of Israeli Pilots during the Arab Israel wars too, In all IAF v/s PAF encounters PAF pilots have come out shining despite being outnumbered, usually by more advanced Indian Jets, 5:1......there goes your flying hours 'theory'!

What can I expect, boys will be boys.
I am sure this can happen again........to any country. Even the mighty USSR broke in to several pieces but not just because of the USA or defeat in Afghanistan (Afghanistan could have been 1 of the many reasons). Similarly 1971 was a major blunder by Pakistan on Bangladesh, our cruelty and injustice bought upon us the downfall......but India could not, even in her wildest dreams, achieve 1971 absent severe mutiny by 56% of total population of combined Pakistan (Bangladesh was 56% and Pakistan was 44% of total population).

Even hundreds of miles apart, India was unable to do anything in the 1965 war, what changed in 1971? It was the attitude of my country towards my brothers in Bangladesh that separated us, not some wannabe super power!

Yes it would have been difficult to divide pakistan if not for their sheer brutality towards east, but does that snatch away India the credit for victory in disintegrating Pakistan,? i don't think so.

Well, a wannabe super power always waits for the attitudes to change or mood swing to happen in their enemy camp and you just gave us the opportune moment to strike and disintegrate Pakistan. You would have done the same, actually you tried that with kashmir in 1965.

well, at the end you failed, we won, and east Pakistan is gone. and the fact is, the wannabe superpower is indeed the main reason that separated your so called brotherhood.
Battle is not won by equipment...rather by courage

same goes for...its not about the car...its about the driver...
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